// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// Copyright 2001-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
/// \file
/// \brief C++ Tracing in FST Format

#define _VERILATED_FST_C_H_ 1

#include "verilated.h"
#include "verilated_trace.h"

#include "gtkwave/fstapi.h"

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

// VerilatedFst
/// Base class to create a Verilator FST dump
/// This is an internally used class - see VerilatedFstC for what to call from applications

class VerilatedFst : public VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst> {
    // Give the superclass access to private bits (to avoid virtual functions)
    friend class VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst>;

    // FST specific internals

    typedef std::map<vluint32_t, fstHandle> Code2SymbolType;
    typedef std::map<int, fstEnumHandle> Local2FstDtype;

    void* m_fst;
    Code2SymbolType m_code2symbol;
    Local2FstDtype m_local2fstdtype;
    std::list<std::string> m_curScope;
    fstHandle* m_symbolp = nullptr;  ///< same as m_code2symbol, but as an array
    char* m_strbuf = nullptr;  ///< String buffer long enough to hold maxBits() chars

    void declare(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
                 fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);

    // Implementation of VerilatedTrace interface

    // Implementations of protected virtual methods for VerilatedTrace
    virtual void emitTimeChange(vluint64_t timeui) override;

    // Hooks called from VerilatedTrace
    virtual bool preFullDump() override { return isOpen(); }
    virtual bool preChangeDump() override { return isOpen(); }

    // Implementations of duck-typed methods for VerilatedTrace. These are
    // called from only one place (namely full*) so always inline them.
    inline void emitBit(vluint32_t code, CData newval);
    inline void emitCData(vluint32_t code, CData newval, int bits);
    inline void emitSData(vluint32_t code, SData newval, int bits);
    inline void emitIData(vluint32_t code, IData newval, int bits);
    inline void emitQData(vluint32_t code, QData newval, int bits);
    inline void emitWData(vluint32_t code, const WData* newvalp, int bits);
    inline void emitDouble(vluint32_t code, double newval);

    // External interface to client code

    explicit VerilatedFst(void* fst = nullptr);

    /// Open the file; call isOpen() to see if errors
    void open(const char* filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE;
    /// Close the file
    void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE;
    /// Flush any remaining data to this file
    void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE;
    /// Is file open?
    bool isOpen() const { return m_fst != nullptr; }

    // Internal interface to Verilator generated code

    /// Inside dumping routines, declare a data type
    void declDTypeEnum(int dtypenum, const char* name, vluint32_t elements,
                       unsigned int minValbits, const char** itemNamesp, const char** itemValuesp);

    /// Inside dumping routines, declare a signal
    void declBit(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
                 fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum);
    void declBus(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
                 fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
    void declQuad(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
                  fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
    void declArray(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
                   fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum, int msb, int lsb);
    void declDouble(vluint32_t code, const char* name, int dtypenum, fstVarDir vardir,
                    fstVarType vartype, bool array, int arraynum);

// Declare specialization here as it's used in VerilatedFstC just below
template <> void VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst>::dump(vluint64_t timeui);
template <> void VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst>::set_time_unit(const char* unitp);
template <> void VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst>::set_time_unit(const std::string& unit);
template <> void VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst>::set_time_resolution(const char* unitp);
template <> void VerilatedTrace<VerilatedFst>::set_time_resolution(const std::string& unit);

// VerilatedFstC
/// Create a FST dump file in C standalone (no SystemC) simulations.
/// Also derived for use in SystemC simulations.
/// Thread safety: Unless otherwise indicated, every function is VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE

class VerilatedFstC {
    VerilatedFst m_sptrace;  ///< Trace file being created


    explicit VerilatedFstC(void* filep = nullptr)
        : m_sptrace{filep} {}
    ~VerilatedFstC() { close(); }
    /// Routines can only be called from one thread; allow next call from different thread
    void changeThread() { spTrace()->changeThread(); }

    /// Is file open?
    bool isOpen() const { return m_sptrace.isOpen(); }
    // METHODS
    /// Open a new FST file
    void open(const char* filename) VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.open(filename); }
    /// Close dump
    void close() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.close(); }
    /// Flush dump
    void flush() VL_MT_UNSAFE_ONE { m_sptrace.flush(); }
    /// Write one cycle of dump data
    void dump(vluint64_t timeui) { m_sptrace.dump(timeui); }
    /// Write one cycle of dump data - backward compatible and to reduce
    /// conversion warnings.  It's better to use a vluint64_t time instead.
    void dump(double timestamp) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(timestamp)); }
    void dump(vluint32_t timestamp) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(timestamp)); }
    void dump(int timestamp) { dump(static_cast<vluint64_t>(timestamp)); }
    /// Set time units (s/ms, defaults to ns)
    /// For Verilated models, these propage from the Verilated default --timeunit
    void set_time_unit(const char* unitp) { m_sptrace.set_time_unit(unitp); }
    void set_time_unit(const std::string& unit) { m_sptrace.set_time_unit(unit); }
    /// Set time resolution (s/ms, defaults to ns)
    /// For Verilated models, these propage from the Verilated default --timeunit
    void set_time_resolution(const char* unitp) { m_sptrace.set_time_resolution(unitp); }
    void set_time_resolution(const std::string& unit) { m_sptrace.set_time_resolution(unit); }

    /// Internal class access
    inline VerilatedFst* spTrace() { return &m_sptrace; };

#endif  // guard