// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2020 by Yutetsu TAKATSUKASA. // If split_var pragma is removed, UNOPTFLAT appears. module barshift_1d_unpacked #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out /*verilator split_var*/); localparam OFFSET = -3; logic [WIDTH-1:0] tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET] /*verilator split_var*/; generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb if (shift[i]) begin /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = {tmp[i+OFFSET][(1 << i)-1:0], tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:(2**i)]}; /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end else begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET]; end end endgenerate assign tmp[0+OFFSET] = in; assign out[WIDTH-1-:WIDTH-1] = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:1]; assign out[0] = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET][0+:1]; endmodule module barshift_1d_unpacked_le #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); localparam OFFSET = -3; // almost same as above module, but tmp[smaller:bigger] here. logic [WIDTH-1:0] tmp[OFFSET:DEPTH+OFFSET] /*verilator split_var*/; generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb if (shift[i]) begin /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = {tmp[i+OFFSET][(1 << i)-1:0], tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:(2**i)]}; /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end else begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET]; end end endgenerate assign tmp[0+OFFSET] = in; assign out = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET]; endmodule module barshift_1d_unpacked_struct0 #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); localparam OFFSET = 1; typedef struct packed { logic [WIDTH-1:0] data; } data_type; data_type tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET] /*verilator split_var*/; generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb if (shift[i]) begin /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = {tmp[i+OFFSET][(1 << i)-1:0], tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:(2**i)]}; /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end else begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET]; end end endgenerate assign tmp[0+OFFSET] = in; assign out = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET]; endmodule module barshift_2d_unpacked #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); localparam OFFSET = 1; localparam N = 3; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp0[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp1[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp2[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1]; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp3[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp4[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp5[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1]; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp6[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp7[DEPTH+OFFSET+1:OFFSET+1][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp8[DEPTH+OFFSET+3:OFFSET-1][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp9[DEPTH+OFFSET+3:OFFSET+3][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp10[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; // because tmp11 is not split for testing mixture usage of split_var and no-spliv_ar, // UNOPTFLAT appears, but it's fine. /*verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT*/ reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp11[-1:1][DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1]; /*verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT*/ reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp12[-1:0][DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; reg [WIDTH-1:0] tmp13[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET][OFFSET:OFFSET+N-1] /*verilator split_var*/; generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin for(genvar j = OFFSET; j < N + OFFSET; ++j) begin always_comb if (shift[i]) begin /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ tmp0[i+1+OFFSET][j] = {tmp0[i+OFFSET][j][(1 << i)-1:0], tmp0[i+OFFSET][j][WIDTH-1:(2**i)]}; /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end else begin tmp0[i+1+OFFSET][j] = tmp0[i+OFFSET][j]; end end end for(genvar j = OFFSET; j < N + OFFSET; ++j) begin assign tmp0[0 + OFFSET][j] = in; end endgenerate assign tmp1 = tmp0; // split both side assign tmp2 = tmp1; // split only rhs assign tmp3 = tmp2; // split only lhs always_comb tmp4 = tmp3; // split both side always_comb tmp5 = tmp4; // split only rhs always_comb tmp6 = tmp5; // split only lhs assign tmp7 = tmp6; assign tmp8[DEPTH+OFFSET+1:OFFSET+1] = tmp7; assign tmp9 = tmp8[DEPTH+OFFSET+1:OFFSET+1]; assign tmp10[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET] = tmp9[DEPTH+OFFSET+3:OFFSET+3]; assign tmp11[1] = tmp10; assign tmp11[-1] = tmp11[1]; assign tmp11[0] = tmp11[-1]; assign tmp12 = tmp11[0:1]; assign out = tmp12[1][DEPTH+OFFSET][OFFSET]; endmodule module barshift_1d_unpacked_struct1 #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); localparam OFFSET = 2; typedef struct packed { int data; } data_type; data_type tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET:OFFSET] /*verilator split_var*/; localparam [32-WIDTH-1:0] pad = 0; generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb if (shift[i]) begin /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = {pad, tmp[i+OFFSET][(1 << i)-1:0], tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:(2**i)]}; /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end else begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET]; end end endgenerate assign tmp[0+OFFSET] = {pad, in}; assign out = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:0]; endmodule module barshift_2d_packed_array #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); localparam OFFSET = -2; /*verilator lint_off LITENDIAN*/ reg [OFFSET:DEPTH+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:0] tmp /*verilator split_var*/; /*verilator lint_on LITENDIAN*/ generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ if (shift[i]) begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = {tmp[i+OFFSET][(1 << i)-1:0], tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:(2**i)]}; end else begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET][1:0] = tmp[i+OFFSET][1:0]; tmp[i+1+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:2] = tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-1:2]; end /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end endgenerate assign tmp[0+OFFSET] = in; assign out = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET]; endmodule module barshift_2d_packed_array_le #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); localparam OFFSET = -2; /*verilator lint_off LITENDIAN*/ reg [OFFSET:DEPTH+OFFSET][OFFSET:WIDTH-1+OFFSET] tmp /*verilator split_var*/; /*verilator lint_on LITENDIAN*/ generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb /*verilator lint_off ALWCOMBORDER*/ if (shift[i]) begin tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = {tmp[i+OFFSET][WIDTH-(2**i)+OFFSET:WIDTH-1+OFFSET], tmp[i+OFFSET][OFFSET:WIDTH-(2**i)-1+OFFSET]}; end else begin // actulally just tmp[i+1+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET] tmp[i+1+OFFSET][0+OFFSET:2+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET][0+OFFSET:2+OFFSET]; tmp[i+1+OFFSET][3+OFFSET] = tmp[i+OFFSET][3+OFFSET]; {tmp[i+1+OFFSET][4+OFFSET],tmp[i+1+OFFSET][5+OFFSET]} = {tmp[i+OFFSET][4+OFFSET], tmp[i+OFFSET][5+OFFSET]}; {tmp[i+1+OFFSET][7+OFFSET],tmp[i+1+OFFSET][6+OFFSET]} = {tmp[i+OFFSET][7+OFFSET], tmp[i+OFFSET][6+OFFSET]}; end /*verilator lint_on ALWCOMBORDER*/ end endgenerate assign tmp[0+OFFSET] = in; assign out = tmp[DEPTH+OFFSET]; endmodule module barshift_1d_packed_struct #(localparam DEPTH = 3, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); typedef struct packed { logic [WIDTH-1:0] v0, v1, v2, v3; } data_type; wire data_type tmp /*verilator split_var*/; assign tmp.v0 = in; assign tmp.v1 = shift[0] == 1'b1 ? {tmp.v0[(1 << 0)-1:0], tmp.v0[WIDTH-1:2**0]} : tmp.v0; assign tmp.v2 = shift[1] == 1'b1 ? {tmp.v1[(1 << 1)-1:0], tmp.v1[WIDTH-1:2**1]} : tmp.v1; assign tmp.v3 = shift[2] == 1'b1 ? {tmp.v2[(1 << 2)-1:0], tmp.v2[WIDTH-1:2**2]} : tmp.v2; assign out = tmp.v3; endmodule module barshift_bitslice #(parameter DEPTH = 2, localparam WIDTH = 2**DEPTH) (input [WIDTH-1:0] in, input [DEPTH-1:0] shift, output [WIDTH-1:0] out); /*verilator lint_off LITENDIAN*/ wire [0:WIDTH*(DEPTH+1) - 1] tmp /*verilator split_var*/; /*verilator lint_on LITENDIAN*/ generate for(genvar i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i) begin always_comb if (shift[i]) begin tmp[WIDTH*(i+1):WIDTH*(i+1+1)-1] = {tmp[WIDTH*(i+1)-(1<