// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2017 by John Stevenson. package pkg; typedef logic [31:0] unique_id_t; typedef struct packed { unique_id_t foo; } inner_thing_t; typedef struct packed { inner_thing_t bar; inner_thing_t baz; } outer_thing_t; endpackage import pkg::*; interface the_intf #(parameter M=5); outer_thing_t [M-1:0] things; logic valid; modport i ( output things, output valid); modport t ( input things, input valid); endinterface module ThingMuxOH #( parameter NTHINGS = 1, parameter M = 5 ) ( input logic [NTHINGS-1:0] select_oh, the_intf.t things_in [NTHINGS-1:0], the_intf.i thing_out ); endmodule module Thinker #( parameter M = 5, parameter N = 2) ( input logic clk, input logic reset, input unique_id_t uids[0:N-1], the_intf.t thing_inp, the_intf.i thing_out ); the_intf #(.M(M)) curr_things [N-1:0] (); the_intf #(.M(M)) prev_things [N-1:0] (); the_intf #(.M(M)) curr_thing (); the_intf #(.M(M)) prev_thing (); logic [N-1:0] select_oh; // 1st mux: ThingMuxOH #( .NTHINGS ( N ), .M ( M )) curr_thing_mux( .select_oh( select_oh ), .things_in( curr_things ), .thing_out( curr_thing )); // 2nd mux, comment this out and no problem: ThingMuxOH #( .NTHINGS ( N ), .M ( M )) prev_thing_mux( .select_oh( select_oh ), .things_in( prev_things ), .thing_out( prev_thing )); endmodule module t ( input logic clk, input logic reset ); localparam M = 5; localparam N = 2; unique_id_t uids[0:N-1]; the_intf #(.M(M)) thing_inp(); the_intf #(.M(M)) thing_out(); Thinker #( .M ( M ), .N ( N )) thinker( .clk ( clk ), .reset ( reset ), .uids ( uids ), .thing_inp( thing_inp ), .thing_out( thing_out )); endmodule