// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed under the Creative Commons Public Domain, for // any use, without warranty, 2018 by Wilson Snyder. // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 `define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv));; end while(0); module t(/*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs clk ); input clk; int cyc; int vr; int va[2]; `ifdef T_NOINLINE // verilator no_inline_module `endif //==== task fun(ref int r, const ref int c); `ifdef T_NOINLINE // verilator no_inline_task `endif `checkh(c, 32'h1234); r = 32'h4567; endtask initial begin int ci; int ri; ci = 32'h1234; fun(ri, ci); `checkh(ri, 32'h4567); end //==== task fun_array(ref int af[2], const ref int cf[2]); `ifdef T_NOINLINE // verilator no_inline_task `endif `checkh(cf[0], 32'h1234); `checkh(cf[1], 32'h2345); af[0] = 32'h5678; af[1] = 32'h6789; endtask // Not checkint - element of unpacked array initial begin int ca[2]; int ra[2]; ca[0] = 32'h1234; ca[1] = 32'h2345; fun_array(ra, ca); `checkh(ra[0], 32'h5678); `checkh(ra[1], 32'h6789); end //==== sub sub(.clk, .vr, .va); always @ (posedge clk) begin cyc <= cyc + 1; if (cyc == 0) begin vr <= 32'h789; va[0] <= 32'h89a; va[1] <= 32'h9ab; end else if (cyc == 2) begin `checkh(vr, 32'h987); `checkh(va[0], 32'ha98); `checkh(va[1], 32'ha9b); $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end end endmodule module sub(input clk, ref int vr, ref int va[2]); always @(posedge clk) begin vr <= 32'h987; va[0] <= 32'ha98; va[1] <= 32'ha9b; end endmodule