// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Demonstrate deferred linking error messages // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2015 by Todd Strader. interface foo_intf; logic a; endinterface function integer the_other_func (input integer val); return val; endfunction module t (/*AUTOARG*/); localparam N = 4; foo_intf foos [N-1:0] (); logic [ 7 : 0 ] bar; // Non-constant dotted select is not allowed assign foos[bar].a = 1'b1; baz baz_inst (); // Unsure how to produce V3Param AstCellRef visitor errors //assign baz_inst.x = 1'b1; //assign baz_inst.N = 1'b1; //assign baz_inst.7 = 1'b1; //assign baz_inst.qux_t = 1'b1; //assign baz_inst.the_func = 1'b1; //assign baz_inst.the_lp = 1'b1; //assign bar.x = 1'b1; //assign fake_inst.x = 1'b1; //assign the_other_func.x = 1'b1; initial begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule module baz; typedef integer qux_t; function integer the_func (input integer val); return val; endfunction localparam the_lp = 5; endmodule