forked from github/verilator
Remove PSL support
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ indicates the contributor was also the author of the fix; Thanks!
* Verilator 3.867 devel
** PSL support was removed, please use System Verilog assertions.
* Verilator 3.866 2014-11-15
*** Fix +define+A+B to define A and B to match other simulators, bug847. [Adam Krolnik]
@ -131,19 +131,13 @@ private:
if (message!="") covincp->declp()->comment(message);
bodysp = covincp;
} else if (nodep->castPslAssert()) {
bodysp = newFireAssert(nodep,message);
// We assert the property is always true... so report when it fails
// (Note this is opposite the behavior of coverage statements.)
// Need: 'never' operator: not hold in current or any future cycle
propp = new AstLogNot (nodep->fileline(), propp);
} else {
nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unknown node type");
if (stmtsp) bodysp = bodysp->addNext(stmtsp);
AstIf* ifp = new AstIf (nodep->fileline(), propp, bodysp, NULL);
bodysp = ifp;
if (nodep->castPslAssert()) ifp->branchPred(AstBranchPred::BP_UNLIKELY);
if (nodep->castVAssert()) ifp->branchPred(AstBranchPred::BP_UNLIKELY);
AstNode* newp = new AstAlways (nodep->fileline(),
@ -309,12 +303,6 @@ private:
nodep->stmtsp(), nodep->name()); nodep=NULL;
virtual void visit(AstPslAssert* nodep, AstNUser*) {
newPslAssertion(nodep, nodep->propp(), nodep->sentreep(),
NULL, nodep->name()); nodep=NULL;
virtual void visit(AstVAssert* nodep, AstNUser*) {
newVAssertion(nodep, nodep->propp()); nodep=NULL;
@ -339,14 +327,6 @@ private:
m_beginp = lastp;
// VISITORS //========== Temporal Layer
// VISITORS //========== Boolean Layer
virtual void visit(AstPslBool* nodep, AstNUser*) {
pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL;
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser*) {
@ -73,14 +73,6 @@ private:
// VISITORS //========== Statements
virtual void visit(AstPslDefClock* nodep, AstNUser*) {
// Store the new default clock, reset on new module
m_seniDefaultp = nodep->sensesp();
// Trash it
pushDeletep(nodep); nodep=NULL;
virtual void visit(AstClocking* nodep, AstNUser*) {
UINFO(8," CLOCKING"<<nodep<<endl);
// Store the new default clock, reset on new module
@ -101,13 +93,6 @@ private:
virtual void visit(AstPslAssert* nodep, AstNUser*) {
if (nodep->sentreep()) return; // Already processed
virtual void visit(AstPslClocked* nodep, AstNUser*) {
if (m_senip) {
@ -4520,19 +4520,6 @@ public:
// PSL
class AstPslDefClock : public AstNode {
// Set default PSL clock
// Parents: MODULE
// Children: SENITEM
AstPslDefClock(FileLine* fl, AstNodeSenItem* sensesp)
: AstNode(fl) {
AstNodeSenItem* sensesp() const { return op1p()->castNodeSenItem(); } // op1 = Sensitivity list
class AstPslClocked : public AstNode {
// A clocked property
// Parents: ASSERT|COVER (property)
@ -4551,27 +4538,6 @@ public:
AstNode* propp() const { return op3p(); } // op3 = property
class AstPslAssert : public AstNodeStmt {
// Psl Assertion
// Parents: {statement list}
// Children: expression, report string
string m_name; // Name to report
AstPslAssert(FileLine* fl, AstNode* propp, const string& name="")
: AstNodeStmt(fl)
, m_name(name) {
virtual string name() const { return m_name; } // * = Var name
virtual V3Hash sameHash() const { return V3Hash(name()); }
virtual bool same(AstNode* samep) const { return samep->name() == name(); }
AstNode* propp() const { return op1p(); } // op1 = property
AstSenTree* sentreep() const { return op2p()->castSenTree(); } // op2 = clock domain
void sentreep(AstSenTree* sentreep) { addOp2p(sentreep); } // op2 = clock domain
class AstPslCover : public AstNodeStmt {
// Psl Cover
// Parents: {statement list}
@ -4598,29 +4564,6 @@ public:
AstNode* stmtsp() const { return op4p(); } // op4 = statements
// PSL Expressions
class AstPslBool : public AstNode {
// Separates PSL Sere/sequences from the normal expression boolean layer below.
// Note this excludes next() and similar functions; they are time domain, so not under AstPslBool.
// Parents: Sequences, etc.
// Children: math
AstPslBool(FileLine* fileline, AstNode* exprp)
: AstNode(fileline) {
AstNode* exprp() const { return op1p()->castNode(); } // op1= expression
virtual bool hasDType() const { return true; }
virtual bool isGateOptimizable() const { return false; } // Not relevant
virtual bool isPredictOptimizable() const { return false; } // Not relevant
virtual int instrCount() const { return 0; }
virtual V3Hash sameHash() const { return V3Hash(); }
virtual bool same(AstNode* samep) const { return true; }
// Text based nodes
@ -754,7 +754,6 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
else if ( onoff (sw, "-pins-uint8", flag/*ref*/) ){ m_pinsUint8 = flag; }
else if ( !strcmp (sw, "-private") ) { m_public = false; }
else if ( onoff (sw, "-profile-cfuncs", flag/*ref*/) ) { m_profileCFuncs = flag; }
else if ( onoff (sw, "-psl-deprecated", flag/*ref*/) ) { m_psl = flag; } // Undocumented
else if ( onoff (sw, "-public", flag/*ref*/) ) { m_public = flag; }
else if ( onoff (sw, "-report-unoptflat", flag/*ref*/) ) { m_reportUnoptflat = flag; }
else if ( onoff (sw, "-savable", flag/*ref*/) ) { m_savable = flag; }
@ -1226,7 +1225,6 @@ V3Options::V3Options() {
m_profileCFuncs = false;
m_preprocOnly = false;
m_preprocNoLine = false;
m_psl = false;
m_public = false;
m_savable = false;
m_skipIdentical = true;
@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ class V3Options {
bool m_pinsScBigUint;// main switch: --pins-sc-biguint
bool m_pinsUint8; // main switch: --pins-uint8
bool m_profileCFuncs;// main switch: --profile-cfuncs
bool m_psl; // main switch: --psl
bool m_public; // main switch: --public
bool m_savable; // main switch: --savable
bool m_systemC; // main switch: --sc: System C instead of simple C++
@ -230,7 +229,6 @@ class V3Options {
bool pinsScBigUint() const { return m_pinsScBigUint; }
bool pinsUint8() const { return m_pinsUint8; }
bool profileCFuncs() const { return m_profileCFuncs; }
bool psl() const { return m_psl; }
bool allPublic() const { return m_public; }
bool l2Name() const { return m_l2Name; }
bool lintOnly() const { return m_lintOnly; }
@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ public:
// Functions called by lex rules:
int yylexThis();
static bool optPsl() { return v3Global.opt.psl(); }
static bool optFuture(const string& flag) { return v3Global.opt.isFuture(flag); }
void ppline (const char* text);
@ -190,8 +189,6 @@ public:
// Interactions with lexer
void lexNew(int debug);
void lexDestroy();
void stateExitPsl(); // Parser -> lexer communication
void statePushVlg(); // Parser -> lexer communication
void statePop(); // Parser -> lexer communication
static int stateVerilogRecent(); // Parser -> lexer communication
int prevLexToken() { return m_prevLexToken; } // Parser -> lexer communication
@ -47,13 +47,6 @@ public:
V3Lexer() : V3LexerBase(NULL) {}
~V3Lexer() {}
void stateExitPsl() {
if (YY_START != PSL) yyerrorf("Internal error: Exiting PSL state when not in PSL state");
void statePushVlg() {
void statePop() {
@ -65,8 +58,6 @@ public:
void V3ParseImp::stateExitPsl() { parsep()->m_lexerp->stateExitPsl(); }
void V3ParseImp::statePushVlg() { parsep()->m_lexerp->stateExitPsl(); }
void V3ParseImp::statePop() { parsep()->m_lexerp->statePop(); }
void V3ParseImp::unputString(const char* textp, size_t length) { parsep()->m_lexerp->unputString(textp, length); }
@ -166,8 +166,6 @@ class V3PreLex {
// State from lexer
int m_formalLevel; // Parenthesis counting inside def formals
int m_parenLevel; // Parenthesis counting inside def args
int m_pslParenLevel;// PSL Parenthesis (){} counting, so we can find final ;
bool m_pslMoreNeeded;// Next // comment is really psl
bool m_defCmtSlash; // /*...*/ comment in define had \ ending
bool m_defQuote; // Definition value inside quote
string m_defValue; // Definition value being built.
@ -186,8 +184,6 @@ class V3PreLex {
m_defCmtSlash = false;
m_tokFilelinep = filelinep;
m_enterExit = 0;
m_pslParenLevel = 0;
m_pslMoreNeeded = false;
~V3PreLex() {
@ -42,24 +42,14 @@ void yyourtext(const char* textp, size_t size) { yytext=(char*)textp; yyleng=siz
// Prevent conflicts from perl version
static void linenoInc() {LEXP->linenoInc();}
static bool optPsl() { return V3PreProc::optPsl(); }
static bool pedantic() { return LEXP->m_pedantic; }
static void yyerror(char* msg) { LEXP->curFilelinep()->v3error(msg); }
static void yyerrorf(const char* msg) { LEXP->curFilelinep()->v3error(msg); }
static void appendDefValue(const char* t, size_t l) { LEXP->appendDefValue(t,l); }
static int pslParenLevel() { return LEXP->m_pslParenLevel; }
static void pslParenLevelInc() { LEXP->m_pslParenLevel++; }
static void pslParenLevelDec() { if (pslParenLevel()) LEXP->m_pslParenLevel--; }
static bool pslMoreNeeded() { return LEXP->m_pslMoreNeeded; }
static void pslMoreNeeded(bool flag) { LEXP->m_pslMoreNeeded = flag; }
@ -86,7 +76,6 @@ symb ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|\\[^ \t\f\r\n]+)
symbdef ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|\\[^ \t\f\r\n`]+)
word [a-zA-Z0-9_]+
drop [\032]
psl [p]sl
@ -117,7 +106,7 @@ psl [p]sl
<INITIAL>"`error" { if (!pedantic()) return (VP_ERROR); else return(VP_DEFREF); }
/* Pass-through strings */
<INITIAL,PSLMULM,PSLONEM>{quote} { yy_push_state(STRMODE); yymore(); }
<INITIAL>{quote} { yy_push_state(STRMODE); yymore(); }
<STRMODE><<EOF>> { linenoInc(); yyerrorf("EOF in unterminated string"); yyleng=0; yyterminate(); }
<STRMODE>{crnl} { linenoInc(); yyerrorf("Unterminated string"); BEGIN(INITIAL); }
<STRMODE>{word} { yymore(); }
@ -233,57 +222,36 @@ psl [p]sl
<ARGMODE>. { appendDefValue(yytext,yyleng); }
/* One line comments. */
<INITIAL>"//"{ws}*{psl} { if (optPsl()) { pslMoreNeeded(true); yy_push_state(PSLONEM); return(VP_PSL); }
else { yy_push_state(CMTONEM); yymore(); } }
<INITIAL>"//"{ws}*{crnl} { linenoInc(); yytext=(char*)"\n"; yyleng=1; return (VP_WHITE); }
<INITIAL>"//" { if (pslMoreNeeded()) { pslMoreNeeded(true); yy_push_state(PSLONEM); return(VP_PSL); }
else { yy_push_state(CMTONEM); yymore(); } }
<INITIAL>"//" { yy_push_state(CMTONEM); yymore(); }
<CMTONEM>[^\n\r]* { yy_pop_state(); return (VP_COMMENT); }
/* Psl oneline comments */
<PSLONEM>[{(] { pslParenLevelInc(); return (VP_TEXT); }
<PSLONEM>[})] { pslParenLevelDec(); return (VP_TEXT); }
<PSLONEM>[;] { if (!pslParenLevel()) {BEGIN PSLONEE; pslMoreNeeded(false);} return (VP_TEXT); }
<PSLONEM>{crnl} { linenoInc(); yy_pop_state(); yytext=(char*)"\n"; yyleng=1; return(VP_WHITE); }
/* Completed psl oneline comments */
<PSLONEE>{crnl} { linenoInc(); yy_pop_state(); yytext=(char*)"\n"; yyleng=1; return(VP_WHITE); }
<PSLONEE>{ws}+ { yymore(); }
<PSLONEE>. { yyerrorf("Unexpected text following psl assertion\n"); }
/* C-style comments. */
/**** See also DEFCMT */
/* We distinguish between the start of a comment, and later, so we may find a "psl" prefix */
<INITIAL>"/*" { yy_push_state(optPsl() ? CMTBEGM : CMTMODE); yymore(); }
<CMTBEGM>{psl} { yyleng -= 3; BEGIN PSLMUL1; return (VP_COMMENT); }
/* We distinguish between the start of a comment, and later, to look for prefix comments (deprecated) */
<INITIAL>"/*" { yy_push_state(CMTMODE); yymore(); }
<CMTBEGM>{ws}+ { yymore(); }
<CMTBEGM,CMTMODE>"*/" { yy_pop_state(); return(VP_COMMENT); }
<CMTBEGM,CMTMODE>{crnl} { linenoInc(); yymore(); }
<CMTBEGM,CMTMODE><<EOF>> { yyerrorf("EOF in '/* ... */' block comment\n"); yyleng=0; yyterminate(); }
<CMTMODE>{word} { yymore(); }
<CMTBEGM>. { BEGIN CMTMODE; yymore(); } /* Non 'psl' beginning in comment */
<CMTBEGM>. { BEGIN CMTMODE; yymore(); } /* beginning in comment */
<CMTMODE>. { yymore(); }
/* Psl C-style comments. */
/* EOFs are normal because / * `foo(..) * / hits a unputString EOF */
<PSLMUL1>.|{crnl} { yyless(0); BEGIN PSLMULM; return(VP_PSL); }
<PSLMULM>"*/" { yy_pop_state(); return(VP_COMMENT); }
<PSLMULM>"//"[^\n\r]* { return (VP_COMMENT); } /* Comments inside block comments get literal inclusion (later removal) */
/* Define calls */
/* symbdef prevents normal lex rules from making `\`"foo a symbol {`"foo} instead of a BACKQUOTE */
<INITIAL,PSLMULM,PSLONEM>"`"{symbdef} { return (VP_DEFREF); }
<INITIAL,PSLMULM,PSLONEM>"`"{symbdef}`` { yyleng-=2; return (VP_DEFREF_JOIN); }
<INITIAL>"`"{symbdef} { return (VP_DEFREF); }
<INITIAL>"`"{symbdef}`` { yyleng-=2; return (VP_DEFREF_JOIN); }
/* Generics */
<INITIAL,PSLMULM>{crnl} { linenoInc(); yytext=(char*)"\n"; yyleng=1; return(VP_WHITE); }
<INITIAL,PSLMULM,PSLONEM><<EOF>> { yyterminate(); } /* A "normal" EOF */
<INITIAL,PSLMULM,PSLONEM>{symb}`` { yyleng-=2; return (VP_SYMBOL_JOIN); }
<INITIAL>{crnl} { linenoInc(); yytext=(char*)"\n"; yyleng=1; return(VP_WHITE); }
<INITIAL><<EOF>> { yyterminate(); } /* A "normal" EOF */
<INITIAL>{symb} { return (VP_SYMBOL); }
<INITIAL>{symb}`` { yyleng-=2; return (VP_SYMBOL_JOIN); }
<INITIAL>{wsn}+ { return (VP_WHITE); }
<INITIAL>{drop} { }
<INITIAL>[\r] { }
<INITIAL>. { return (VP_TEXT); }
void V3PreLex::pushStateDefArg(int level) {
@ -282,10 +282,6 @@ V3PreProc* V3PreProc::createPreProc(FileLine* fl) {
return preprocp;
bool V3PreProc::optPsl() {
return v3Global.opt.psl();
// Defines
@ -483,7 +479,6 @@ const char* V3PreProcImp::tokenName(int tok) {
case VP_IFNDEF : return("IFNDEF");
case VP_INCLUDE : return("INCLUDE");
case VP_LINE : return("LINE");
case VP_PSL : return("PSL");
case VP_STRIFY : return("STRIFY");
case VP_STRING : return("STRING");
case VP_SYMBOL : return("SYMBOL");
@ -1103,7 +1098,7 @@ int V3PreProcImp::getStateToken() {
// Value of building argument is data before the lower defref
// we'll append it when we push the argument.
} else if (tok==VP_SYMBOL || tok==VP_STRING || VP_TEXT || VP_WHITE || VP_PSL) {
} else if (tok==VP_SYMBOL || tok==VP_STRING || VP_TEXT || VP_WHITE) {
string rtn; rtn.assign(yyourtext(),yyourleng());
goto next_tok;
@ -1340,7 +1335,6 @@ int V3PreProcImp::getStateToken() {
goto next_tok;
case VP_PSL:
case VP_TEXT: {
m_defDepth = 0;
if (!m_off) return tok;
@ -1436,9 +1430,6 @@ string V3PreProcImp::getline() {
gotEof = true;
else if (tok==VP_PSL) {
m_lineChars.append(" psl ");
else {
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ public:
return !(v3Global.opt.preprocOnly() && v3Global.opt.preprocNoLine());
static bool pedantic() { return false; } // Obey standard; Don't substitute `error
static bool optPsl();
// This probably will want to be overridden for given child users of this class.
@ -189,7 +189,6 @@ private:
// Widths: 1 bit out, lhs 1 bit; Real: converts via compare with 0
virtual void visit(AstLogNot* nodep, AstNUser* vup) { visit_log_not(nodep,vup); }
virtual void visit(AstPslBool* nodep, AstNUser* vup) { visit_log_not(nodep,vup); }
// Widths: 1 bit out, lhs 1 bit, rhs 1 bit; Real: converts via compare with 0
virtual void visit(AstLogAnd* nodep, AstNUser* vup) { visit_log_and_or(nodep,vup); }
virtual void visit(AstLogOr* nodep, AstNUser* vup) { visit_log_and_or(nodep,vup); }
@ -1810,10 +1809,6 @@ private:
iterateCheckBool(nodep,"Property",nodep->propp(),BOTH); // it's like an if() condition.
virtual void visit(AstPslAssert* nodep, AstNUser* vup) {
iterateCheckBool(nodep,"Property",nodep->propp(),BOTH); // it's like an if() condition.
virtual void visit(AstVAssert* nodep, AstNUser* vup) {
iterateCheckBool(nodep,"Property",nodep->propp(),BOTH); // it's like an if() condition.
@ -2131,8 +2126,7 @@ private:
void visit_log_not(AstNode* nodep, AstNUser* vup) {
// CALLER: LogNot, PslBool
// Note AstPslBool isn't a AstNodeUniop, or we'd only allow that here
// CALLER: LogNot
// Width-check: lhs 1 bit
// Real: Allowed; implicitly compares with zero
// We calculate the width of the UNDER expression.
@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ void V3ParseImp::verilatorCmtBad(const char* textp) {
// See V3Read.cpp
//void V3ParseImp::stateExitPsl() { BEGIN VLG; }
//void V3ParseImp::statePushVlg() { yy_push_state(VLG); }
//void V3ParseImp::statePop() { yy_pop_state(); }
@ -138,7 +136,7 @@ void yyerrorf(const char* format, ...) {
%s V95 V01 V05 S05 S09 S12
@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Verilog 1995 */
{ws} { } /* otherwise ignore white-space */
{crnl} { NEXTLINE(); } /* Count line numbers */
/* Extensions to Verilog set, some specified by PSL */
@ -352,7 +350,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Verilog 2001 */
/* System Tasks */
"$signed" { FL; return yD_SIGNED; }
"$unsigned" { FL; return yD_UNSIGNED; }
@ -383,13 +381,13 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Verilog 2005 */
/* Keywords */
"uwire" { FL; return yWIRE; }
/* System Verilog 2005 */
/* System Tasks */
"$bits" { FL; return yD_BITS; }
"$clog2" { FL; return yD_CLOG2; }
@ -414,18 +412,21 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"always_comb" { FL; return yALWAYS_COMB; }
"always_ff" { FL; return yALWAYS_FF; }
"always_latch" { FL; return yALWAYS_LATCH; }
"assert" { FL; return yASSERT; }
"bind" { FL; return yBIND; }
"bit" { FL; return yBIT; }
"break" { FL; return yBREAK; }
"byte" { FL; return yBYTE; }
"chandle" { FL; return yCHANDLE; }
"clocking" { FL; return yCLOCKING; }
"const" { FL; return yCONST__LEX; }
"context" { FL; return yCONTEXT; }
"continue" { FL; return yCONTINUE; }
"cover" { FL; return yCOVER; }
"do" { FL; return yDO; }
"endclocking" { FL; return yENDCLOCKING; }
"endpackage" { FL; return yENDPACKAGE; }
"endinterface" { FL; return yENDINTERFACE; }
"endpackage" { FL; return yENDPACKAGE; }
"endprogram" { FL; return yENDPROGRAM; }
"endproperty" { FL; return yENDPROPERTY; }
"enum" { FL; return yENUM; }
@ -434,8 +435,8 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"iff" { FL; return yIFF; }
"import" { FL; return yIMPORT; }
"inside" { FL; return yINSIDE; }
"interface" { FL; return yINTERFACE; }
"int" { FL; return yINT; }
"interface" { FL; return yINTERFACE; }
"logic" { FL; return yLOGIC; }
"longint" { FL; return yLONGINT; }
"modport" { FL; return yMODPORT; }
@ -443,6 +444,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"packed" { FL; return yPACKED; }
"priority" { FL; return yPRIORITY; }
"program" { FL; return yPROGRAM; }
"property" { FL; return yPROPERTY; }
"pure" { FL; return yPURE; }
"rand" { FL; return yRAND; }
"randc" { FL; return yRANDC; }
@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"timeprecision" { FL; return yTIMEPRECISION; }
"timeunit" { FL; return yTIMEUNIT; }
"typedef" { FL; return yTYPEDEF; }
"union" { FL; return yUNION; }
"unique" { FL; return yUNIQUE; }
"var" { FL; return yVAR; }
"void" { FL; return yVOID; }
@ -461,6 +464,8 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Note assert_strobe was in SystemVerilog 3.1, but removed for SystemVerilog 2005 */
"$root" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"alias" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"assume" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"before" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"bins" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"binsof" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"class" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
@ -492,6 +497,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"randomize" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"randsequence" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"ref" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"sequence" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"shortreal" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"solve" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"super" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
@ -503,25 +509,11 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"wait_order" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"wildcard" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"with" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
/* SystemVerilog 2005 ONLY not PSL; different rules for PSL as specified below */
/* Keywords */
"assert" { FL; return yASSERT; }
"const" { FL; return yCONST__LEX; }
"cover" { FL; return yCOVER; }
"property" { FL; return yPROPERTY; }
"union" { FL; return yUNION; }
/* Generic unsupported warnings */
"assume" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext); }
"before" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext); }
"sequence" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext); }
"within" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented in non-PSL context: %s",yytext); }
"within" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2005 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
/* SystemVerilog 2009 */
/* Keywords */
"global" { FL; return yGLOBAL__LEX; }
"unique0" { FL; return yUNIQUE0; }
@ -550,7 +542,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* System Verilog 2012 */
/* Keywords */
"implements" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2012 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"interconnect" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: SystemVerilog 2012 reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
@ -559,7 +551,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Default PLI rule */
"$"[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]* { string str (yytext,yyleng);
yylval.strp = PARSEP->newString(AstNode::encodeName(str));
// Lookup unencoded name including the $, to avoid hitting normal signals
@ -662,100 +654,11 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"zi_zp" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: AMS reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
/* PSL */
/*Entry into PSL; mode change */
"psl" { yy_push_state(PSL); FL; return yPSL; }
/* Special things */
"psl" { ; } // 'psl' may occur in middle of statement, so easier just to suppress
/* Keywords */
"assert" { FL; return yPSL_ASSERT; }
"assume" { FL; return yPSL_ASSERT; } //==assert
"before_!" { yyerrorf("Illegal syntax, use before!_ instead of %s",yytext); }
"clock" { FL; return yPSL_CLOCK; }
"countones" { FL; return yD_COUNTONES; }
"cover" { FL; return yPSL_COVER; }
"isunknown" { FL; return yD_ISUNKNOWN; }
"onehot" { FL; return yD_ONEHOT; }
"onehot0" { FL; return yD_ONEHOT0; }
"until_!" { yyerrorf("Illegal syntax, use until!_ instead of %s",yytext); }
"report" { FL; return yPSL_REPORT; }
"true" { FL; return yTRUE; }
/* Generic unsupported warnings */
/*"A" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"AF" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"AG" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"AX" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"E" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"EF" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"EG" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"EX" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL branching reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } */
/*"F" { FL; return yEVENTUALLYB; } */
/*"G" { FL; return yALWAYS; } */
/*"U" { FL; return yUNTILB; } */
/*"W" { FL; return yUNTIL; } */
/*"X" { FL; return yNEXT; } */
/*"X!" { FL; return yNEXTB; } */
/*"restrict" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } S09 instead */
/*"strong" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } S09 instead */
/*"until" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } S09 instead */
"%for" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"%if" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"abort" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"assume_guarantee" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"before" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"before!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"before!_" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"before_" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"boolean" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"const" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"endpoint" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"eventually!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"fairness" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"fell" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"forall" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"in" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"inf" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"inherit" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"never" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_a" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_a!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_e" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_e!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_event" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_event!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_event_a" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_event_a!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_event_e" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"next_event_e!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"prev" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"property" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"restrict_guarantee" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"rose" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"sequence" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"stable" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"union" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"until!" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"until!_" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"until_" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"vmode" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"vprop" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"vunit" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
"within" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL reserved word not implemented: %s",yytext); }
/* Meta comments */
/* Converted from //{cmt}verilator ...{cmt} by preprocessor */
"/*verilator"{ws}*"*/" {} /* Ignore empty comments, may be `endif // verilator */
"/*verilator clock_enable*/" { FL; return yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE; }
"/*verilator coverage_block_off*/" { FL; return yVL_COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF; }
@ -793,8 +696,6 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"{" { FL; return yytext[0]; }
"}" { FL; return yytext[0]; }
"!" { FL; return yytext[0]; }
"#" { FL; return yytext[0]; }
"$" { FL; return yytext[0]; }
@ -826,7 +727,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Operators and multi-character symbols */
/* Verilog 1995 Operators */
"&&" { FL; return yP_ANDAND; }
"||" { FL; return yP_OROR; }
"<=" { FL; return yP_LTE; }
@ -848,7 +749,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Verilog 2001 Operators */
"<<<" { FL; return yP_SLEFT; }
">>>" { FL; return yP_SSRIGHT; }
"**" { FL; return yP_POW; }
@ -891,23 +792,8 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"["{ws}*"->" { FL; return yP_BRAMINUSGT; }
/* PSL Operators */
"{" { FL; return yPSL_BRA; } // Avoid parser hitting concatenate.
"}" { FL; return yPSL_KET; } // Avoid parser hitting concatenate.
"<->" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } //Unsup in other tools
"[*" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_BRA_STAR
"[*]" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_BRA_STAR_KET
"[+]" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_BRA_PLUS_KET
"[->" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_BRA_MINUS_GT
"[->]" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_BRA_MINUS_GT_KET
"[=" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_BRA_EQ
"|->" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_ORMINUSGT
"|=>" { yyerrorf("Unsupported: PSL operator not implemented: %s",yytext); } // yP_OREQGT
/* Identifiers and numbers */
{escid} { FL; yylval.strp = PARSEP->newString
(AstNode::encodeName(string(yytext+1))); // +1 to skip the backslash
return yaID__LEX;
@ -997,7 +883,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Preprocessor */
/* Common for all SYSC header states */
/* OPTIMIZE: we return one per line, make it one for the entire block */
"`accelerate" { } // Verilog-XL compatibility
"`autoexpand_vectornets" { } // Verilog-XL compatibility
"`celldefine" { PARSEP->inCellDefine(true); }
@ -1026,7 +912,6 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
"`portcoerce" { }
"`pragma"{ws}+[^\n\r]* { } // Verilog 2005
"`protect" { }
"`psl" { if (PARSEP->optPsl()) { BEGIN PSL; } else { BEGIN IGNORE; } }
"`remove_gatenames" { } // Verilog-XL compatibility
"`remove_netnames" { } // Verilog-XL compatibility
"`resetall" { PARSEP->fileline()->warnOn(V3ErrorCode::I_DEF_NETTYPE_WIRE,true); } // Rest handled by preproc
@ -1073,7 +958,7 @@ vnum {vnum1}|{vnum2}|{vnum3}|{vnum4}|{vnum5}
/* Default rules - leave last */
"`"[a-zA-Z_0-9]+ { FL; yyerrorf("Define or directive not defined: %s",yytext); }
"//"[^\n]* { } /* throw away single line comments */
. { FL; return yytext[0]; } /* return single char ops. */
@ -488,12 +488,6 @@ class AstSenTree;
%token<fl> yD_WARNING "$warning"
%token<fl> yD_WRITE "$write"
%token<fl> yPSL "psl"
%token<fl> yPSL_ASSERT "PSL assert"
%token<fl> yPSL_CLOCK "PSL clock"
%token<fl> yPSL_COVER "PSL cover"
%token<fl> yPSL_REPORT "PSL report"
%token<fl> yVL_CLOCK "/*verilator sc_clock*/"
%token<fl> yVL_CLOCK_ENABLE "/*verilator clock_enable*/"
%token<fl> yVL_COVERAGE_BLOCK_OFF "/*verilator coverage_block_off*/"
@ -566,8 +560,6 @@ class AstSenTree;
%token<fl> yP_SRIGHTEQ ">>="
%token<fl> yP_SSRIGHTEQ ">>>="
%token<fl> yPSL_BRA "{"
%token<fl> yPSL_KET "}"
%token<fl> yP_LOGIFF
// [* is not a operator, as "[ * ]" is legal
@ -578,7 +570,6 @@ class AstSenTree;
// PSL op precedence
%left<fl> prPSLCLK
// Verilog op precedence
%right '?' ':'
@ -637,20 +628,6 @@ class AstSenTree;
%start source_text
// Feedback to the Lexer
// Note we read a parenthesis ahead, so this may not change the lexer at the right point.
stateExitPsl: // For PSL lexing, return from PSL state
/* empty */ { PARSEP->stateExitPsl(); }
statePushVlg: // For PSL lexing, escape current state into Verilog state
/* empty */ { PARSEP->statePushVlg(); }
statePop: // Return to previous lexing state
/* empty */ { PARSEP->statePop(); }
// Files
@ -1698,8 +1675,6 @@ module_common_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: module_common_item
| yALWAYS_LATCH event_controlE stmtBlock { $$ = new AstAlways($1,VAlwaysKwd::ALWAYS_LATCH, $2,$3); }
| loop_generate_construct { $$ = $1; }
| conditional_generate_construct { $$ = $1; }
// // Verilator only
| pslStmt { $$ = $1; }
| error ';' { $$ = NULL; }
@ -2987,7 +2962,7 @@ expr<nodep>: // IEEE: part of expression/constant_expression/primary
| ~noPar__IGNORE~'(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
//UNSUP ~noPar__IGNORE~'(' expr ':' expr ':' expr ')' { $$ = $4; }
// // PSL rule
| '_' '(' statePushVlg expr statePop ')' { $$ = $4; } // Arbitrary Verilog inside PSL
| '_' '(' expr ')' { $$ = $3; } // Arbitrary Verilog inside PSL
// // IEEE: cast/constant_cast
| casting_type yP_TICK '(' expr ')' { $$ = new AstCast($2,$4,$1); }
@ -3087,11 +3062,6 @@ fexprScope<nodep>: // exprScope, For use as first part of statement (disambigua
BISONPRE_COPY(exprScope,{s/~l~/f/g}) // {copied}
// Psl excludes {}'s by lexer converting to different token
expr { $$ = $1; }
// PLI calls exclude "" as integers, they're strings
// For $c("foo","bar") we want "bar" as a string, not a Verilog integer.
@ -3622,56 +3592,6 @@ package_scopeIdFollows<packagep>: // IEEE: package_scope
// PSL Statements
yPSL pslDir stateExitPsl { $$ = $2; }
| yPSL pslDecl stateExitPsl { $$ = $2; }
id ':' pslDirOne { $$ = $3; }
| pslDirOne { $$ = $1; }
yPSL_ASSERT pslProp ';' { $$ = new AstPslAssert($1,$2); }
| yPSL_ASSERT pslProp yPSL_REPORT yaSTRING ';' { $$ = new AstPslAssert($1,$2,*$4); }
| yPSL_COVER pslProp ';' { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$2,NULL); }
| yPSL_COVER pslProp yPSL_REPORT yaSTRING ';' { $$ = new AstPslCover($1,$2,NULL,*$4); }
yDEFAULT yPSL_CLOCK '=' senitemEdge ';' { $$ = new AstPslDefClock($3, $4); }
| yDEFAULT yPSL_CLOCK '=' '(' senitemEdge ')' ';' { $$ = new AstPslDefClock($3, $5); }
// PSL Properties, Sequences and SEREs
// Don't use '{' or '}'; in PSL they're yPSL_BRA and yPSL_KET to avoid expr concatenates
pslSequence { $$ = $1; }
| pslSequence '@' %prec prPSLCLK '(' senitemEdge ')' { $$ = new AstPslClocked($2,$4,NULL,$1); } // or pslSequence @ ...?
yPSL_BRA pslSere yPSL_KET { $$ = $2; }
pslExpr { $$ = $1; }
| pslSequence { $$ = $1; } // Sequence containing sequence
// Undocumented PSL rule is that {} is always a SERE; concatenation is not allowed.
// This can be bypassed with the _(...) embedding of any arbitrary expression.
exprPsl { $$ = new AstPslBool($1->fileline(), $1); }
| yTRUE { $$ = new AstPslBool($1, new AstConst($1, AstConst::LogicTrue())); }
// VLT Files
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2005 by Wilson Snyder.
// verilator metacomment preserved
/*verilator metacomment also_preserved*/
Hello in t_preproc_psl.v
// Psl capitalized not relevant
// Double commented ignored // psl not ok
// You can't have multiple statements on one // psl line.
// Inline /*cmt*/ comments not allowed inside psl comments
// psl default clock = (posedge clk);
// psl fails1: cover {cyc==10};
// psl assert always cyc!=10;
// psl assert always cyc==3 -> mask==8'h2;
// psl failsx: cover {cyc==3 && mask==8'h1};
/* psl fails2:
cover {
cyc==3 && mask==8'h9};
// Ignore this comment-in-between-statements (however not legal inside a statement)
fails3: always assert {
cyc==3 && mask==8'h10 };
// Note the PSL statement can be on a unique line
// There can also be multiple "psl" keywords per line.
assert always
cyc==3 -> mask==8'h21;
fails_mlalso: assert always cyc==3 -> mask==8'h21;
// psl assert never (cyc==1 && reset_l);
// psl fails3: assert always
// cyc==3 -> mask==8'h21;
// syntax_error, not_part_of_above_stmt;
// We need to count { and ( when looking for ; that terminate a PSL expression
// psl assert always
// {[*]; cyc==3;
// cyc==4; cyc==6};
// syntax_error, not_part_of_above_stmt;
// However /**/ pairs can't be split as above.
`ifdef NEVER
// psl ifdefs have precedence;
// Macros are expanded...
`define define_sig cyc
// psl assert always `define_sig!=10;
`ifdef verilator
psl assert always sig!=90;
// Did we end up right?
@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
`line 1 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 1
`line 4 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 7 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
/*verilator metacomment preserved*/
/*verilator metacomment also_preserved*/
`line 11 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
Hello in t_preproc_psl.v
`line 17 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 28 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 28 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 28 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 28 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 28 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 31 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 40 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 40 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 40 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 40 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 40 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 40 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 43 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 45 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 49 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 55 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 57 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 61 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 65 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl assert always sig!=90;
`line 71 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 74 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 2
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003-2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
$Self->{vlt} or $Self->skip("Verilator only test");
my $stdout_filename = "$Self->{obj_dir}/$Self->{name}__test.vpp";
compile (
verilator_flags2 => ['-E'],
stdout_filename => $stdout_filename,
ok(files_identical($stdout_filename, "t/$Self->{name}.out"));
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
`line 1 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 1
`line 4 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 7 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
/*verilator metacomment preserved*/
/*verilator metacomment also_preserved*/
`line 11 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
Hello in t_preproc_psl.v
`line 17 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl default clock = (posedge clk);
psl fails1: cover {cyc==10};
psl assert always cyc!=10;
psl assert always cyc==3 -> mask==8'h2;
psl failsx: cover {cyc==3 && mask==8'h1};
psl fails2:
cover {
cyc==3 && mask==8'h9};
fails3: always assert {
cyc==3 && mask==8'h10 };
`line 31 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
assert always
cyc==3 -> mask==8'h21;
fails_mlalso: assert always cyc==3 -> mask==8'h21;
`line 43 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl assert never (cyc==1 && reset_l);
`line 45 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl fails3: assert always
psl cyc==3 -> mask==8'h21;
`line 49 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl assert always
psl {[*]; cyc==3;
psl cyc==4; cyc==6};
`line 55 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 57 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 61 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl assert always cyc!=10;
`line 65 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
psl assert always sig!=90;
`line 71 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 0
`line 74 "t/t_preproc_psl.v" 2
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003-2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
$Self->{vlt} or $Self->skip("Verilator only test");
my $stdout_filename = "$Self->{obj_dir}/$Self->{name}__test.vpp";
compile (
verilator_flags2 => ['-psl-deprecated -E'],
stdout_filename => $stdout_filename,
ok(files_identical($stdout_filename, "t/$Self->{name}.out"));
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003-2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (
v_flags2 => [$Self->{v3}?'--assert --psl-deprecated':($Self->{nc}?'+assert':'')],
execute (
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2005 by Wilson Snyder.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
input clk;
reg toggle;
integer cyc; initial cyc=1;
wire [7:0] cyc_copy = cyc[7:0];
// psl cover {cyc==3 || cyc==4} @ (posedge clk);
// psl assert {cyc<100} @ (posedge clk) report "AssertionFalse1";
// psl assert {toggle} @ (posedge clk) report "AssertionShouldFail";
// psl default clock = negedge clk;
//FIX // psl assert always {cyc<99};
// psl cover {cyc==9} report "DefaultClock,expect=1";
// psl assert {(cyc==5)->toggle};
// psl cover {(cyc==5)->toggle} report "ToggleLogIf,expect=1";
`ifdef NOT_SUP
// psl assert {toggle<->cyc[0]};
// psl cover {toggle<->cyc[0]} report "CycsLogIff,expect=10";
// Test {{..}} == Sequence of sequence...
// psl assert {{true}};
always @ (negedge clk) begin
//if (!(cyc==5) || toggle) $write("%d: %s\n", cyc, "ToggleLogIf,expect=1");
//if (toggle&&cyc[0] || ~toggle&&~cyc[0]) $write("%d: %s\n", cyc, "CycsLogIff,expect=10");
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cyc!=0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
toggle <= !cyc[0];
if (cyc==10) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003-2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (
verilator_flags2 => ['--psl-deprecated --sp --coverage-user'],
execute (
# Allow old Perl format dump, or new binary dump
file_grep ($Self->{coverage_filename}, qr/(,o=>'cover'.*,c=>2\)|o.cover.* 2\n)/);
file_grep ($Self->{coverage_filename}, qr/(DefaultClock.*,c=>1\)|DefaultClock.* 1\n)/);
file_grep ($Self->{coverage_filename}, qr/(ToggleLogIf.*,c=>9\)|ToggleLogIf.* 9\n)/);
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003-2009 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (
v_flags2 => [],
execute (
Reference in New Issue
Block a user