// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2000-2010 by Wilson Snyder. //=========================================================================== // Includes `include "t_preproc_inc2.vh" //=========================================================================== // Comments /* verilator pass_thru comment */ // verilator pass_thru_comment2 //=========================================================================== // Defines `define DEF_A3 `define DEF_A1 // DEF_A0 set by command line wire [3:0] q = { `ifdef DEF_A3 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif , `ifdef DEF_A2 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif , `ifdef DEF_A1 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif , `ifdef DEF_A0 1'b1 `else 1'b0 `endif }; text. `define FOOBAR foo /*this */ bar /* this too */ `define FOOBAR2 foobar2 // but not `FOOBAR `FOOBAR2 `define MULTILINE first part \ second part \ third part `define MOREMULTILINE {\ a,\ b,\ c} /*******COMMENT*****/ `MULTILINE `MOREMULTILINE Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__ //=========================================================================== `define syn_negedge_reset_l or negedge reset_l `define DEEP deep `define DEEPER `DEEP `DEEP `DEEPER `define nosubst NOT_SUBSTITUTED `define WITHTICK "`nosubst" "Inside: `nosubst" `WITHTICK `define withparam(a, b) a b LLZZ a b `withparam(x,y) `withparam(`withparam(p,q),`withparam ( r , s )) `withparam(firstline , comma","line) `define withquote(a, bar) a bar LLZZ "a" bar `withquote( x , y) `define noparam (a,b) `noparam(a,b) `define msg(x,y) `"x: `\`"y`\`"`" $display(`msg(left side, right side)) `define foo(f) f``_suffix `foo(bar) more `define zap(which) \ $c("Zap(\"",which,"\");"); `zap(bug1); `zap("bug2"); /* Define inside comment: `DEEPER and `WITHTICK */ // More commentary: `zap(bug1); `zap("bug2"); //====================================================================== // display passthru `define ls left_side `define rs right_side `define noarg na `define thru(x) x `define thruthru `ls `rs // Doesn't expand `define msg(x,y) `"x: `\`"y`\`"`" initial begin //$display(`msg( \`, \`)); // Illegal $display(`msg(pre `thru(thrupre `thru(thrumid) thrupost) post,right side)); $display(`msg(left side,right side)); $display(`msg( left side , right side )); $display(`msg( `ls , `rs )); $display(`msg( `noarg , `rs )); $display(`msg( prep ( midp1 `ls midp2 ( outp ) ) , `rs )); $display(`msg(`noarg,`noarg`noarg)); $display(`msg( `thruthru , `thruthru )); // Results vary between simulators $display(`msg(`thru(),)); // Empty $display(`msg(`thru(left side),`thru(right side))); $display(`msg( `thru( left side ) , `thru( right side ) )); $display(`"standalone`"); // Unspecified when the stringification has multiple lines `define twoline first \ second $display(`msg(twoline, `twoline)); //$display(`msg(left side, \ right side \ )); // Not sure \{space} is legal. $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule //====================================================================== // rt.cpan.org bug34429 `define ADD_UP(a,c) \ wire tmp_``a = a; \ wire tmp_``c = tmp_``a + 1; \ assign c = tmp_``c ; module add1 ( input wire d1, output wire o1); `ADD_UP(d1,o1) // expansion is OK endmodule module add2 ( input wire d2, output wire o2); `ADD_UP( d2 , o2 ) // expansion is bad endmodule `define check(mod, width, flopname, gate, path) \ generate for (i=0; i<(width); i=i+1) begin \ psl cover { path.d[i] & ~path.q[i] & !path.cond & (gate)} report `"fondNoRise: mod.flopname`"; \ psl cover { ~path.d[i] & path.q[i] & !path.cond & (gate)} report `"fondNoFall: mod.flopname`"; \ end endgenerate // parameterized macro with arguments that are macros `define MK m5k.f `define MF `MK .ctl `define CK_fr (`MF.alive & `MF.alive_m1) `check(m5kc_fcl, 3, _ctl_mvldx_m1, `CK_fr, `MF._ctl_mvldx_m1) // ignorecmt //====================================================================== // Quotes are legal in protected blocks. Grr. module prot(); `protected I!#r#e6<_Q{{E2+]I3<[3s)1@D|'E''i!O?]jD>Jo_![Cl) #nj1]p,3^1~,="E@QZB\T)eU\pC#C|7=\$J$##A[@-@{Qk] `endprotected endmodule //" //====================================================================== // macro call with define that has comma `define REG_H 6 `define REG_L 7 `define _H regs[`REG_H] `define _L regs[`REG_L] `define _HL {`_H, `_L} `define EX_WRITE(ad, da) begin addr <= (ad); wdata <= (da); wr <= 1; end `define EX_READ(ad) begin addr <= (ad); rd <= 1; end `EX_READ((`_HL + 1)) and `EX_WRITE((`_HL), rdata) `EX_READ(`_HL + 1) `EX_WRITE(`_HL, rdata) more //====================================================================== // include of parameterized file `define INCNAME "t_preproc_inc4.vh" `include `INCNAME `ifndef T_PREPROC_INC4 `error "No Inc4" `endif `undef T_PREPROC_INC4 `ifdef NOT_DEFINED_INC `include NOT_DEFINED_INC `endif //====================================================================== // macro call with , in {} `define xxerror(logfile, msg) $blah(logfile,msg) `xxerror("ab,cd","e,f"); `xxerror(this.logfile, vec); `xxerror(this.logfile, vec[1,2,3]); `xxerror(this.logfile, {blah.name(), " is not foo"}); //====================================================================== // pragma/default net type `pragma foo = 1 `default_nettype none `default_nettype uwire //====================================================================== // Ifdef `define EMPTY_TRUE `ifndef EMPTY_TRUE `error "Empty is still true" `endif Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__ //====================================================================== // bug84 `define ARGPAR(a, // Hello, comments MIGHT not be legal /*more,,)cmts*/ b // But newlines ARE legal... who speced THAT? ) (a,b) `ARGPAR(p,q) `ARGPAR( //Here x, y //Too ) Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__ //====================================================================== // defines split arguments `define BEGIN begin `define END end `define BEGINEND `BEGIN`END `define quoteit(x) `"x`" `BEGIN`END // 2001 spec doesn't require two tokens, so "beginend" ok `BEGINEND // 2001 spec doesn't require two tokens, so "beginend" ok `quoteit(`BEGIN`END) // No space "beginend" //====================================================================== // bug106 `define \esc`def got_escaped `ifdef \esc`def `\esc`def `endif Not a \`define //====================================================================== // misparsed comma in submacro `define sb bee `define appease_emacs_paren_matcher ( `define sa(l) x,y) `define sfoo(q,r) q--r `sfoo(`sa(el),`sb) submacro has comma paren //====================================================================== // bug191 `define bug191(bits) $display("bits %d %d", $bits(foo), `bits); `bug191(10) //====================================================================== // 1800-2009 `define UDALL `ifndef PREDEF_COMMAND_LINE `error "Test setup error, PREDEF_COMMAND_LINE pre-missing" `endif `undefineall `ifdef UDALL `error "undefineall failed" `endif `ifndef PREDEF_COMMAND_LINE `error "Deleted too much, no PREDEF_COMMAND_LINE" `endif //====================================================================== // bug202 `define FC_INV3(out, in) \ `ifdef DC \ cell \inv_``out <$typeof(out)> (.a(), .o()); \ /* multi-line comment \ multi-line comment */ \ `else \ `ifdef MACRO_ATTRIBUTE \ (* macro_attribute = `"INV (out``,in``)`" *) \ `endif \ assign out = ~in ; \ `endif `FC_INV3(a3,b3) `define /* multi \ line1*/ \ bug202( i /*multi \ line2*/ \ ) \ /* multi \ line 3*/ \ def i \ `bug202(foo) //====================================================================== `define CMT1 // verilator NOT IN DEFINE `define CMT2 /* verilator PART OF DEFINE */ `define CMT3 /* verilator NOT PART OF DEFINE */ `define CMT4 /* verilator PART \ OF DEFINE */ `define CMT5 // CMT NOT \ also in // BUT TEXT IS \ also3 // CMT NOT 1 `CMT1 (nodef) 2 `CMT2 (hasdef) 3 `CMT3 (nodef) 4 `CMT4 (nodef) 5 `CMT5 (nodef) `define NL HAS a NEW \ LINE `NL //====================================================================== `define msg_fatal(log, msg) \ do \ /* synopsys translate_off */ \ `ifdef NEVER \ `error "WTF" \ `else \ if (start(`__FILE__, `__LINE__)) begin \ `endif \ message(msg); \ end \ /* synopsys translate_on */ \ while(0) `define msg_scen_(cl) cl``_scen `define MSG_MACRO_TO_STRING(x) `"x`" EXP: clxx_scen `msg_scen_(clxx) EXP: clxx_scen `MSG_MACRO_TO_STRING(`msg_scen_(clxx)) `define mf(clx) `msg_fatal(this.log, {"Blah-", `MSG_MACRO_TO_STRING(`msg_scen_(clx)), " end"}); EXP: do if (start("verilog/inc1.v", 25)) begin message({"Blah-", "clx_scen", " end"}); end while(0); `mf(clx) //====================================================================== `define makedefine(name) \ `define def_``name This is name \ `define def_``name``_2 This is name``_2 \ `makedefine(fooed) `ifndef def_fooed `error "No def_fooed" `endif //`ifndef def_fooed_2 `error "No def_fooed_2" `endif EXP: This is fooed `def_fooed EXP: This is fooed_2 `def_fooed_2 //====================================================================== `define NOPARAM() np `NOPARAM() `NOPARAM( ) //====================================================================== // It's unclear if the spec allows this; is text_macro_idenitfier before or after substitution? `define NODS_DEFINED `define NODS_INDIRECT(x) x `ifndef `NODS_INDIRECT(NODS_DEFINED) `error "Indirect failed" `endif `ifdef `NODS_INDIRECT(NODS_UNDEFINED) `error "Indirect2 failed" `endif //====================================================================== // Metaprogramming `define REPEAT_0(d) `define REPEAT_1(d) d `define REPEAT_2(d) `REPEAT_1(d)d `define REPEAT_3(d) `REPEAT_2(d)d `define REPEAT_4(d) `REPEAT_3(d)d `define CONCAT(a, b) a``b `define REPEATC(n, d) `CONCAT(`REPEAT_, n)(d) `define REPEATT(n, d) `REPEAT_``n(d) `REPEATC(3, hello3 ) `REPEATT(4, hello4 ) //====================================================================== // Include from stringification `undef T_PREPROC_INC4 `define NODS_CONC_VH(m) `"m.vh`" `include `NODS_CONC_VH(t_preproc_inc4) `ifndef T_PREPROC_INC4 `error_here `endif //====================================================================== // Defines doing defines // Note the newline on the end - required to form the end of a define `define DEFINEIT(d) d \ `define _DEFIF_Z_0 1 `define DEFIF_NZ(d,n) `undef d `ifndef _DEFIF_Z_``n `DEFINEIT(`define d 1) `endif `DEFIF_NZ(TEMP,1) `ifndef TEMP `error "bad" `endif `DEFIF_NZ(TEMP,0) `ifdef TEMP `error "bad0" `endif Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__ //====================================================================== // Quoted multiline - track line numbers, and insure \\n gets propagated `define MULQUOTE "FOO \ BAR " `define MULQUOTE2(mq) `MULQUOTE mq `MULQUOTE Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__ `MULQUOTE2("arg_line1 \ arg_line2") Line_Preproc_Check `__LINE__ //====================================================================== // bug283 `define A a `define B b `define C c // EXP: abc `define C5 `A``b```C `C5 `undef A `undef B `undef C `define XTYPE sonet `define XJOIN(__arg1, __arg2) __arg1``__arg2 `define XACTION `XJOIN(`XTYPE, _frame) EXP: sonet_frame `XACTION // `define XFRAME frame `define XACTION2 `XJOIN(sonet_, `XFRAME) EXP: sonet_frame `XACTION2 // This result varies between simulators `define sonet_frame other_frame `define XACTION3 `XTYPE``_frame EXP: sonet_frame `XACTION3 // The existance of non-existance of a base define can make a difference `define QA_b zzz `define Q1 `QA``_b EXP: module zzz ; endmodule module `Q1 ; endmodule module `Q1 ; endmodule `define QA a EXP: module a_b ; endmodule module `Q1 ; endmodule module `Q1 ; endmodule //======================================================================