// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*- //************************************************************************* // DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Emit Makefile // // Code available from: https://verilator.org // //************************************************************************* // // Copyright 2004-2020 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can // redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU // Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License // Version 2.0. // // Verilator is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //************************************************************************* #include "config_build.h" #include "verilatedos.h" #include "V3Global.h" #include "V3Os.h" #include "V3EmitMk.h" #include "V3EmitCBase.h" //###################################################################### // Emit statements and math operators class EmitMk { public: // METHODS VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug() void putMakeClassEntry(V3OutMkFile& of, const string& name) { of.puts("\t"+V3Os::filenameNonDirExt(name)+" \\\n"); } void emitClassMake() { // Generate the makefile V3OutMkFile of (v3Global.opt.makeDir()+"/"+v3Global.opt.prefix()+"_classes.mk"); of.putsHeader(); of.puts("# DESCR" "IPTION: Verilator output: Make include file with class lists\n"); of.puts("#\n"); of.puts("# This file lists generated Verilated files, for including in higher level makefiles.\n"); of.puts("# See "+v3Global.opt.prefix()+".mk"+" for the caller.\n"); of.puts("\n### Switches...\n"); of.puts("# Coverage output mode? 0/1 (from --coverage)\n"); of.puts("VM_COVERAGE = "); of.puts(v3Global.opt.coverage()?"1":"0"); of.puts("\n"); of.puts("# Threaded output mode? 0/1/N threads (from --threads)\n"); of.puts("VM_THREADS = "); of.puts(cvtToStr(v3Global.opt.threads())); of.puts("\n"); of.puts("# Tracing output mode? 0/1 (from --trace)\n"); of.puts("VM_TRACE = "); of.puts(v3Global.opt.trace()?"1":"0"); of.puts("\n"); of.puts("# Tracing threaded output mode? 0/1 (from --trace-fst-thread)\n"); of.puts("VM_TRACE_THREADED = "); of.puts(v3Global.opt.traceFormat().threaded() ?"1":"0"); of.puts("\n"); of.puts("\n### Object file lists...\n"); for (int support=0; support<3; ++support) { for (int slow=0; slow<2; ++slow) { if (support==2) of.puts("# Global classes, need linked once per executable"); else if (support) of.puts("# Generated support classes"); else of.puts("# Generated module classes"); if (slow) of.puts(", non-fast-path, compile with low/medium optimization\n"); else of.puts(", fast-path, compile with highest optimization\n"); of.puts(support==2?"VM_GLOBAL":support==1?"VM_SUPPORT":"VM_CLASSES"); of.puts(slow?"_SLOW":"_FAST"); of.puts(" += \\\n"); if (support==2 && !slow) { putMakeClassEntry(of, "verilated.cpp"); if (v3Global.dpi()) { putMakeClassEntry(of, "verilated_dpi.cpp"); } if (v3Global.opt.vpi()) { putMakeClassEntry(of, "verilated_vpi.cpp"); } if (v3Global.opt.savable()) { putMakeClassEntry(of, "verilated_save.cpp"); } if (v3Global.opt.coverage()) { putMakeClassEntry(of, "verilated_cov.cpp"); } if (v3Global.opt.trace()) { putMakeClassEntry(of, v3Global.opt.traceSourceName()+"_c.cpp"); if (v3Global.opt.systemC()) { if (v3Global.opt.traceFormat() != TraceFormat::VCD) { v3error("Unsupported: This trace format is not supported in SystemC, use VCD format."); } else { putMakeClassEntry(of, v3Global.opt.traceSourceName()+"_sc.cpp"); } } } if (v3Global.opt.mtasks()) { putMakeClassEntry(of, "verilated_threads.cpp"); } } else if (support==2 && slow) { } else { for (AstNodeFile* nodep = v3Global.rootp()->filesp(); nodep; nodep = VN_CAST(nodep->nextp(), NodeFile)) { AstCFile* cfilep = VN_CAST(nodep, CFile); if (cfilep && cfilep->source() && cfilep->slow()==(slow!=0) && cfilep->support()==(support!=0)) { putMakeClassEntry(of, cfilep->name()); } } } of.puts("\n"); } } of.puts("\n"); of.putsHeader(); } void emitOverallMake() { // Generate the makefile V3OutMkFile of (v3Global.opt.makeDir()+"/"+v3Global.opt.prefix()+".mk"); of.putsHeader(); of.puts("# DESCR" "IPTION: Verilator output: Makefile for building Verilated archive or executable\n"); of.puts("#\n"); of.puts("# Execute this makefile from the object directory:\n"); of.puts("# make -f "+v3Global.opt.prefix()+".mk"+"\n"); of.puts("\n"); if (v3Global.opt.exe()) { of.puts("default: "+v3Global.opt.exeName()+"\n"); } else if (!v3Global.opt.protectLib().empty()) { of.puts("default: lib"+v3Global.opt.protectLib()+"\n"); } else { of.puts("default: "+v3Global.opt.prefix()+"__ALL.a\n"); } of.puts("\n### Constants...\n"); of.puts("# Perl executable (from $PERL)\n"); of.puts("PERL = "+V3Options::getenvPERL()+"\n"); of.puts("# Path to Verilator kit (from $VERILATOR_ROOT)\n"); of.puts("VERILATOR_ROOT = "+V3Options::getenvVERILATOR_ROOT()+"\n"); of.puts("# SystemC include directory with systemc.h (from $SYSTEMC_INCLUDE)\n"); of.puts(string("SYSTEMC_INCLUDE ?= ")+V3Options::getenvSYSTEMC_INCLUDE()+"\n"); of.puts("# SystemC library directory with libsystemc.a (from $SYSTEMC_LIBDIR)\n"); of.puts(string("SYSTEMC_LIBDIR ?= ")+V3Options::getenvSYSTEMC_LIBDIR()+"\n"); of.puts("\n### Switches...\n"); of.puts("# SystemC output mode? 0/1 (from --sc)\n"); of.puts(string("VM_SC = ")+((v3Global.opt.systemC())?"1":"0")+"\n"); of.puts("# Legacy or SystemC output mode? 0/1 (from --sc)\n"); of.puts(string("VM_SP_OR_SC = $(VM_SC)\n")); of.puts("# Deprecated\n"); of.puts(string("VM_PCLI = ")+(v3Global.opt.systemC()?"0":"1")+"\n"); of.puts("# Deprecated: SystemC architecture to find link library path (from $SYSTEMC_ARCH)\n"); of.puts(string("VM_SC_TARGET_ARCH = ")+V3Options::getenvSYSTEMC_ARCH()+"\n"); of.puts("\n### Vars...\n"); of.puts("# Design prefix (from --prefix)\n"); of.puts(string("VM_PREFIX = ")+v3Global.opt.prefix()+"\n"); of.puts("# Module prefix (from --prefix)\n"); of.puts(string("VM_MODPREFIX = ")+v3Global.opt.modPrefix()+"\n"); of.puts("# User CFLAGS (from -CFLAGS on Verilator command line)\n"); of.puts("VM_USER_CFLAGS = \\\n"); if (!v3Global.opt.protectLib().empty()) { of.puts("\t-fPIC \\\n"); } const V3StringList& cFlags = v3Global.opt.cFlags(); for (V3StringList::const_iterator it = cFlags.begin(); it != cFlags.end(); ++it) { of.puts("\t"+*it+" \\\n"); } of.puts("\n"); of.puts("# User LDLIBS (from -LDFLAGS on Verilator command line)\n"); of.puts("VM_USER_LDLIBS = \\\n"); const V3StringList& ldLibs = v3Global.opt.ldLibs(); for (V3StringList::const_iterator it = ldLibs.begin(); it != ldLibs.end(); ++it) { of.puts("\t"+*it+" \\\n"); } of.puts("\n"); V3StringSet dirs; of.puts("# User .cpp files (from .cpp's on Verilator command line)\n"); of.puts("VM_USER_CLASSES = \\\n"); const V3StringSet& cppFiles = v3Global.opt.cppFiles(); for (V3StringSet::const_iterator it = cppFiles.begin(); it != cppFiles.end(); ++it) { string cppfile = *it; of.puts("\t"+V3Os::filenameNonExt(cppfile)+" \\\n"); string dir = V3Os::filenameDir(cppfile); if (dirs.find(dir) == dirs.end()) dirs.insert(dir); } of.puts("\n"); of.puts("# User .cpp directories (from .cpp's on Verilator command line)\n"); of.puts("VM_USER_DIR = \\\n"); for (V3StringSet::iterator it = dirs.begin(); it!=dirs.end(); ++it) { of.puts("\t"+*it+" \\\n"); } of.puts("\n"); of.puts("\n### Default rules...\n"); of.puts("# Include list of all generated classes\n"); of.puts("include "+v3Global.opt.prefix()+"_classes.mk\n"); of.puts("# Include global rules\n"); of.puts("include $(VERILATOR_ROOT)/include/verilated.mk\n"); if (v3Global.opt.exe()) { of.puts("\n### Executable rules... (from --exe)\n"); of.puts("VPATH += $(VM_USER_DIR)\n"); of.puts("\n"); for (V3StringSet::const_iterator it = cppFiles.begin(); it != cppFiles.end(); ++it) { string cppfile = *it; string basename = V3Os::filenameNonExt(cppfile); // NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-inefficient-string-concatenation) of.puts(basename+".o: "+cppfile+"\n"); of.puts("\t$(OBJCACHE) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(OPT_FAST) -c -o $@ $<\n"); } of.puts("\n### Link rules... (from --exe)\n"); of.puts(v3Global.opt.exeName()+": $(VK_USER_OBJS) $(VK_GLOBAL_OBJS) $(VM_PREFIX)__ALL.a\n"); of.puts("\t$(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $@ $(LIBS) $(SC_LIBS)\n"); of.puts("\n"); } if (!v3Global.opt.protectLib().empty()) { of.puts("\n### Library rules... (from --protect-lib)\n"); of.puts("# Using -fPIC objects for both static and dynamic libraries " "(which appears to work)\n"); of.puts(v3Global.opt.protectLibName(false)+": $(VK_OBJS) $(VK_GLOBAL_OBJS)\n"); of.puts("\t$(OBJCACHE) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(OPT_FAST) -c -o "+ v3Global.opt.protectLib()+".o "+v3Global.opt.protectLib()+".cpp\n"); of.puts("\tar rc $@ $^ "+v3Global.opt.protectLib()+".o\n"); of.puts("\n"); of.puts(v3Global.opt.protectLibName(true)+": $(VM_PREFIX)__ALL.a $(VK_GLOBAL_OBJS)\n"); of.puts("\t$(OBJCACHE) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(OPT_FAST) -shared -o $@ "+v3Global.opt.protectLib()+".cpp $^\n"); of.puts("\n"); of.puts("lib"+v3Global.opt.protectLib()+": "+v3Global.opt.protectLibName(false)+ " "+v3Global.opt.protectLibName(true)+"\n"); } of.puts("\n"); of.putsHeader(); } public: explicit EmitMk() { emitClassMake(); emitOverallMake(); } virtual ~EmitMk() {} }; //###################################################################### // Gate class functions void V3EmitMk::emitmk() { UINFO(2,__FUNCTION__<<": "<