// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2001-2020 by Wilson Snyder.  This program is free software;
// you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
// This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
// for more details.
/// \file
/// \brief Coverage analysis support

#define _VERILATED_COV_H_ 1

#include "verilatedos.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

/// Conditionally compile coverage code

# define VL_IF_COVER(stmts) do { stmts ; } while(0)
# define VL_IF_COVER(stmts) do { if(0) { stmts ; } } while(0)

/// Insert a item for coverage analysis.
/// The first argument is a pointer to the count to be dumped.
/// The remaining arguments occur in pairs: A string key, and a value.
/// The value may be a string, or another type which will be auto-converted to a string.
/// Some typical keys:
///     filename        File the recording occurs in.  Defaults to __FILE__
///     lineno          Line number the recording occurs in.  Defaults to __LINE__
///     column          Column number (or occurrence# for dup file/lines).  Defaults to undef.
///     hier            Hierarchical name.  Defaults to name()
///     type            Type of coverage.  Defaults to "user"
///                     Other types are 'block', 'fsm', 'toggle'.
///     comment         Description of the coverage event.  Should be set by the user.
///                     Comments for type==block: 'if', 'else', 'elsif', 'case'
///     thresh          Threshold to consider fully covered.
///                     If unspecified, downstream tools will determine it.
/// Examples:
///     vluint32_t m_cases[10];
///     constructor {
///         for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { m_cases[i]=0; }
///     }
///     for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
///             VL_COVER_INSERT(&m_cases[i], "comment", "Coverage Case", "i", cvtToNumStr(i));
///     }

#define VL_COVER_INSERT(countp,args...) \
    VL_IF_COVER(VerilatedCov::_inserti(countp); \
                VerilatedCov::_insertf(__FILE__, __LINE__); \
                VerilatedCov::_insertp("hier", name(), args))

/// Convert VL_COVER_INSERT value arguments to strings

template< class T> std::string vlCovCvtToStr(const T& t) VL_PURE {
    std::ostringstream os; os<<t; return os.str();

//  VerilatedCov
///  Verilator coverage global class
/// Global class with methods affecting all coverage data.
/// All public methods in this class are thread safe.

class VerilatedCov {
    /// Return default filename
    static const char* defaultFilename() VL_PURE { return "coverage.dat"; }
    /// Write all coverage data to a file
    static void write(const char* filenamep = defaultFilename()) VL_MT_SAFE;
    /// Insert a coverage item
    /// We accept from 1-30 key/value pairs, all as strings.
    /// Call _insert1, followed by _insert2 and _insert3
    /// Do not call directly; use VL_COVER_INSERT or higher level macros instead
    // _insert1: Remember item pointer with count.  (Not const, as may add zeroing function)
    static void _inserti(vluint32_t* itemp) VL_MT_SAFE;
    static void _inserti(vluint64_t* itemp) VL_MT_SAFE;
    // _insert2: Set default filename and line number
    static void _insertf(const char* filename, int lineno) VL_MT_SAFE;
    // _insert3: Set parameters
    // We could have just the maximum argument version, but this compiles
    // much slower (nearly 2x) than having smaller versions also.  However
    // there's not much more gain in having a version for each number of args.
#define K(n) const char* key ## n
#define A(n) const char* key ## n, const char* valp ## n  // Argument list
#define D(n) const char* key ## n = NULL, const char* valp ## n = NULL  // Argument list
    static void _insertp(D(0),D(1),D(2),D(3),D(4),D(5),D(6),D(7),D(8),D(9));
    static void _insertp(A(0),A(1),A(2),A(3),A(4),A(5),A(6),A(7),A(8),A(9)
    static void _insertp(A(0),A(1),A(2),A(3),A(4),A(5),A(6),A(7),A(8),A(9)
    // Backward compatibility for Verilator
    static void _insertp(A(0), A(1),  K(2),int val2,  K(3),int val3,
                         K(4),const std::string& val4,  A(5),A(6));

#undef K
#undef A
#undef D
    /// Clear coverage points (and call delete on all items)
    static void clear() VL_MT_SAFE;
    /// Clear items not matching the provided string
    static void clearNonMatch(const char* matchp) VL_MT_SAFE;
    /// Zero coverage points
    static void zero() VL_MT_SAFE;

#endif  // Guard