// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2003 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 `ifdef WRITEMEM_BIN `define READMEMX $readmemb `define WRITEMEMX $writememb `else `define READMEMX $readmemh `define WRITEMEMX $writememh `endif module t; // verilator lint_off LITENDIAN reg [5:0] binary_string [2:15]; reg [5:0] binary_nostart [2:15]; reg [5:0] binary_start [0:15]; reg [175:0] hex [0:15]; reg [(32*6)-1:0] hex_align [0:15]; string fns; `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK reg [5:0] binary_string_tmp [2:15]; reg [5:0] binary_nostart_tmp [2:15]; reg [5:0] binary_start_tmp [0:15]; reg [175:0] hex_tmp [0:15]; reg [(32*6)-1:0] hex_align_tmp [0:15]; string fns_tmp; `endif // verilator lint_on LITENDIAN integer i; initial begin begin // Initialize memories to zero, // avoid differences between 2-state and 4-state. for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) begin binary_start[i] = 6'h0; hex[i] = 176'h0; hex_align[i] = {32*6{1'b0}}; `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK binary_start_tmp[i] = 6'h0; hex_tmp[i] = 176'h0; hex_align_tmp[i] = {32*6{1'b0}}; `endif end for (i=2; i<16; i=i+1) begin binary_string[i] = 6'h0; binary_nostart[i] = 6'h0; `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK binary_string_tmp[i] = 6'h0; binary_nostart_tmp[i] = 6'h0; `endif end end begin `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK $readmemb("t/t_sys_readmem_b.mem", binary_nostart_tmp); // Do a round-trip $writememh(b) and $readmemh(b) cycle. // This covers $writememh and ensures we can read our // own memh output file. // If WRITEMEM_BIN is also defined, use $writememb and // $readmemb, otherwise use $writememh and $readmemh. `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("-Writing %s", `OUT_TMP1); `endif `WRITEMEMX(`OUT_TMP1, binary_nostart_tmp); `READMEMX(`OUT_TMP1, binary_nostart); `else $readmemb("t/t_sys_readmem_b.mem", binary_nostart); `endif `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) $write(" @%x = %x\n", i, binary_nostart[i]); `endif if (binary_nostart['h2] != 6'h02) $stop; if (binary_nostart['h3] != 6'h03) $stop; if (binary_nostart['h4] != 6'h04) $stop; if (binary_nostart['h5] != 6'h05) $stop; if (binary_nostart['h6] != 6'h06) $stop; if (binary_nostart['h7] != 6'h07) $stop; if (binary_nostart['h8] != 6'h10) $stop; if (binary_nostart['hc] != 6'h14) $stop; if (binary_nostart['hd] != 6'h15) $stop; end begin binary_start['h0c] = 6'h3f; // Not in read range // `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK $readmemb("t/t_sys_readmem_b_8.mem", binary_start_tmp, 4, 4+7); `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("-Writing %s", `OUT_TMP2); `endif `WRITEMEMX(`OUT_TMP2, binary_start_tmp, 4, 4+7); `READMEMX(`OUT_TMP2, binary_start, 4, 4+7); `else $readmemb("t/t_sys_readmem_b_8.mem", binary_start, 4, 4+7); // 4-11 `endif `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) $write(" @%x = %x\n", i, binary_start[i]); `endif if (binary_start['h04] != 6'h10) $stop; if (binary_start['h05] != 6'h11) $stop; if (binary_start['h06] != 6'h12) $stop; if (binary_start['h07] != 6'h13) $stop; if (binary_start['h08] != 6'h14) $stop; if (binary_start['h09] != 6'h15) $stop; if (binary_start['h0a] != 6'h16) $stop; if (binary_start['h0b] != 6'h17) $stop; // if (binary_start['h0c] != 6'h3f) $stop; end begin // The 'hex' array is a non-exact multiple of word size // (possible corner case) `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK $readmemh("t/t_sys_readmem_h.mem", hex_tmp, 0); `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("-Writing %s", `OUT_TMP3); `endif `WRITEMEMX(`OUT_TMP3, hex_tmp, 0); `READMEMX(`OUT_TMP3, hex, 0); `else $readmemh("t/t_sys_readmem_h.mem", hex, 0); `endif `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) $write(" @%x = %x\n", i, hex[i]); `endif if (hex['h04] != 176'h400437654321276543211765432107654321abcdef10) $stop; if (hex['h0a] != 176'h400a37654321276543211765432107654321abcdef11) $stop; if (hex['h0b] != 176'h400b37654321276543211765432107654321abcdef12) $stop; if (hex['h0c] != 176'h400c37654321276543211765432107654321abcdef13) $stop; end begin // The 'hex align' array is similar to 'hex', but it is an // exact multiple of word size -- another possible corner case. `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK $readmemh("t/t_sys_readmem_align_h.mem", hex_align_tmp, 0); `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("-Writing %s", `OUT_TMP4); `endif `WRITEMEMX(`OUT_TMP4, hex_align_tmp, 0); `READMEMX(`OUT_TMP4, hex_align, 0); `else $readmemh("t/t_sys_readmem_align_h.mem", hex_align, 0); `endif `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) $write(" @%x = %x\n", i, hex_align[i]); `endif if (hex_align['h04] != 192'h77554004_37654321_27654321_17654321_07654321_abcdef10) $stop; if (hex_align['h0a] != 192'h7755400a_37654321_27654321_17654321_07654321_abcdef11) $stop; if (hex_align['h0b] != 192'h7755400b_37654321_27654321_17654321_07654321_abcdef12) $stop; if (hex_align['h0c] != 192'h7755400c_37654321_27654321_17654321_07654321_abcdef13) $stop; end begin fns = "t/t_sys_readmem_b.mem"; `ifdef WRITEMEM_READ_BACK fns_tmp = `OUT_TMP5; $readmemb(fns, binary_string_tmp); `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE $display("-Writing %s", `OUT_TMP5); `endif `WRITEMEMX(fns_tmp, binary_string_tmp); `READMEMX(fns_tmp, binary_string); `else $readmemb(fns, binary_string); `endif `ifdef TEST_VERBOSE for (i=0; i<16; i=i+1) $write(" @%x = %x\n", i, binary_string[i]); `endif if (binary_string['h2] != 6'h02) $stop; end $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule