#!/usr/bin/env perl ###################################################################### # # Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you # can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU # Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License # Version 2.0. # ###################################################################### require 5.006_001; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin qw($RealBin $RealScript); use IO::File; use Pod::Usage; use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd); use strict; use vars qw($Debug @Opt_Verilator_Sw); ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # main autoflush STDOUT 1; autoflush STDERR 1; $Debug = 0; # No arguments can't do anything useful. Give help if ($#ARGV < 0) { pod2usage(-exitstatus=>2, -verbose=>0); } # We sneak a look at the flags so we can do some pre-environment checks # All flags will hit verilator... foreach my $sw (@ARGV) { $sw = "'$sw'" if $sw =~ m![^---a-zA-Z0-9_/\\:.+]!; push @Opt_Verilator_Sw, $sw; } Getopt::Long::config("no_auto_abbrev","pass_through"); if (! GetOptions ( # Major operating modes "help" => \&usage, "debug:s" => \&debug, # "version!" => \&version, # Also passthru'ed # Additional parameters "<>" => sub {}, # Ignored )) { pod2usage(-exitstatus=>2, -verbose=>0); } # Normal, non gdb run(verilator_coverage_bin() ." ".join(' ',@Opt_Verilator_Sw)); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { pod2usage(-verbose=>2, -exitval=>0, -output=>\*STDOUT); } sub debug { shift; my $level = shift; $Debug = $level||3; } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Builds sub verilator_coverage_bin { my $bin = ""; # Use VERILATOR_ROOT if defined, else assume verilator_bin is in the search path my $basename = ($ENV{VERILATOR_COVERAGE_BIN} || "verilator_coverage_bin_dbg"); if (defined($ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT})) { my $dir = $ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}; if (-x "$dir/bin/$basename" || -x "$dir/bin/$basename.exe") { # From a "make install" into VERILATOR_ROOT $bin = "$dir/bin/$basename"; } else { $bin = "$dir/$basename"; # From pointing to kit directory } } else { if (-x "$RealBin/$basename" || -x "$RealBin/$basename.exe") { $bin = "$RealBin/$basename"; # From path/to/verilator with verilator_bin installed } else { $bin = $basename; # Find in PATH } # Note we don't look under bin/$basename which would be right if running # in the kit dir. Running that would likely break, since # VERILATOR_ROOT wouldn't be set and Verilator won't find internal files. } return $bin; } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### # Utilities sub run { # Run command, check errors my $command = shift; $! = undef; # Cleanup -x print "\t$command\n" if $Debug>=3; system($command); my $status = $?; if ($status) { if ($! =~ /no such file or directory/i) { warn "%Error: verilator_coverage: Misinstalled, or VERILATOR_ROOT might need to be in environment\n"; } if ($Debug) { # For easy rerunning warn "%Error: export VERILATOR_ROOT=".($ENV{VERILATOR_ROOT}||"")."\n"; warn "%Error: $command\n"; } if ($status & 127) { if (($status & 127) == 8 || ($status & 127) == 11) { # SIGFPA or SIGSEGV warn "%Error: Verilator_coverage internal fault, sorry.\n" if !$Debug; } elsif (($status & 127) == 6) { # SIGABRT warn "%Error: Verilator_coverage aborted.\n" if !$Debug; } else { warn "%Error: Verilator_coverage threw signal $status.\n" if !$Debug; } } if ($status != 256 || $Debug) { # i.e. not normal exit(1) warn "%Error: Command Failed $command\n"; } exit $! if $!; # errno exit $? >> 8 if $? >> 8; # child exit status exit 255; # last resort } } ####################################################################### ####################################################################### package main; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME verilator_coverage - Verilator coverage analyzer =head1 SYNOPSIS verilator_coverage --help verilator_coverage --version verilator_coverage --annotate <obj> verilator_coverage -write merged.dat -read <datafiles>... verilator_coverage -write-info merged.info -read <datafiles>... Verilator_coverage processes Verilated model-generated coverage reports. For documentation see L<https://verilator.org/guide/latest/exe_verilator_coverage.html>. =head1 ARGUMENT SUMMARY <filename> Specify input data filename, default "coverage.dat" --annotate <output_dir> Directory name for source annotation. --annotate-all All files should be shown. --annotate-min <count> Minimum occurrence count for uncovered. --help Displays this message and version and exits. --rank Compute relative importance of tests. --unlink With --write, unlink all inputs --version Displays program version and exits. --write <filename> Write aggregate coverage results. --write-info <filename.info> Write lcov .info. +libext+I<ext>+I<ext>... Extensions for Verilog files. +define+I<var>+I<value> Defines the given variable. -DI<var>=I<value> Defines the given variable. +incdir+I<dir> Add directory for finding include files. -II<dir> Add directory for finding include files. -y I<dir> Specifies module search directory. =head1 DISTRIBUTION The latest version is available from L<https://verilator.org>. Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify the Verilator internals under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0. SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0 =head1 SEE ALSO C<verilator>, C<lcov> L<verilator_coverage --help> which is the source for this document. and L<https://verilator.org/guide/latest/exe_verilator_coverage.html> for detailed documentation. =cut ######################################################################