#!/usr/bin/env perl # See copyright, etc in below POD section. ###################################################################### use warnings; use Cwd; use File::Copy qw(cp); use File::Path qw(mkpath); use File::Spec; use FindBin qw($RealBin); use Getopt::Long; use Parallel::Forker; use Unix::Processors; use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use strict; use vars qw($Debug); our $Opt_Stop = 1; our $Opt_Fastcov = 1; our $Exclude_Branch_Regexp; our $Exclude_Line_Regexp; our $Remove_Gcda_Regexp; our @Remove_Sources; our @Source_Globs; our $Fork = new Parallel::Forker(use_sig_child => 1, poll_interval => 10*1000); $Fork->max_proc(Unix::Processors->new->max_online * 1.5); $SIG{CHLD} = sub { Parallel::Forker::sig_child($Fork); }; $SIG{TERM} = sub { $Fork->kill_tree_all('TERM') if $Fork && $Fork->in_parent; die "Quitting...\n"; }; #====================================================================== # main our $Opt_Hashset; our $opt_stages = ''; our $Opt_Scenarios; our %Opt_Stages; our @Opt_Tests; autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; Getopt::Long::config("no_auto_abbrev"); if (! GetOptions( "debug" => sub { $Debug = 1; }, "hashset=s" => \$Opt_Hashset, # driver.pl hashset "<>" => sub { die "%Error: Unknown parameter: $_[0]\n"; }, "fastcov!" => \$Opt_Fastcov, # use fastcov, not documented, for debug "scenarios=s" => \$Opt_Scenarios, # driver.pl scenarios "stage=s" => \$opt_stages, # starting stage number "stages=s" => \$opt_stages, # starting stage number "stop!" => \$Opt_Stop, # stop/do not stop on error in tests "test=s@" => \@Opt_Tests, # test name )) { die "%Error: Bad usage, try 'code_coverage --help'\n"; } { my $start = 0; my $end = 99; if ($opt_stages && $opt_stages =~ /^(\d+)$/) { $start = $end = $1; } elsif ($opt_stages && $opt_stages =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+$)$/) { $start = $1; $end = $2; } elsif ($opt_stages && $opt_stages =~ /^-(\d+$)$/) { $end = $1; } elsif ($opt_stages && $opt_stages =~ /^(\d+)-$/) { $start = $1; } elsif ($opt_stages) { die "%Error: --stages not understood: $opt_stages,"; } for (my $n = $start; $n <= $end; ++$n) { $Opt_Stages{$n} = 1; } } test(); exit(0); ####################################################################### sub test { -r "nodist/code_coverage.dat" or die "%Error: Run from the top of the verilator kit,"; require "./nodist/code_coverage.dat"; if ($Opt_Stages{1}) { ci_fold_start("configure"); print "Stage 1: configure (coverage on)\n"; run("make distclean || true"); run("autoconf"); # Exceptions can pollute the branch coverage data run("./configure --enable-longtests CXX='g++ --coverage -fno-exceptions -DVL_GCOV'"); ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{2}) { ci_fold_start("build"); print "Stage 2: build\n"; my $nproc = Unix::Processors->new->max_online; run("make -k -j $nproc VERILATOR_NO_OPT_BUILD=1"); # The optimized versions will not collect good coverage, overwrite them run("cp bin/verilator_bin_dbg bin/verilator_bin"); run("cp bin/verilator_coverage_bin_dbg bin/verilator_coverage_bin"); ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{3}) { ci_fold_start("test"); print "Stage 3: make tests (with coverage on)\n"; if ($#Opt_Tests < 0) { run("make examples VERILATOR_NO_OPT_BUILD=1") if !$Opt_Scenarios || $Opt_Scenarios =~ /dist/i; run("make test_regress VERILATOR_NO_OPT_BUILD=1" . ($Opt_Scenarios ? " SCENARIOS='".$Opt_Scenarios."'" : "") . ($Opt_Hashset ? " DRIVER_HASHSET='--hashset=".$Opt_Hashset."'" : "") . ($Opt_Stop ? '' : ' || true')); } else { foreach my $test (@Opt_Tests) { if (! -f $test && -f "test_regress/t/${test}") { $test = "test_regress/t/${test}"; } run($test); } } ci_fold_end(); } my $cc_dir = "nodist/obj_dir/coverage"; if ($Opt_Stages{4}) { ci_fold_start("gcno"); print "Stage 4: Create gcno files under $cc_dir\n"; mkpath($cc_dir); mkpath("$cc_dir/info"); my $dats = `find . -print | grep .gcda`; my %dats; foreach my $dat (split '\n', $dats) { $dats{$dat} = 1; } foreach my $dat (sort keys %dats) { (my $gcno = $dat) =~ s!\.gcda$!.gcno!; if ($dat =~ /$Remove_Gcda_Regexp/) { # Remove .gcda/.gcno for files we don't care about before we slowly # read them unlink $dat; unlink $gcno; delete $dats{$dat}; next; } } $dats = `find . -print | grep .gcno`; my %gcnos; foreach my $gcno (split '\n', $dats) { (my $gbase = $gcno) =~ s!.*/!!; $gcnos{$gbase} = File::Spec->rel2abs($gcno); } # We need a matching .gcno for every .gcda, try to find a matching file elsewhere foreach my $dat (sort keys %dats) { (my $gcno = $dat) =~ s!\.gcda$!.gcno!; (my $gbase = $gcno) =~ s!.*/!!; if (!-r $gcno) { if ($gcnos{$gbase}) { symlink($gcnos{$gbase}, $gcno) or die "%Error: can't ln -s $gcnos{$gbase} $gcno,"; } else { warn "MISSING .gcno for a .gcda: $gcno\n"; } } } ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{5} && $Opt_Fastcov) { ci_fold_start("fastcov"); # Must run in root directory to find all files mkpath($cc_dir); #run("${RealBin}/fastcov.py -b -c src/obj_dbg -X". # " --exclude /usr --exclude test_regress" # ." -o ${cc_dir}/app_total.json"); run("${RealBin}/fastcov.py -b -c src/obj_dbg -X --lcov". " --exclude /usr --exclude test_regress" ." -o ${cc_dir}/app_total.info"); ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{5} && !$Opt_Fastcov) { ci_fold_start("infos"); print "Stage 5: make infos\n"; my $dats = `find . -print | grep .gcda`; my %dirs; foreach my $dat (split '\n', $dats) { (my $dir = $dat) =~ s!/[^/]+$!!; $dirs{$dir} = 1; } foreach my $dir (sort keys %dirs) { (my $outname = $dir) =~ s![^a-zA-Z0-9]+!_!g; $Fork->schedule(run_on_start => sub { # .info may be empty, so ignore errors (unfortunately) run("cd $cc_dir/info ; lcov -c -d ../../../../$dir --exclude /usr -o app_test_${outname}.info || true"); })->run; } $Fork->wait_all; ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{6}) { ci_fold_start("clone"); # No control file to override single lines, so replicate the sources # Also lets us see the insertion markers in the HTML source res print "Stage 6: Clone sources under $cc_dir\n"; clone_sources($cc_dir); ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{8} && !$Opt_Fastcov) { ci_fold_start("copy"); print "Stage 8: Copy .gcno files\n"; my $dats = `find . -print | grep .gcno`; foreach my $dat (sort (split '\n', $dats)) { next if $dat =~ /$cc_dir/; my $outdat = $cc_dir."/".$dat; #print "cp $dat, $outdat);\n"; cp($dat, $outdat); } ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{10} && !$Opt_Fastcov) { ci_fold_start("combine"); print "Stage 10: Combine data files\n"; { run("cd $cc_dir ; lcov -c -i -d src/obj_dbg -o app_base.info"); run("cd $cc_dir ; lcov -a app_base.info -o app_total.info"); my $infos = `cd $cc_dir ; find info -print | grep .info`; my $comb = ""; my @infos = (sort (split /\n/, $infos)); foreach my $info (@infos) { $comb .= " -a $info"; # Need to batch them to avoid overrunning shell command length limit if (length($comb) > 10000 || $info eq $infos[$#infos]) { # .info may be empty, so ignore errors (unfortunately) run("cd $cc_dir ; lcov -a app_total.info $comb -o app_total.info || true"); $comb = ""; } } } ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{11}) { ci_fold_start("dirs"); print "Stage 11: Cleanup paths\n"; if ($Opt_Fastcov) { cleanup_abs_paths_info($cc_dir, "$cc_dir/app_total.info", "$cc_dir/app_total.info"); #cleanup_abs_paths_json($cc_dir, "$cc_dir/app_total.json", "$cc_dir/app_total.json"); } else { cleanup_abs_paths_info($cc_dir, "$cc_dir/app_total.info", "$cc_dir/app_total.info"); } ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{12}) { ci_fold_start("filter"); print "Stage 12: Filter processed source files\n"; my $inc = ''; foreach my $glob (@Source_Globs) { foreach my $infile (glob $glob) { $inc .= " '$infile'"; } } my $exc = ''; foreach my $glob (@Remove_Sources) { # Fastcov does exact match not globbing at present # Lcov requires whole path match so needs the glob $glob =~ s!^\*!! if $Opt_Fastcov; $glob =~ s!\*$!! if $Opt_Fastcov; $exc .= " '$glob'"; } if ($Opt_Fastcov) { $inc = "--include ".$inc if $inc ne ''; $exc = "--exclude ".$exc if $exc ne ''; run("cd $cc_dir ; ${RealBin}/fastcov.py -C app_total.info ${inc} ${exc} -x --lcov -o app_total_f.info"); } else { run("cd $cc_dir ; lcov --remove app_total.info $exc -o app_total_f.info"); } ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{17}) { ci_fold_start("report"); print "Stage 17: Create HTML\n"; run("cd $cc_dir ; genhtml app_total_f.info --demangle-cpp" ." --rc lcov_branch_coverage=1 --rc genhtml_hi_limit=100 --output-directory html"); ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{18}) { ci_fold_start("upload"); print "Stage 18: Upload\n"; my $cmd = "bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -f $cc_dir/app_total.info"; print "print: Not running: export CODECOV_TOKEN=\n"; print "print: Not running: $cmd\n"; ci_fold_end(); } if ($Opt_Stages{19}) { print "*-* All Finished *-*\n"; print "\n"; print "* See report in ${cc_dir}/html/index.html\n"; print "* Remember to make distclean && ./configure before working on non-coverage\n"; } } sub clone_sources { my $cc_dir = shift; my $excluded_lines = 0; my $excluded_br_lines = 0; foreach my $glob (@Source_Globs) { foreach my $infile (glob $glob) { $infile !~ m!^/! or die "%Error: source globs should be relative not absolute filenames,"; my $outfile = $cc_dir."/".$infile; (my $outpath = $outfile) =~ s!/[^/]*$!!; mkpath($outpath); my $fh = IO::File->new("<$infile") or die "%Error: $! $infile,"; my $ofh = IO::File->new(">$outfile") or die "%Error: $! $outfile,"; my $lineno = 0; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { $lineno++; chomp $line; if ($line =~ /LCOV_EXCL_LINE/) { $line .= " LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE"; } elsif ($line =~ /LCOV_EXCL_START/) { $line .= " LCOV_EXCL_BR_START"; } elsif ($line =~ /LCOV_EXCL_STOP/) { $line .= " LCOV_EXCL_BR_STOP"; } elsif ($line =~ /$Exclude_Line_Regexp/) { $line .= " //code_coverage: // LCOV_EXCL_LINE LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE"; $excluded_lines++; $excluded_br_lines++; #print "$infile:$lineno: $line"; } elsif ($line =~ /$Exclude_Branch_Regexp/) { $line .= " //code_coverage: // LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE"; $excluded_br_lines++; #print "$infile:$lineno: $line"; } $ofh->print("$line\n"); } } } print "Number of source lines automatically LCOV_EXCL_LINE'ed: $excluded_lines\n"; print "Number of source lines automatically LCOV_EXCL_BR_LINE'ed: $excluded_br_lines\n"; } sub cleanup_abs_paths_info { my $cc_dir = shift; my $infile = shift; my $outfile = shift; my $fh = IO::File->new("<$infile") or die "%Error: $! $infile,"; my @lines; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { if ($line =~ m!^SF:!) { $line =~ s!$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/!!; $line =~ s!$cc_dir/!!; $line =~ s!obj_dbg/verilog.y$!verilog.y!; #print "Remaining SF: ",$line; } push @lines, $line; } my $ofh = IO::File->new(">$outfile") or die "%Error: $! $outfile,"; $ofh->print(@lines); } sub cleanup_abs_paths_json { my $cc_dir = shift; my $infile = shift; my $outfile = shift; # Handcrafted cleanup, alternative would be to deserialize/serialize JSON # But JSON::Parse not installed by default # JSON::PP more likely to be installed, but slower my $fh = IO::File->new("<$infile") or die "%Error: $! $infile,"; my @lines; while (defined(my $line = $fh->getline)) { $line =~ s!"$ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}/!"!g; $line =~ s!"$cc_dir/!"!g; $line =~ s!obj_dbg/verilog.y$!verilog.y!g; push @lines, $line; } my $ofh = IO::File->new(">$outfile") or die "%Error: $! $outfile,"; $ofh->print(@lines); } ####################################################################### # .dat file callbacks sub exclude_branch_regexp { $Exclude_Branch_Regexp = shift; } sub exclude_line_regexp { $Exclude_Line_Regexp = shift; } sub remove_gcda_regexp { $Remove_Gcda_Regexp = shift; } sub remove_source { my @srcs = @_; push @Remove_Sources, @srcs; } sub source_globs { my @dirs = @_; push @Source_Globs, @dirs; } ####################################################################### sub run { # Run a system command, check errors my $command = shift; print "\t$command\n"; system "$command"; my $status = $?; ($status == 0) or die "%Error: Command Failed $command, $status, stopped"; } our $_Ci_Action; sub ci_fold_start { $_Ci_Action = shift; print "::group::$_Ci_Action\n"; } sub ci_fold_end { print "::endgroup::\n"; } ####################################################################### __END__ =pod =head1 NAME code_coverage - Build and collect Verilator coverage =head1 SYNOPSIS cd $VERILATOR_ROOT nodist/code_coverage =head1 DESCRIPTION code_coverage builds Verilator with C++ coverage support and runs tests with coverage enabled. This will rebuild the current object files. =head1 ARGUMENTS =over 4 =item --hashset I Pass test hashset onto driver.pl test harness. =item --help Displays this message and program version and exits. =item --scenarios I Pass test scenarios onto driver.pl test harness. =item --stages I Runs a specific stage or range of stages (see the script). =item --no-stop Do not stop collecting data if tests fail. =item --test I Instead of normal regressions, run the specified test. May be specified multiple times for multiple tests. =back =head1 DISTRIBUTION Copyright 2019-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 =head1 AUTHORS Wilson Snyder =head1 SEE ALSO C =cut ###################################################################### ### Local Variables: ### compile-command: "cd .. ; nodist/code_coverage " ### End: