// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2004 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 module t (/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; by_width #(1) w1 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(31) w31 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(32) w32 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(33) w33 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(63) w63 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(64) w64 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(65) w65 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(95) w95 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(96) w96 (.clk(clk)); by_width #(97) w97 (.clk(clk)); reg signed [15:0] a; reg signed [4:0] b; reg signed [15:0] sr,srs,sl,sls; reg [15:0] b_s; reg [15:0] b_us; task check_s(input signed [7:0] i, input [7:0] expval); //$display("check_s %x\n", i); if (i !== expval) $stop; endtask task check_us(input signed [7:0] i, input [7:0] expval); //$display("check_us %x\n", i); if (i !== expval) $stop; endtask always @* begin sr = a>>b; srs = copy_signed(a)>>>b; sl = a<<b; sls = a<<<b; // verilator lint_off WIDTH b_s = b>>>4; // Signed b_us = b[4:0]>>>4; // Unsigned, due to extract check_s ( 3'b111, 8'h07); check_s (3'sb111, 8'hff); check_us( 3'b111, 8'h07); check_us(3'sb111, 8'hff); // Note we sign extend ignoring function's input requirements // verilator lint_on WIDTH end reg signed [32:0] bug349; initial begin end integer i; initial begin if ((-1 >>> 3) != -1) $stop; // Decimals are signed // verilator lint_off WIDTH if ((3'b111 >>> 3) != 0) $stop; // Based numbers are unsigned if ((3'sb111 >>> 3) != -1) $stop; // Signed based numbers // verilator lint_on WIDTH if ( (3'sb000 > 3'sb000)) $stop; if (!(3'sb000 > 3'sb111)) $stop; if ( (3'sb111 > 3'sb000)) $stop; if ( (3'sb000 < 3'sb000)) $stop; if ( (3'sb000 < 3'sb111)) $stop; if (!(3'sb111 < 3'sb000)) $stop; if (!(3'sb000 >= 3'sb000)) $stop; if (!(3'sb000 >= 3'sb111)) $stop; if ( (3'sb111 >= 3'sb000)) $stop; if (!(3'sb000 <= 3'sb000)) $stop; if ( (3'sb000 <= 3'sb111)) $stop; if (!(3'sb111 <= 3'sb000)) $stop; // When we multiply overflow, the sign bit stays correct. if ( (4'sd2*4'sd8) != 4'd0) $stop; // From the spec: // verilator lint_off WIDTH i = -12 /3; if (i !== 32'hfffffffc) $stop; i = -'d12 /3; if (i !== 32'h55555551) $stop; i = -'sd12 /3; if (i !== 32'hfffffffc) $stop; i = -4'sd12 /3; if (i !== 32'h00000001) $stop; // verilator lint_on WIDTH // verilator lint_off WIDTH bug349 = 4'sb1111 - 1'b1; if (bug349 != 32'he) $stop; end function signed [15:0] copy_signed; input [15:0] ai; copy_signed = ai; endfunction integer cyc; initial cyc = 0; wire [31:0] ucyc = cyc; always @ (posedge clk) begin cyc <= cyc + 1; `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $write("%x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", cyc, sr,srs,sl,sls, b_s,b_us); `endif case (cyc) 0: begin a <= 16'sh8b1b; b <= 5'sh1f; // -1 end 1: begin // Check spaces in constants a <= 16 'sh 8b1b; b <= 5'sh01; // -1 end 2: begin a <= 16'sh8b1b; b <= 5'sh1e; // shift AMOUNT is really unsigned if (ucyc / 1 != 32'd2) $stop; if (ucyc / 2 != 32'd1) $stop; if (ucyc * 1 != 32'd2) $stop; if (ucyc * 2 != 32'd4) $stop; if (ucyc * 3 != 32'd6) $stop; if (cyc * 32'sd1 != 32'sd2) $stop; if (cyc * 32'sd2 != 32'sd4) $stop; if (cyc * 32'sd3 != 32'sd6) $stop; end 3: begin a <= 16'sh0048; b <= 5'sh1f; if (ucyc * 1 != 32'd3) $stop; if (ucyc * 2 != 32'd6) $stop; if (ucyc * 3 != 32'd9) $stop; if (ucyc * 4 != 32'd12) $stop; if (cyc * 32'sd1 != 32'sd3) $stop; if (cyc * 32'sd2 != 32'sd6) $stop; if (cyc * 32'sd3 != 32'sd9) $stop; end 4: begin a <= 16'sh4154; b <= 5'sh02; end 5: begin a <= 16'shc3e8; b <= 5'sh12; end 6: begin a <= 16'sh488b; b <= 5'sh02; end 9: begin $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end default: ; endcase case (cyc) 0: ; 1: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh0000_ffff_0000_0000_ffff_0001) $stop; 2: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh458d_c58d_1636_1636_0000_0000) $stop; 3: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh0000_ffff_0000_0000_ffff_0001) $stop; 4: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh0000_0000_0000_0000_ffff_0001) $stop; 5: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh1055_1055_0550_0550_0000_0000) $stop; 6: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh0000_ffff_0000_0000_ffff_0001) $stop; 7: if ({sr,srs,sl,sls,b_s,b_us}!==96'sh1222_1222_222c_222c_0000_0000) $stop; 8: ; 9: ; endcase end endmodule module by_width ( input clk ); parameter WIDTH=1; reg signed i1; reg signed [62:0] i63; reg signed [64:0] i65; // verilator lint_off WIDTH wire signed [WIDTH-1:0] i1extp /*verilator public*/ = i1; wire signed [WIDTH-1:0] i1ext = i1; wire signed [WIDTH-1:0] i63ext = i63; wire signed [WIDTH-1:0] i65ext = i65; // verilator lint_on WIDTH integer cyc; initial cyc = 0; always @ (posedge clk) begin cyc <= cyc + 1; i1 <= cyc[0]; i63 <= {63{cyc[0]}}; i65 <= {65{cyc[0]}}; case (cyc) 1: begin if (i1extp != {WIDTH{1'b0}}) $stop; if (i1ext != {WIDTH{1'b0}}) $stop; if (i63ext != {WIDTH{1'b0}}) $stop; if (i65ext != {WIDTH{1'b0}}) $stop; end 2: begin if (i1extp != {WIDTH{1'b1}}) $stop; if (i1ext != {WIDTH{1'b1}}) $stop; if (i63ext != {WIDTH{1'b1}}) $stop; if (i65ext != {WIDTH{1'b1}}) $stop; end default: ; endcase end endmodule