// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; // verilator lint_off GENCLK reg [7:0] cyc; initial cyc = 0; reg [7:0] padd; reg dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2, dsp_reset; /*AUTOWIRE*/ // Beginning of automatic wires (for undeclared instantiated-module outputs) wire [7:0] out; // From dspchip of t_dspchip.v // End of automatics t_dspchip dspchip (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .out (out[7:0]), // Inputs .dsp_ph1 (dsp_ph1), .dsp_ph2 (dsp_ph2), .dsp_reset (dsp_reset), .padd (padd[7:0])); always @ (posedge clk) begin $write("cyc %d\n",cyc); if (cyc == 8'd0) begin cyc <= 8'd1; dsp_reset <= 0; // Need a posedge padd <= 0; end else if (cyc == 8'd20) begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end else begin cyc <= cyc + 8'd1; dsp_ph1 <= ((cyc&8'd3) == 8'd0); dsp_ph2 <= ((cyc&8'd3) == 8'd2); dsp_reset <= (cyc == 8'd1); padd <= cyc; //$write("[%0t] cyc %d %x->%x\n", $time, cyc, padd, out); case (cyc) default: $stop; 8'd01: ; 8'd02: ; 8'd03: ; 8'd04: ; 8'd05: ; 8'd06: ; 8'd07: ; 8'd08: ; 8'd09: if (out!==8'h04) $stop; 8'd10: if (out!==8'h04) $stop; 8'd11: if (out!==8'h08) $stop; 8'd12: if (out!==8'h08) $stop; 8'd13: if (out!==8'h00) $stop; 8'd14: if (out!==8'h00) $stop; 8'd15: if (out!==8'h00) $stop; 8'd16: if (out!==8'h00) $stop; 8'd17: if (out!==8'h0c) $stop; 8'd18: if (out!==8'h0c) $stop; 8'd19: if (out!==8'h10) $stop; endcase end end endmodule module t_dspchip (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs out, // Inputs dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2, dsp_reset, padd ); input dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2, dsp_reset; input [7:0] padd; output [7:0] out; wire dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2; wire [7:0] out; wire pla_ph1, pla_ph2; wire out1_r; wire [7:0] out2_r, padd; wire clk_en; t_dspcore t_dspcore (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .out1_r (out1_r), .pla_ph1 (pla_ph1), .pla_ph2 (pla_ph2), // Inputs .dsp_ph1 (dsp_ph1), .dsp_ph2 (dsp_ph2), .dsp_reset (dsp_reset), .clk_en (clk_en)); t_dsppla t_dsppla (/*AUTOINST*/ // Outputs .out2_r (out2_r[7:0]), // Inputs .pla_ph1 (pla_ph1), .pla_ph2 (pla_ph2), .dsp_reset (dsp_reset), .padd (padd[7:0])); assign out = out1_r ? 8'h00 : out2_r; assign clk_en = 1'b1; endmodule module t_dspcore (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs out1_r, pla_ph1, pla_ph2, // Inputs dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2, dsp_reset, clk_en ); input dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2, dsp_reset; input clk_en; output out1_r, pla_ph1, pla_ph2; wire dsp_ph1, dsp_ph2, dsp_reset; wire pla_ph1, pla_ph2; reg out1_r; always @(posedge dsp_ph1 or posedge dsp_reset) begin if (dsp_reset) out1_r <= 1'h0; else out1_r <= ~out1_r; end assign pla_ph1 = dsp_ph1; assign pla_ph2 = dsp_ph2 & clk_en; endmodule module t_dsppla (/*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs out2_r, // Inputs pla_ph1, pla_ph2, dsp_reset, padd ); input pla_ph1, pla_ph2, dsp_reset; input [7:0] padd; output [7:0] out2_r; wire pla_ph1, pla_ph2, dsp_reset; wire [7:0] padd; reg [7:0] out2_r; reg [7:0] latched_r; always @(posedge pla_ph1 or posedge dsp_reset) begin if (dsp_reset) latched_r <= 8'h00; else latched_r <= padd; end always @(posedge pla_ph2 or posedge dsp_reset) begin if (dsp_reset) out2_r <= 8'h00; else out2_r <= latched_r; end endmodule