// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Netlist (top level) functions // // Code available from: https://verilator.org // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2003-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you // can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 // //************************************************************************* // Overview of files involved in parsing // V3Parse.h External consumer interface to V3ParseImp // V3ParseImp Internals to parser, common to across flex & bison // V3ParseGrammar Wrapper that includes V3ParseBison // V3ParseBison Bison output // V3ParseLex Wrapper that includes lex output // V3Lexer.yy.cpp Flex output //************************************************************************* #include "config_build.h" #include "verilatedos.h" #include "V3Error.h" #include "V3Global.h" #include "V3Os.h" #include "V3Ast.h" #include "V3File.h" #include "V3ParseImp.h" #include "V3PreShell.h" #include "V3LanguageWords.h" #include "V3ParseBison.h" // Generated by bison #include //====================================================================== // Globals V3ParseImp* V3ParseImp::s_parsep = NULL; int V3ParseSym::s_anonNum = 0; //###################################################################### // Parser constructor V3ParseImp::~V3ParseImp() { for (std::deque::iterator it = m_stringps.begin(); it != m_stringps.end(); ++it) { VL_DO_DANGLING(delete *it, *it); } m_stringps.clear(); for (std::deque::iterator it = m_numberps.begin(); it != m_numberps.end(); ++it) { VL_DO_DANGLING(delete *it, *it); } m_numberps.clear(); lexDestroy(); parserClear(); if (debug() >= 9) { UINFO(0, "~V3ParseImp\n"); symp()->dump(cout, "-vpi: "); } } //###################################################################### // Parser utility methods void V3ParseImp::ppline(const char* textp) { // Handle `line directive FileLine* prevFl = copyOrSameFileLine(); int enterExit; fileline()->lineDirective(textp, enterExit /*ref*/); if (enterExit == 1) { // Enter fileline()->parent(prevFl); } else if (enterExit == 2) { // Exit FileLine* upFl = fileline()->parent(); if (upFl) upFl = upFl->parent(); if (upFl) fileline()->parent(upFl); } } void V3ParseImp::timescalePreproc(FileLine* fl, const char* textp) { // Parse `timescale of / VTimescale unit; VTimescale prec; VTimescale::parseSlashed(fl, textp, unit /*ref*/, prec /*ref*/); m_timeLastUnit = v3Global.opt.timeComputeUnit(unit); v3Global.rootp()->timeprecisionMerge(fileline(), prec); } void V3ParseImp::timescaleMod(FileLine* fl, AstNodeModule* modp, bool unitSet, double unitVal, bool precSet, double precVal) { VTimescale unit(VTimescale::NONE); if (unitSet) { bool bad; unit = VTimescale(unitVal, bad /*ref*/); if (bad) { UINFO(1, "Value = " << unitVal << endl); fl->v3error("timeunit illegal value"); } } VTimescale prec(VTimescale::NONE); if (precSet) { bool bad; prec = VTimescale(precVal, bad /*ref*/); if (bad) { UINFO(1, "Value = " << precVal << endl); fl->v3error("timeprecision illegal value"); } } if (!unit.isNone()) { if (modp) { modp->timeunit(v3Global.opt.timeComputeUnit(unit)); } else { fl->v3error("timeunit/timeprecision not under a module"); } } v3Global.rootp()->timeprecisionMerge(fileline(), prec); } void V3ParseImp::verilatorCmtLintSave() { m_lintState.push_back(*parsep()->fileline()); } void V3ParseImp::verilatorCmtLintRestore(FileLine* fl) { if (m_lintState.empty()) { fl->v3error("/*verilator lint_restore*/ without matching save"); return; } fl->warnStateFrom(m_lintState.back()); m_lintState.pop_back(); } void V3ParseImp::verilatorCmtLint(FileLine* fl, const char* textp, bool warnOff) { const char* sp = textp; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && !isspace(*sp)) sp++; while (*sp && isspace(*sp)) sp++; string msg = sp; string::size_type pos; if ((pos = msg.find('*')) != string::npos) msg.erase(pos); if (!(parsep()->fileline()->warnOff(msg, warnOff))) { if (!parsep()->optFuture(msg)) { fl->v3error("Unknown verilator lint message code: '" << msg << "', in '" << textp << "'"); } } } void V3ParseImp::verilatorCmtBad(FileLine* fl, const char* textp) { string cmtparse = textp; if (cmtparse.substr(0, strlen("/*verilator")) == "/*verilator") { cmtparse.replace(0, strlen("/*verilator"), ""); } while (isspace(cmtparse[0])) cmtparse.replace(0, 1, ""); string cmtname; for (int i = 0; isalnum(cmtparse[i]); i++) { cmtname += cmtparse[i]; } if (!parsep()->optFuture(cmtname)) fl->v3error("Unknown verilator comment: '" << textp << "'"); } void V3ParseImp::errorPreprocDirective(const char* textp) { // Find all `preprocessor spelling candidates // Can't make this static as might get more defines later when read cells VSpellCheck speller; for (V3LanguageWords::const_iterator it = V3LanguageWords::begin(); it != V3LanguageWords::end(); ++it) { string ppDirective = it->first; if (ppDirective[0] == '`') speller.pushCandidate(ppDirective); } V3PreShell::candidateDefines(&speller); string suggest = speller.bestCandidateMsg(textp); fileline()->v3error("Define or directive not defined: '" << textp << "'\n" << (suggest.empty() ? "" : fileline()->warnMore() + suggest)); } void V3ParseImp::tag(const char* text) { if (m_tagNodep) { string tmp = text + strlen("/*verilator tag "); string::size_type pos; if ((pos = tmp.rfind("*/")) != string::npos) { tmp.erase(pos); } m_tagNodep->tag(tmp); } } double V3ParseImp::parseTimenum(const char* textp) { size_t length = strlen(textp); char* strgp = new char[length + 1]; char* dp = strgp; const char* sp = textp; for (; isdigit(*sp) || *sp == '_' || *sp == '.'; ++sp) { if (*sp != '_') *dp++ = *sp; } *dp++ = '\0'; double d = strtod(strgp, NULL); string suffix(sp); double divisor = 1; if (suffix == "s") { divisor = 1; } else if (suffix == "ms") { divisor = 1e3; } else if (suffix == "us") { divisor = 1e6; } else if (suffix == "ns") { divisor = 1e9; } else if (suffix == "ps") { divisor = 1e12; } else if (suffix == "fs") { divisor = 1e15; } else { // verilog.l checks the suffix for us, so this is an assert v3fatalSrc("Unknown time suffix " << suffix); } VL_DO_DANGLING(delete[] strgp, strgp); return d / divisor; } //###################################################################### // Parser tokenization size_t V3ParseImp::ppInputToLex(char* buf, size_t max_size) { size_t got = 0; while (got < max_size // Haven't got enough && !m_ppBuffers.empty()) { // And something buffered string front = m_ppBuffers.front(); m_ppBuffers.pop_front(); size_t len = front.length(); if (len > (max_size - got)) { // Front string too big string remainder = front.substr(max_size - got); front = front.substr(0, max_size - got); m_ppBuffers.push_front(remainder); // Put back remainder for next time len = (max_size - got); } memcpy(buf + got, front.c_str(), len); got += len; } if (debug() >= 9) { string out = string(buf, got); cout << " inputToLex got=" << got << " '" << out << "'" << endl; } // Note returns 0 at EOF return got; } void V3ParseImp::preprocDumps(std::ostream& os) { if (v3Global.opt.dumpDefines()) { V3PreShell::dumpDefines(os); } else { bool noblanks = v3Global.opt.preprocOnly() && v3Global.opt.preprocNoLine(); for (std::deque::iterator it = m_ppBuffers.begin(); it != m_ppBuffers.end(); ++it) { if (noblanks) { bool blank = true; for (string::iterator its = it->begin(); its != it->end(); ++its) { if (!isspace(*its) && *its != '\n') { blank = false; break; } } if (blank) continue; } os << *it; } } } void V3ParseImp::parseFile(FileLine* fileline, const string& modfilename, bool inLibrary, const string& errmsg) { // "" for no error, make fake node string modname = V3Os::filenameNonExt(modfilename); UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << modname << (inLibrary ? " [LIB]" : "") << endl); m_fileline = new FileLine(fileline); m_fileline->newContent(); m_inLibrary = inLibrary; // Preprocess into m_ppBuffer bool ok = V3PreShell::preproc(fileline, modfilename, m_filterp, this, errmsg); if (!ok) { if (errmsg != "") return; // Threw error already // Create fake node for later error reporting AstNodeModule* nodep = new AstNotFoundModule(fileline, modname); v3Global.rootp()->addModulep(nodep); return; } if (v3Global.opt.preprocOnly() || v3Global.opt.keepTempFiles()) { // Create output file with all the preprocessor output we buffered up string vppfilename = v3Global.opt.makeDir() + "/" + v3Global.opt.prefix() + "_" + modname + ".vpp"; std::ofstream* ofp = NULL; std::ostream* osp; if (v3Global.opt.preprocOnly()) { osp = &cout; } else { osp = ofp = V3File::new_ofstream(vppfilename); } if (osp->fail()) { fileline->v3error("Cannot write preprocessor output: " + vppfilename); return; } else { preprocDumps(*osp); if (ofp) { ofp->close(); VL_DO_DANGLING(delete ofp, ofp); } } } // Parse it if (!v3Global.opt.preprocOnly()) { lexFile(modfilename); } else { m_ppBuffers.clear(); } } void V3ParseImp::lexFile(const string& modname) { // Prepare for lexing UINFO(3, "Lexing " << modname << endl); s_parsep = this; fileline()->warnResetDefault(); // Reenable warnings on each file lexDestroy(); // Restart from clean slate. lexNew(); // Lex it if (bisonParse()) v3fatal("Cannot continue\n"); } bool V3ParseImp::bisonValIdThenColon() const { return bisonValPrev().token == yaID__ETC && bisonValCur().token == yP_COLONCOLON; } void V3ParseImp::lexToken() { // called from lexToBison, has a "this" // Fetch next token from prefetch or real lexer int token; if (m_ahead) { // We prefetched an extra token, give it back m_ahead = false; token = m_aheadVal.token; yylval = m_aheadVal; } else { // Parse new token token = yylexReadTok(); // yylval // Set by yylexReadTok() } // If a paren, read another if (token == '(' // || token == yCONST__LEX // || token == yGLOBAL__LEX // || token == yLOCAL__LEX // || token == yNEW__LEX // || token == ySTATIC__LEX // || token == yVIRTUAL__LEX // || token == yWITH__LEX // // Never put yID_* here; below symbol table resolution would break ) { if (debugFlex() >= 6) { cout << " lexToken: reading ahead to find possible strength" << endl; } V3ParseBisonYYSType curValue = yylval; // Remember value, as about to read ahead int nexttok = yylexReadTok(); m_ahead = true; m_aheadVal = yylval; m_aheadVal.token = nexttok; yylval = curValue; // Now potentially munge the current token if (token == '(' && (nexttok == ygenSTRENGTH || nexttok == ySUPPLY0 || nexttok == ySUPPLY1)) { token = yP_PAR__STRENGTH; } else if (token == yCONST__LEX) { if (nexttok == yREF) { token = yCONST__REF; } else { token = yCONST__ETC; } } else if (token == yGLOBAL__LEX) { if (nexttok == yCLOCKING) { token = yGLOBAL__CLOCKING; } else if (v3Global.opt.pedantic()) { token = yGLOBAL__ETC; } // Avoid 2009 "global" conflicting with old code when we can else { token = yaID__LEX; yylval.strp = V3ParseImp::parsep()->newString("global"); } } else if (token == yLOCAL__LEX) { if (nexttok == yP_COLONCOLON) { token = yLOCAL__COLONCOLON; } else { token = yLOCAL__ETC; } } else if (token == yNEW__LEX) { if (nexttok == '(') { token = yNEW__PAREN; } else { token = yNEW__ETC; } } else if (token == ySTATIC__LEX) { if (nexttok == yCONSTRAINT) { token = ySTATIC__CONSTRAINT; } else { token = ySTATIC__ETC; } } else if (token == yVIRTUAL__LEX) { if (nexttok == yCLASS) { token = yVIRTUAL__CLASS; } else if (nexttok == yINTERFACE) { token = yVIRTUAL__INTERFACE; } else if (nexttok == yaID__ETC // || nexttok == yaID__LEX) { // || nexttok == yaID__aINTERFACE // but we may not know interfaces yet. token = yVIRTUAL__anyID; } else { token = yVIRTUAL__ETC; } } else if (token == yWITH__LEX) { if (nexttok == '(') { token = yWITH__PAREN; } else if (nexttok == '[') { token = yWITH__BRA; } else if (nexttok == '{') { token = yWITH__CUR; } else { token = yWITH__ETC; } } // If add to above "else if", also add to "if (token" further above } // If an id, change the type based on symbol table // Note above sometimes converts yGLOBAL to a yaID__LEX if (token == yaID__LEX) { VSymEnt* foundp; if (VSymEnt* look_underp = V3ParseImp::parsep()->symp()->nextId()) { UINFO(7, " lexToken: next id lookup forced under " << look_underp << endl); foundp = look_underp->findIdFallback(*(yylval.strp)); // "consume" it. Must set again if want another token under temp scope V3ParseImp::parsep()->symp()->nextId(NULL); } else { UINFO(7, " lexToken: find upward " << V3ParseImp::parsep()->symp()->symCurrentp() << " for '" << *(yylval.strp) << "'" << endl); // if (debug()>=9) V3ParseImp::parsep()->symp()->symCurrentp()->dump(cout," -findtree: // ", true); foundp = V3ParseImp::parsep()->symp()->symCurrentp()->findIdFallback(*(yylval.strp)); } if (foundp) { AstNode* scp = foundp->nodep(); yylval.scp = scp; UINFO(7, " lexToken: Found " << scp << endl); if (VN_IS(scp, Typedef)) { token = yaID__aTYPE; } else if (VN_IS(scp, TypedefFwd)) { token = yaID__aTYPE; } else if (VN_IS(scp, Class)) { token = yaID__aTYPE; } // Packages (and class static references) we could // alternatively determine by looking for an yaID__LEX followed // by yP_COLONCOLON (but we can't lookahead after an yaID__LEX // as described above.) else if (VN_IS(scp, Package)) { token = yaID__aPACKAGE; } else { token = yaID__ETC; } } else { // Not found yylval.scp = NULL; token = yaID__ETC; } } yylval.token = token; // effectively returns yylval } int V3ParseImp::lexToBison() { // Called as global since bison doesn't have our pointer lexToken(); // sets yylval m_bisonValPrev = m_bisonValCur; m_bisonValCur = yylval; // yylval.scp = NULL; // Symbol table not yet needed - no packages if (debugFlex() >= 6 || debugBison() >= 6) { // --debugi-flex and --debugi-bison cout << " {" << yylval.fl->filenameLetters() << yylval.fl->asciiLineCol() << "} lexToBison TOKEN=" << yylval.token << " " << tokenName(yylval.token); if (yylval.token == yaID__ETC // || yylval.token == yaID__LEX // || yylval.token == yaID__aTYPE) { cout << " strp='" << *(yylval.strp) << "'"; } cout << endl; } return yylval.token; } //====================================================================== // V3Parse functions V3Parse::V3Parse(AstNetlist* rootp, VInFilter* filterp, V3ParseSym* symp) { m_impp = new V3ParseImp(rootp, filterp, symp); } V3Parse::~V3Parse() { // VL_DO_CLEAR(delete m_impp, m_impp = NULL); } void V3Parse::parseFile(FileLine* fileline, const string& modname, bool inLibrary, const string& errmsg) { m_impp->parseFile(fileline, modname, inLibrary, errmsg); } void V3Parse::ppPushText(V3ParseImp* impp, const string& text) { if (text != "") impp->ppPushText(text); }