// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module // // This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use, // without warranty, 2014 by Wilson Snyder. `define checkh(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got='h%x exp='h%x\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); fail='1; end while(0) `define checkf(gotv,expv) do if ((gotv) !== (expv)) begin $write("%%Error: %s:%0d: got=%f exp=%f\n", `__FILE__,`__LINE__, (gotv), (expv)); fail='1; end while(0) module t (/*AUTOARG*/); bit fail; localparam signed [3:0] bug737_p1 = 4'b1000; wire [3:0] bug737_a = 4'b1010; reg [5:0] bug737_y; reg signed [3:0] w4_s; reg signed [4:0] w5_s; reg [3:0] w4_u; reg [4:0] w5_u; reg signed [8:0] w9_s; real r; initial begin // verilator lint_off WIDTH bug737_y = bug737_a + (bug737_p1 + 4'sb0); `checkh(bug737_y, 6'b010010); //bug737 // 6u +[6u] 4s +[6s] 6s bug737_y = 6'b001010 + (4'sb1000 + 6'sb0); `checkh(bug737_y, 6'b010010); //bug737, getx 000010 // 6u +[6u] 4s +[6s] 6s bug737_y = 6'b001010 + (4'b1000 + 6'sb0); `checkh(bug737_y, 6'b010010); //ok bug737_y = 6'b001010 + (6'sb111000 + 6'sb0); `checkh(bug737_y, 6'b000010); //ok // v--- sign extends to 6-bits bug737_y = 6'sb001010 + (4'sb1000 + 6'sb0); `checkh(bug737_y, 6'b000010); //ok // From t_math_signed_3 w4_s = 4'sb1111 - 1'b1; `checkh(w4_s,33'he); w4_s = 4'sb1111 - 5'b00001; `checkh(w4_s,33'he); w4_s = 4'sb1111 - 1'sb1; `checkh(w4_s,4'h0); w5_s = 4'sb1111 - 1'sb1; `checkh(w5_s,4'h0); w4_s = 4'sb1111 - 4'sb1111; `checkh(w4_s,4'h0); w5_s = 4'sb1111 - 4'sb1111; `checkh(w5_s,5'h0); // The assign LHS being signed or unsigned does not matter per IEEE // The upper add being signed DOES matter propagating to lower w4_s = 4'sb1111 - (1'sb1 + 4'b0); //1'sb1 not extended as unsigned add `checkh(w4_s,4'he); w4_s = 4'sb1111 - (1'sb1 + 4'sb0); //1'sb1 does sign extend `checkh(w4_s,4'h0); w4_s = 4'b1111 - (1'sb1 + 4'sb0); //1'sb1 does *NOT* sign extend `checkh(w4_s,4'he); // BUG, Verilator says 'h0 w5_u = 4'b1111 + 4'b0001; // Extends to 5 bits due to LHS `checkh(w5_u, 5'b10000); w4_u = 4'b1111 + 4'b0001; // Normal case `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); // Another example of promotion, the add is 4 bits wide w4_u = 3'b111 + 3'b010; `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1001); // w4_u = 3'sb111 * 3'sb001; // Signed output, LHS does not matter `checkh(w4_u, 4'sb1111); w4_s = 3'sb111 * 3'sb001; // Signed output `checkh(w4_s, 4'sb1111); w4_s = 3'b111 * 3'sb001; // Unsigned output `checkh(w4_s, 4'b0111); // Conditionals get width from parent; are assignment-like w4_u = 1'b0 ? 4'b0 : (2'b01+2'b11); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0100); w4_u = 1'b0 ? 4'b0 : (6'b001000+6'b001000); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0000); // If RHS is larger, that larger size is used w4_u = 5'b10000 / 5'b00100; `checkh(w4_u, 4'b0100); // bug754 w5_u = 4'sb0010 << -2'sd1; // << 3 `ifdef VCS `checkh(w5_u, 5'b00000); // VCS E-2014.03 bug `else `checkh(w5_u, 5'b10000); // VCS E-2014.03 bug `endif w5_u = 4'sb1000 << 0; // Sign extends `checkh(w5_u, 5'b11000); // Reals do not propagate to children r = 1.0 + ( 1 + (1 / 2)); `checkf(r, 2.0); // Self determined sign extension r = $itor(3'sb111); `checkf(r, -1.0); // If any part of case is real, all is real case (22) 22.0: ; 22.1: $stop; default: $stop; endcase // bug759 w5_u = { -4'sd7 }; `checkh(w5_u, 5'b01001); w5_u = {2{ -2'sd1 }}; `checkh(w5_u, 5'b01111); // Don't break concats.... w5_u = {{0{1'b1}}, -4'sd7 }; `checkh(w5_u, 5'b01001); w9_s = { -4'sd7, -4'sd7 }; `checkh(w9_s, 9'b010011001); {w5_u, {w4_u}} = 9'b10101_1100; `checkh(w5_u, 5'b10101); `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1100); {w4_u} = 4'b1011; `checkh(w4_u, 4'b1011); if (fail) $stop; $write("*-* All Finished *-*\n"); $finish; end endmodule