Fix conditional slices and add related optimizations.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2017-10-04 21:27:34 -04:00
parent b532a47e4a
commit 75aab4e9d2
13 changed files with 218 additions and 414 deletions

View File

@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ The contributors that suggested a given feature are shown in []. Thanks!
**** Fix unnecessary Vdly variables, bug1224 partial. [John Coiner]
**** Fix conditional slices and add related optimizations.
* Verilator 3.912 2017-09-23

View File

@ -763,10 +763,6 @@ void AstAlways::dump(ostream& str) {
if (keyword() != VAlwaysKwd::ALWAYS) str<<" ["<<keyword().ascii()<<"]";
void AstArraySel::dump(ostream& str) {
str<<" [start:"<<start()<<"] [length:"<<length()<<"]";
void AstAttrOf::dump(ostream& str) {
str<<" ["<<attrType().ascii()<<"]";

View File

@ -766,8 +766,6 @@ class AstArraySel : public AstNodeSel {
// Parents: math|stmt
// Children: varref|arraysel, math
unsigned m_start;
unsigned m_length;
void init(AstNode* fromp) {
if (fromp && fromp->dtypep()->skipRefp()->castNodeArrayDType()) {
// Strip off array to find what array references
@ -776,11 +774,11 @@ private:
AstArraySel(FileLine* fl, AstNode* fromp, AstNode* bitp)
:AstNodeSel(fl, fromp, bitp), m_start(0), m_length(1) {
:AstNodeSel(fl, fromp, bitp) {
AstArraySel(FileLine* fl, AstNode* fromp, int bit)
:AstNodeSel(fl, fromp, new AstConst(fl,bit)), m_start(0), m_length(1) {
:AstNodeSel(fl, fromp, new AstConst(fl,bit)) {
@ -797,13 +795,8 @@ public:
virtual V3Hash sameHash() const { return V3Hash(); }
virtual bool same(AstNode* samep) const { return true; }
virtual int instrCount() const { return widthInstrs(); }
unsigned length() const { return m_length; }
void length(unsigned length) { m_length = length; }
void start(unsigned start) { m_start = start; }
unsigned start() const { return m_start; }
// Special operators
static AstNode* baseFromp(AstNode* nodep); ///< What is the base variable (or const) this dereferences?
virtual void dump(ostream& str);
class AstWordSel : public AstNodeSel {

View File

@ -45,153 +45,6 @@
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Slice.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include <vector>
class SliceCloneVisitor : public AstNVisitor {
// Inputs:
// AstArraySel::user1p() -> AstVarRef. The VarRef that the final ArraySel points to
// AstNodeAssign::user2() -> int. The number of clones needed for this assign
// AstArraySel::user3() -> bool. Error detected
vector<vector<unsigned> > m_selBits; // Indexes of the ArraySel we are expanding
int m_vecIdx; // Current vector index
unsigned m_depth; // Number of ArraySel's from the VarRef
AstVarRef* m_refp; // VarRef under this ArraySel
static int debug() {
static int level = -1;
if (VL_UNLIKELY(level < 0)) level = v3Global.opt.debugSrcLevel(__FILE__);
return level;
virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) {
if (!nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {
// This is the top of an ArraySel, setup for iteration
m_refp = nodep->user1p()->castVarRef();
m_vecIdx += 1;
if (m_vecIdx == (int)m_selBits.size()) {
AstVar* varp = m_refp->varp();
pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> arrDim = varp->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
uint32_t dimensions = arrDim.second;
// for 3-dimensions we want m_selBits[m_vecIdx]=[0,0,0]
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i) {
if (nodep->fromp()->castVarRef()) {
m_depth = 0;
} else {
// Check if m_selBits has overflowed
if (m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth] >= nodep->length()) {
m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth] = 0;
if (m_depth + 1 < m_selBits[m_vecIdx].size())
m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth+1] += 1;
// Reassign the bitp()
if (nodep->length() > 1) {
if (AstConst* bitp = nodep->bitp()->castConst()) {
AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep = nodep->fromp()->dtypep()->skipRefp()->castUnpackArrayDType();
if (!adtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("slice select tried to expand an array without an ArrayDType");
unsigned idx = nodep->start() + m_selBits[m_vecIdx][m_depth] - adtypep->lsb();
if (adtypep->rangep()->littleEndian()) { // Little must iterate backwards
idx = adtypep->rangep()->elementsConst() - 1 - idx;
AstNode* constp = new AstConst(bitp->fileline(), V3Number(bitp->fileline(), bitp->castConst()->num().width(), idx));
} else {
nodep->v3error("Unsupported: Only constants supported in slices");
if (!nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {
// Top ArraySel, increment m_selBits
m_selBits[m_vecIdx][0] += 1;
virtual void visit(AstNodeAssign* nodep) {
if (nodep->user2() < 2) return; // Don't need clones
UINFO(4, "Cloning "<<nodep->user2()<<" times: "<<nodep<<endl);
for (int i = 0; i < nodep->user2(); ++i) {
// Clone the node and iterate over the clone
m_vecIdx = -1;
AstNodeAssign* clonep = nodep->cloneTree(false)->castNodeAssign();
nodep->unlinkFrBack()->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
// Not all Uniop nodes should be cloned down to a single bit
void cloneUniop(AstNodeUniop* nodep) {
if (nodep->user2() < 2) return; // Don't need clones
UINFO(4, "Cloning "<<nodep->user2()<<" times: "<<nodep<<endl);
AstNode* lhsp = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < nodep->user2(); ++i) {
// Clone the node and iterate over the clone
m_vecIdx = -1;
AstNodeUniop* clonep = nodep->cloneTree(false)->castNodeUniop();
if (!lhsp) lhsp = clonep;
else {
switch (nodep->type()) {
case AstType::atRedOr:
lhsp = new AstOr(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, clonep);
case AstType::atRedAnd:
lhsp = new AstAnd(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, clonep);
case AstType::atRedXor:
lhsp = new AstXor(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, clonep);
case AstType::atRedXnor:
lhsp = new AstXnor(nodep->fileline(), lhsp, clonep);
nodep->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Unary operation on multiple packed dimensions");
nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
virtual void visit(AstRedOr* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstRedAnd* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstRedXor* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstRedXnor* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) {
// Default: Just iterate
explicit SliceCloneVisitor(AstNode* nodep) {
virtual ~SliceCloneVisitor() {}
@ -201,18 +54,10 @@ class SliceVisitor : public AstNVisitor {
// AstNodeAssign::user1() -> bool. True if find is complete
// AstUniop::user1() -> bool. True if find is complete
// AstArraySel::user1p() -> AstVarRef. The VarRef that the final ArraySel points to
// AstNode::user2() -> int. The number of clones needed for this node
AstUser1InUse m_inuser1;
AstUser2InUse m_inuser2;
AstUser3InUse m_inuser3;
typedef pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> ArrayDimensions; // Array Dimensions (packed, unpacked)
AstNode* m_assignp; // Assignment we are under
AstNodeVarRef* m_lhsVarRefp; // Var on the LHS
bool m_extend; // We have found an extend node
bool m_assignError; // True if the current assign already has an error
@ -222,265 +67,103 @@ class SliceVisitor : public AstNVisitor {
return level;
unsigned explicitDimensions(AstArraySel* nodep) {
// Find out how many explicit dimensions are in a given ArraySel.
unsigned dim = 0;
AstNode* fromp = nodep;
AstArraySel* selp;
do {
selp = fromp->castArraySel();
if (!selp) {
selp = NULL;
} else {
fromp = selp->fromp();
if (fromp) ++dim;
} while (fromp && selp);
if (!nodep->user1p()) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Couldn't find VarRef under the ArraySel");
return dim;
int countClones(AstArraySel* nodep) {
// Count how many clones we need to make from this ArraySel
int clones = 1;
AstNode* fromp = nodep;
AstArraySel* selp;
do {
selp = fromp->castArraySel();
fromp = (selp) ? selp->fromp() : NULL;
if (fromp && selp) clones *= selp->length();
} while (fromp && selp);
return clones;
AstArraySel* insertImplicit(AstNode* nodep, unsigned startDim, unsigned numDimensions) {
// Insert any implicit slices as explicit slices (ArraySel nodes).
// Return a new pointer to replace nodep() in the ArraySel.
UINFO(9," insertImplicit (startDim="<<startDim<<",c="<<numDimensions<<") "<<nodep<<endl);
AstVarRef* refp = nodep->user1p()->castVarRef();
if (!refp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("No VarRef in user1 of node "<<nodep);
AstVar* varp = refp->varp();
AstNode* topp = nodep;
for (unsigned i = startDim; i < startDim + numDimensions; ++i) {
AstNodeDType* dtypep = varp->dtypep()->dtypeDimensionp(i-1);
AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep = dtypep->castUnpackArrayDType();
if (!adtypep) nodep->v3fatalSrc("insertImplicit tried to expand an array without an ArrayDType");
vlsint32_t msb = adtypep->msb();
vlsint32_t lsb = adtypep->lsb();
if (lsb > msb) {
// Below code assumes big bit endian; just works out if we swap
int x = msb; msb = lsb; lsb = x;
UINFO(9," ArraySel-child: "<<topp<<endl);
AstArraySel* newp = new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(), topp,
// Arrays are zero-based so index 0 is always lsb (e.g. lsb-lsb -> 0)
new AstConst(nodep->fileline(), 0));
if (!newp->dtypep()) {
newp->v3fatalSrc("ArraySel dtyping failed when resolving slice"); // see ArraySel constructor
newp->length(msb - lsb + 1);
topp = newp;
return topp->castArraySel();
virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) {
// The LHS/RHS of an Assign may be to a Var that is an array. In this
// case we need to create a slice across the entire Var
if (m_assignp && !nodep->backp()->castArraySel()) {
pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> arrDim = nodep->varp()->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
uint32_t dimensions = arrDim.second; // unpacked only
if (dimensions > 0) {
AstVarRef* clonep = nodep->cloneTree(false);
AstNode* newp = insertImplicit(clonep, 1, dimensions);
nodep->replaceWith(newp); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
virtual void visit(AstExtend* nodep) {
m_extend = true;
if (m_assignp && m_assignp->user2() > 1 && !m_assignError) {
m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between unpacked arrays of different dimensions");
AstNode* cloneAndSel(AstNode* nodep, int elements, int offset) {
// Insert an ArraySel, except for a few special cases
AstUnpackArrayDType* arrayp = nodep->dtypep()->skipRefp()->castUnpackArrayDType();
if (!arrayp) { // V3Width should have complained, but...
if (!m_assignError) nodep->v3error(nodep->prettyTypeName()<<" is not an unpacked array, but is in an unpacked array context");
m_assignError = true;
return nodep->cloneTree(false); // Likely will cause downstream errors
virtual void visit(AstConst* nodep) {
m_extend = true;
if (m_assignp && m_assignp->user2() > 1 && !m_assignError) {
m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between a constant and an array slice");
if (arrayp->rangep()->elementsConst() != elements) {
if (!m_assignError) nodep->v3error("Slices of arrays in assignments have different unpacked dimensions, "
<<elements<<" versus "<<arrayp->rangep()->elementsConst());
m_assignError = true;
elements = 1; offset = 0;
virtual void visit(AstArraySel* nodep) {
if (!m_assignp) return;
if (nodep->user3()) return; // Prevent recursion on just created nodes
unsigned dim = explicitDimensions(nodep);
AstVarRef* refp = nodep->user1p()->castVarRef();
pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> arrDim = refp->varp()->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
uint32_t implicit = (arrDim.second) - dim;
if (implicit > 0) {
AstArraySel* newp = insertImplicit(nodep->cloneTree(false), dim+1, implicit);
nodep->replaceWith(newp); nodep = newp;
int clones = countClones(nodep);
if (m_assignp->user2() > 0 && m_assignp->user2() != clones) {
m_assignp->v3error("Slices of arrays in assignments must have the same unpacked dimensions");
} else if (!m_assignp->user2()) {
if (m_extend && clones > 1 && !m_assignError) {
m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between unpacked arrays of different dimensions");
m_assignError = true;
AstNode* newp;
if (AstInitArray* initp = nodep->castInitArray()) {
UINFO(9," cloneInitArray("<<elements<<","<<offset<<") "<<nodep<<endl);
AstNode* itemp = initp->initsp();
int leOffset = !arrayp->rangep()->littleEndian() ? arrayp->rangep()->elementsConst()-1-offset : offset;
for (int pos = 0; itemp && pos < leOffset; ++pos) {
itemp = itemp->nextp();
if (clones > 1 && !refp->lvalue() && refp->varp() == m_lhsVarRefp->varp()
&& !m_assignp->castAssignDly() && !m_assignError) {
// LHS Var != RHS Var for a non-delayed assignment
m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Slices in a non-delayed assignment with the same Var on both sides");
m_assignError = true;
if (!itemp) {
nodep->v3error("Array initialization has too few elements, need element "<<offset);
itemp = initp->initsp();
newp = itemp->cloneTree(false);
virtual void visit(AstSel* nodep) {
m_extend = true;
if (m_assignp && m_assignp->user2() > 1 && !m_assignError) {
m_assignp->v3error("Unsupported: Assignment between unpacked arrays of different dimensions");
else if (AstNodeCond* snodep = nodep->castNodeCond()) {
UINFO(9," cloneCond("<<elements<<","<<offset<<") "<<nodep<<endl);
return snodep->cloneType(snodep->condp()->cloneTree(false),
cloneAndSel(snodep->expr1p(), elements, offset),
cloneAndSel(snodep->expr2p(), elements, offset));
else if (nodep->castArraySel()
|| nodep->castNodeVarRef()
|| nodep->castNodeSel()) {
UINFO(9," cloneSel("<<elements<<","<<offset<<") "<<nodep<<endl);
int leOffset = !arrayp->rangep()->littleEndian() ? arrayp->rangep()->elementsConst()-1-offset : offset;
newp = new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(), nodep->cloneTree(false), leOffset);
else {
if (!m_assignError) nodep->v3error(nodep->prettyTypeName()<<" unexpected in assignment to unpacked array");
m_assignError = true;
newp = nodep->cloneTree(false); // Likely will cause downstream errors
virtual void visit(AstNodeCond* nodep) {
// The conditional must be a single bit so only look at the expressions
// Downstream data type may have changed; propagate up
// Return the first AstVarRef under the node
AstVarRef* findVarRefRecurse(AstNode* nodep) {
AstVarRef* refp = nodep->castVarRef();
if (refp) return refp;
if (nodep->op1p()) {
refp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->op1p());
if (refp) return refp;
if (nodep->op2p()) {
refp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->op2p());
if (refp) return refp;
if (nodep->op3p()) {
refp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->op3p());
if (refp) return refp;
if (nodep->op4p()) {
refp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->op4p());
if (refp) return refp;
if (nodep->nextp()) {
refp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->nextp());
if (refp) return refp;
return NULL;
void findImplicit(AstNodeAssign* nodep) {
if (m_assignp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Found a NodeAssign under another NodeAssign");
m_assignp = nodep;
m_assignError = false;
m_extend = false;
// Record the LHS Var so we can check if the Var on the RHS is the same
m_lhsVarRefp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->lhsp());
if (!m_lhsVarRefp) nodep->v3fatalSrc("Couldn't find a VarRef on the LHSP of an Assign");
// Iterate children looking for ArraySel nodes. From that we get the number of elements
// in the array so we know how many times we need to clone this assignment.
if (nodep->user2() > 1) SliceCloneVisitor scv(nodep);
m_assignp = NULL;
return newp;
virtual void visit(AstNodeAssign* nodep) {
if (!nodep->user1()) {
// Cleanup initArrays
if (AstInitArray* initp = nodep->rhsp()->castInitArray()) {
//if (debug()>=9) nodep->dumpTree(cout, "-InitArrayIn: ");
AstNode* newp = NULL;
for (int pos = 0; AstNode* itemp=initp->initsp(); ++pos) {
int index = initp->posIndex(pos);
AstNode* lhsp = new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(),
newp = AstNode::addNext(newp, nodep->cloneType(lhsp, itemp->unlinkFrBack()));
// Deleted from list of items without correcting posIndex, but that's ok as about
// to delete the entire InitArray
// Called recursively on newly created assignments
if (!nodep->user1()
&& !nodep->castAssignAlias()) {
m_assignError = false;
if (debug()>=9) { cout<<endl; nodep->dumpTree(cout," Deslice-In: "); }
AstNodeDType* dtp = nodep->lhsp()->dtypep()->skipRefp();
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* arrayp = dtp->castUnpackArrayDType()) {
// Left and right could have different msb/lsbs/endianness, but #elements is common
// and all variables are realigned to start at zero
// Assign of a little endian'ed slice to a big endian one must reverse the elements
AstNode* newlistp = NULL;
int elements = arrayp->rangep()->elementsConst();
for (int offset = 0; offset < elements; ++offset) {
AstNode* newp = nodep->cloneType // AstNodeAssign
(cloneAndSel(nodep->lhsp(), elements, offset),
cloneAndSel(nodep->rhsp(), elements, offset));
if (debug()>=9) { newp->dumpTree(cout,"-new "); }
newlistp = AstNode::addNextNull(newlistp, newp);
//if (debug()>=9) newp->dumpTreeAndNext(cout, "-InitArrayOut: ");
pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
return; // Will iterate in a moment
nodep->replaceWith(newlistp); nodep->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(nodep);
if (debug()>=9) { cout<<endl; nodep->dumpTree(cout," Deslice-Dn: "); }
// Normal edit iterator will now iterate on all of the expansion assignments
// This will potentially call this function again to resolve next level of slicing
// Hasn't been searched for implicit slices yet
m_assignp = nodep;
m_assignp = NULL;
void expandUniOp(AstNodeUniop* nodep) {
if (!nodep->user1()) {
unsigned dim = 0;
if (AstArraySel* selp = nodep->lhsp()->castArraySel()) {
// We have explicit dimensions, either packed or unpacked
dim = explicitDimensions(selp);
if (dim == 0 && !nodep->lhsp()->castVarRef()) {
// No ArraySel nor VarRef, not something we can expand
} else {
AstVarRef* refp = findVarRefRecurse(nodep->lhsp());
ArrayDimensions varDim = refp->varp()->dtypep()->dimensions(false);
if ((int)(dim - varDim.second) < 0) {
// Unpacked dimensions are referenced first, make sure we have them all
nodep->v3error("Unary operator used across unpacked dimensions");
virtual void visit(AstInitArray* nodep) {
if (m_assignp) {
nodep->v3fatalSrc("Array initialization should have been removed earlier");
virtual void visit(AstRedOr* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstRedAnd* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstRedXor* nodep) {
virtual void visit(AstRedXnor* nodep) {
void expandBiOp(AstNodeBiop* nodep) {
if (!nodep->user1()) {
// If it's a unpacked array, blow it up into comparing each element
// If it's an unpacked array, blow it up into comparing each element
AstNodeDType* fromDtp = nodep->lhsp()->dtypep()->skipRefp();
UINFO(9, " Bi-Eq/Neq expansion "<<nodep<<endl);
if (AstUnpackArrayDType* adtypep = fromDtp->castUnpackArrayDType()) {
AstNodeBiop* logp = NULL;
for (int index = adtypep->rangep()->lsbConst();
index <= adtypep->rangep()->msbConst(); ++index) {
for (int index = 0; index <= adtypep->rangep()->elementsConst(); ++index) {
// EQ(a,b) -> LOGAND(EQ(ARRAYSEL(a,0), ARRAYSEL(b,0)), ...[1])
AstNodeBiop* clonep = nodep->cloneType
(new AstArraySel(nodep->fileline(),
@ -536,7 +219,7 @@ public:
explicit SliceVisitor(AstNetlist* rootp) {
m_assignp = NULL;
m_lhsVarRefp = NULL;
m_assignError = false;
virtual ~SliceVisitor() {}

View File

@ -305,8 +305,6 @@ private:
} else {
// TODO when unpacked arrays fully supported probably need new data type here
AstArraySel* newp = new AstArraySel (nodep->fileline(), fromp, lsbp);
newp->length((msb - lsb) + 1);
nodep->replaceWith(newp); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep);

View File

@ -35,12 +35,16 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
array_3[2] = 4'b0100;
array_3[3] = 4'b0100;
// Comparisons only compare elements 0
array_1_ne_array_2 = array_1 != array_2; // 0
array_1_eq_array_2 = array_1 == array_2; // 0
array_1_ne_array_3 = array_1 != array_3; // 1
array_1_eq_array_3 = array_1 == array_3; // 1
//Not legal: array_rxor = ^ array_1;
//Not legal: array_rxnor = ^~ array_1;
//Not legal: array_ror = | array_1;
//Not legal: array_rand = & array_1;
$write("array_1_ne_array2==%0d\n", array_1_ne_array_2);
$write("array_1_ne_array3==%0d\n", array_1_ne_array_3);

View File

@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); di
compile (
verilator_flags2 => ["--lint-only"],
fails => 1,
verilator_make_gcc => 0,
make_top_shell => 0,
make_main => 0,
# Once got illegal assignment, but new slicing rules don't always detect this.
# Due to V3Width.cpp pinwidth != conwidth requirement on data type mismatches
q{%Error: t/t_inst_misarray_bad.v:16: VARREF '' is not an unpacked array, but is in an unpacked array context
%Error: Exiting due to.*},

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ compile (
verilator_flags2 => ["--lint-only"],
'%Error: t/t_mem_packed_bad.v:\d+: Unsupported: Assignment between unpacked arrays of different dimensions
%Error: Exiting due to.*',
q{%Error: t/t_mem_packed_bad.v:\d+: CONST '28'h0' unexpected in assignment to unpacked array
%Error: Exiting due to.*},

View File

@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ compile (
v_flags2 => ["--lint-only"],
'%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments must have the same unpacked dimensions
%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments must have the same unpacked dimensions
%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Unsupported: Slices in a non-delayed assignment with the same Var on both sides
%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments must have the same unpacked dimensions
%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments must have the same unpacked dimensions
'%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments have different unpacked dimensions, 9 versus 8
%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments have different unpacked dimensions, 4 versus 3
%Error: t/t_mem_slice_bad.v:\d+: Slices of arrays in assignments have different unpacked dimensions, 9 versus 8
%Error: Exiting due to.*',

test_regress/t/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2017 by Wilson Snyder.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
// Inputs
clk, sel, d0, d1
input clk;
input sel;
logic [7:0] data [1:0][3:0];
input [7:0] d0, d1;
output wire [8*2*4-1:0] dataout;
always_comb begin
for ( integer j = 0; j <= 1; j++ ) begin
if (sel)
data[j] = '{ d0, d1, 8'h00, 8'h00 };
data[j] = '{ 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00 };
for ( integer j = 0; j <= 1; j++ ) begin
data[j] = sel
? '{ d0, d1, 8'h00, 8'h00 }
: '{ 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00, 8'h00 };
assign dataout = {data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], data[0][3],
data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], data[1][3]};

test_regress/t/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
if (!$::Driver) { use FindBin; exec("$FindBin::Bin/", @ARGV, $0); die; }
# DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test driver/expect definition
# Copyright 2003 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
# Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
# Version 2.0.
compile (
execute (

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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Verilog Test module
// This file ONLY is placed into the Public Domain, for any use,
// without warranty, 2017 by Wilson Snyder.
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Inputs
clk, d0, d1
input clk;
input [7:0] d0, d1;
logic [7:0] inia [1:0][3:0] = '{ '{ '0, '1, 8'hfe, 8'hed },
'{ '1, '1, 8'h11, 8'h22 }};
logic [7:0] inil [0:1][0:3] = '{ '{ '0, '1, 8'hfe, 8'hed },
'{ '1, '1, 8'h11, 8'h22 }};
logic [7:0] data [1:0][3:0];
logic [7:0] datl [0:1][0:3];
initial begin
data = '{ '{ d0, d1, 8'hfe, 8'hed },
'{ d1, d1, 8'h11, 8'h22 }};
data[0] = '{ d0, d1, 8'h19, 8'h39 };
datl = '{ '{ d0, d1, 8'hfe, 8'hed },
'{ d1, d1, 8'h11, 8'h22 }};
datl[0] = '{ d0, d1, 8'h19, 8'h39 };
$display("D=%x %x %x %x -> 39 19 x x", data[0][0], data[0][1], data[0][2], data[0][3]);
$display("D=%x %x %x %x -> ed fe x x", data[1][0], data[1][1], data[1][2], data[1][3]);
$display("L=%x %x %x %x -> x x 19 39", datl[0][0], datl[0][1], datl[0][2], datl[0][3]);
$display("L=%x %x %x %x -> x x 11 12", datl[1][0], datl[1][1], datl[1][2], datl[1][3]);
if (inia[0][0] !== 8'h22) $stop;
if (inia[0][1] !== 8'h11) $stop;
if (inia[1][0] !== 8'hed) $stop;
if (inia[1][1] !== 8'hfe) $stop;
if (inil[0][2] !== 8'hfe) $stop;
if (inil[0][3] !== 8'hed) $stop;
if (inil[1][2] !== 8'h11) $stop;
if (inil[1][3] !== 8'h22) $stop;
if (data[0][0] !== 8'h39) $stop;
if (data[0][1] !== 8'h19) $stop;
if (data[1][0] !== 8'hed) $stop;
if (data[1][1] !== 8'hfe) $stop;
if (datl[0][2] !== 8'h19) $stop;
if (datl[0][3] !== 8'h39) $stop;
if (datl[1][2] !== 8'h11) $stop;
if (datl[1][3] !== 8'h22) $stop;
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");