forked from github/verilator
Internals: Factor out V3OptionParser from V3Options.cpp. No functional change is intended. (#2919)
This commit is contained in:
@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ RAW_OBJS = \
V3MergeCond.o \
V3Name.o \
V3Number.o \
V3OptionParser.o \
V3Options.o \
V3Order.o \
V3Os.o \
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Command line option parser
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Options.h"
#include "V3Error.h"
#include "V3OptionParser.h"
#include "V3String.h"
// V3OptionParser::Impl
struct V3OptionParser::Impl {
// Setting for isOnOffAllowed() and isPartialMatchAllowed()
enum class en : uint8_t {
NONE, // "-opt"
ONOFF, // "-opt" and "-no-opt"
VALUE // "-opt val"
// Base class of actual action classes
template <en MODE, bool ALLOW_PARTIAL_MATCH = false>
class ActionBase VL_NOT_FINAL : public ActionIfs {
bool m_undocumented = false; // This option is not documented
virtual bool isValueNeeded() const override final { return MODE == en::VALUE; }
virtual bool isOnOffAllowed() const override final { return MODE == en::ONOFF; }
virtual bool isPartialMatchAllowed() const override final { return ALLOW_PARTIAL_MATCH; }
virtual bool isUndocumented() const override { return m_undocumented; }
virtual void undocumented() override { m_undocumented = true; }
// Actual action classes
template <typename T> class ActionSet; // "-opt" for bool-ish, "-opt val" for int and string
template <typename BOOL> class ActionOnOff; // "-opt" and "-no-opt" for bool-ish
class ActionCbCall; // Callback without argument for "-opt"
class ActionCbOnOff; // Callback for "-opt" and "-no-opt"
template <class T> class ActionCbVal; // Callback for "-opt val"
class ActionCbPartialMatch; // Callback "-O3" for "-O"
class ActionCbPartialMatchVal; // Callback "-debugi-V3Options 3" for "-debugi-"
std::map<const string, std::unique_ptr<ActionIfs>> m_options; // All actions for option
bool m_isFinalized{false}; // Becomes after finalize() is called
VSpellCheck m_spellCheck; // Suggests closest option when not found
// Action classes in V3OptionParser::Impl
#define V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(className, type, body, enType) \
template <> class V3OptionParser::Impl::className<type> final : public ActionBase<enType> { \
type* m_valp; /* Pointer to a option variable*/ \
public: \
explicit className(type* valp) \
: m_valp(valp) {} \
virtual void exec(const char* optp, const char* argp) override { body; } \
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, bool, *m_valp = true, en::NONE);
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, VOptionBool, m_valp->setTrueOrFalse(true), en::NONE);
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, int, *m_valp = std::atoi(argp), en::VALUE);
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, string, *m_valp = argp, en::VALUE);
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionOnOff, bool, *m_valp = !hasPrefixNo(optp), en::ONOFF);
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionOnOff, VOptionBool, m_valp->setTrueOrFalse(!hasPrefixNo(optp)),
#define V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(className, funcType, body, ...) \
class V3OptionParser::Impl::className final : public ActionBase<__VA_ARGS__> { \
std::function<funcType> m_cb; /* Callback function */ \
public: \
using CbType = std::function<funcType>; \
explicit className(CbType cb) \
: m_cb(std::move(cb)) {} \
virtual void exec(const char* optp, const char* argp) override { body; } \
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbCall, void(void), m_cb(), en::NONE);
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbOnOff, void(bool), m_cb(!hasPrefixNo(optp)), en::ONOFF);
template <>
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbVal<int>, void(int), m_cb(std::atoi(argp)), en::VALUE);
template <>
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbVal<const char*>, void(const char*), m_cb(argp),
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbPartialMatch, void(const char*), m_cb(optp), en::NONE,
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbPartialMatchVal, void(const char*, const char*),
m_cb(optp, argp), en::VALUE, true);
// Member functions of V3OptionParser
V3OptionParser::ActionIfs* V3OptionParser::find(const char* optp) {
auto it = m_pimpl->m_options.find(optp);
if (it != m_pimpl->m_options.end()) return it->second.get();
for (auto&& act : m_pimpl->m_options) {
if (act.second->isOnOffAllowed()) { // Find starts with "-no"
const char* const nop = std::strncmp(optp, "-no", 3) ? nullptr : (optp + 3);
if (nop && (act.first == nop || act.first == (string{"-"} + nop))) {
return act.second.get();
} else if (act.second->isPartialMatchAllowed()) {
if (!std::strncmp(optp, act.first.c_str(), act.first.length())) {
return act.second.get();
return nullptr;
template <class ACT, class ARG>
V3OptionParser::ActionIfs& V3OptionParser::add(const std::string& opt, ARG arg) {
UASSERT(!m_pimpl->m_isFinalized, "Cannot add after finalize() is called");
std::unique_ptr<ACT> act{new ACT{std::move(arg)}};
UASSERT(opt.size() >= 2, opt << " is too short");
UASSERT(opt[0] == '-' || opt[0] == '+', opt << " does not start with either '-' or '+'");
UASSERT(!(opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-'), "Option must have single '-', but " << opt);
const auto insertedResult = m_pimpl->m_options.emplace(opt, std::move(act));
UASSERT(insertedResult.second, opt << " is already registered");
return *insertedResult.first->second;
bool V3OptionParser::hasPrefixNo(const char* strp) {
UASSERT(strp[0] == '-', strp << " does not start with '-'");
if (strp[1] == '-') ++strp;
return std::strncmp(strp, "-no", 3) == 0;
int V3OptionParser::parse(int idx, int argc, char* argv[]) {
UASSERT(m_pimpl->m_isFinalized, "finalize() must be called before parse()");
const char* optp = argv[idx];
if (optp[0] == '-' && optp[1] == '-') ++optp;
ActionIfs* actp = find(optp);
if (!actp) return 0;
if (!actp->isValueNeeded()) {
actp->exec(optp, nullptr);
return 1;
} else if (idx + 1 < argc) {
actp->exec(optp, argv[idx + 1]);
return 2;
return 0;
string V3OptionParser::getSuggestion(const char* str) const {
return m_pimpl->m_spellCheck.bestCandidateMsg(str);
void V3OptionParser::addSuggestionCandidate(const string& s) {
void V3OptionParser::finalize() {
UASSERT(!m_pimpl->m_isFinalized, "finalize() must not be called twice");
for (auto&& opt : m_pimpl->m_options) {
if (opt.second->isUndocumented()) continue;
if (opt.second->isOnOffAllowed()) m_pimpl->m_spellCheck.pushCandidate("-no" + opt.first);
m_pimpl->m_isFinalized = true;
: m_pimpl{new Impl{}} {}
V3OptionParser::~V3OptionParser() = default;
// Member functions of V3OptionParser::AppendHelper
#define V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(actKind, argType, actType) \
V3OptionParser::ActionIfs& V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::operator()( \
const char* optp, actKind, argType arg) const { \
return m_parser.add<Impl::actType>(optp, arg); \
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(Set, bool*, ActionSet<bool>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(Set, VOptionBool*, ActionSet<VOptionBool>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(Set, int*, ActionSet<int>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(Set, string*, ActionSet<string>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(OnOff, bool*, ActionOnOff<bool>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(OnOff, VOptionBool*, ActionOnOff<VOptionBool>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(CbCall, Impl::ActionCbCall::CbType, ActionCbCall)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(CbOnOff, Impl::ActionCbOnOff::CbType, ActionCbOnOff)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(CbVal, Impl::ActionCbVal<int>::CbType, ActionCbVal<int>)
V3OPTION_PARSER_DEF_OP(CbVal, Impl::ActionCbVal<const char*>::CbType, ActionCbVal<const char*>)
V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::operator()(const char* optp, CbPartialMatch,
Impl::ActionCbPartialMatch::CbType cb) const {
const size_t prefixLen = std::strlen(optp);
auto wrap = [prefixLen, cb](const char* optp) { cb(optp + prefixLen); };
return m_parser.add<Impl::ActionCbPartialMatch>(optp, std::move(wrap));
V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::operator()(const char* optp, CbPartialMatchVal,
Impl::ActionCbPartialMatchVal::CbType cb) const {
const size_t prefixLen = std::strlen(optp);
auto wrap
= [prefixLen, cb](const char* optp, const char* argp) { cb(optp + prefixLen, argp); };
return m_parser.add<Impl::ActionCbPartialMatchVal>(optp, std::move(wrap));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Command line option parser
// Code available from:
// Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
// Not to include V3Option.h here so that VlcMain or other executables can use this file easily.
class VOptionBool;
// Typycal usage would look as below.
// See also V3Options::parseOptsList() in V3Optoins.cpp for more detailed usage.
// V3OptionParser parser;
// V3OptionParser::AppendHelper DECL_OPTION{parser};
// DECL_OPPTION("-help", CbCall, []() { showHelp(); });
// DECL_OPPTION("-some_opt", Set, &m_intMember});
// parser.finalize();
// for (int i = 1; i < argc;) {
// if (int consumed = parser.parse(i, argc, argv)) {
// i += consumed;
// } else { // error
// cerr << parser.getSuggestion(argv[i]) << endl;
// }
// }
// V3 OptionParser
class V3OptionParser final {
class ActionIfs;
// Functor to register options to V3OptionParser
class AppendHelper;
struct Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_pimpl;
ActionIfs* find(const char* optp);
template <class ACT, class ARG> ActionIfs& add(const string& opt, ARG arg);
static bool hasPrefixNo(const char* strp); // Returns true if strp starts with "-no"
// Returns how many args are consumed. 0 means not match
int parse(int idx, int argc, char* argv[]);
// Find the most similar option
string getSuggestion(const char* str) const;
void addSuggestionCandidate(const string& s);
// Call this function after all options are registered.
void finalize();
class V3OptionParser::ActionIfs VL_NOT_FINAL {
virtual ~ActionIfs() = default;
virtual bool isValueNeeded() const = 0; // Need val of "-opt val"
virtual bool isOnOffAllowed() const = 0; // true if "-no-opt" is allowd
virtual bool isPartialMatchAllowed() const = 0; // true if "-Wno-" matches "-Wno-fatal"
virtual bool isUndocumented() const = 0; // Will not be suggested in typo
// Set a value or run callback
virtual void exec(const char* optp, const char* valp) = 0;
// Mark this option undocumented. (Exclude this option from suggestion list).
virtual void undocumented() = 0;
// A helper class to register options
class V3OptionParser::AppendHelper final {
// Tag to specify which operator() to call
struct Set {}; // For ActionSet
struct OnOff {}; // For ActionOnOff
struct CbCall {}; // For ActionCbCall
struct CbOnOff {}; // For ActionOnOff
struct CbVal {}; // For ActionCbVal
struct CbPartialMatch {}; // For ActionCbPartialMatch
struct CbPartialMatchVal {}; // For ActionCbPartialMatchVal
V3OptionParser& m_parser; // The actual option registory
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, Set, bool*) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, Set, VOptionBool*) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, Set, int*) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, Set, string*) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, OnOff, bool*) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, OnOff, VOptionBool*) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbCall, std::function<void(void)>) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbOnOff, std::function<void(bool)>) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbVal, std::function<void(int)>) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbVal, std::function<void(const char*)>) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbPartialMatch,
std::function<void(const char*)>) const;
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbPartialMatchVal,
std::function<void(const char*, const char*)>) const;
explicit AppendHelper(V3OptionParser& parser)
: m_parser{parser} {}
const auto Set = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::Set{}; \
const auto OnOff = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::OnOff{}; \
const auto CbCall = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::CbCall{}; \
const auto CbOnOff = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::CbOnOff{}; \
const auto CbVal = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::CbVal{}; \
const auto CbPartialMatch = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::CbPartialMatch{}; \
const auto CbPartialMatchVal = V3OptionParser::AppendHelper::CbPartialMatchVal {}
#endif // guard
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3String.h"
#include "V3Os.h"
#include "V3Options.h"
#include "V3OptionParser.h"
#include "V3Error.h"
#include "V3File.h"
#include "V3PreShell.h"
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
#include <cctype>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
@ -106,226 +105,6 @@ public:
~V3OptionsImp() = default;
// V3 OptionParser
class V3OptionsParser final {
class ActionIfs VL_NOT_FINAL {
virtual ~ActionIfs() = default;
virtual bool isValueNeeded() const = 0; // Need val of "-opt val"
virtual bool isOnOffAllowed() const = 0; // true if "-no-opt" is allowd
virtual bool isPartialMatchAllowed() const = 0; // true if "-Wno-" matches "-Wno-fatal"
virtual bool isUndocumented() const = 0; // Will not be suggested in typo
// Set a value or run callback
virtual void exec(const char* optp, const char* valp) = 0;
virtual void undocumented() = 0;
enum class en { // Setting for isOnOffAllowed() and isPartialMatchAllowed()
NONE, // "-opt"
ONOFF, // "-opt" and "-no-opt"
VALUE // "-opt val"
// Base class of actual action classes
template <en MODE, bool ALLOW_PARTIAL_MATCH = false>
class ActionBase VL_NOT_FINAL : public ActionIfs {
bool m_undocumented = false; // This option is not documented
virtual bool isValueNeeded() const override final { return MODE == en::VALUE; }
virtual bool isOnOffAllowed() const override final { return MODE == en::ONOFF; }
virtual bool isPartialMatchAllowed() const override final { return ALLOW_PARTIAL_MATCH; }
virtual bool isUndocumented() const override { return m_undocumented; }
virtual void undocumented() override { m_undocumented = true; }
// Actual action classes
template <typename T> class ActionSet; // "-opt" for bool-ish, "-opt val" for int and string
template <typename BOOL> class ActionOnOff; // "-opt" and "-no-opt" for bool-ish
class ActionCbCall; // Callback without argument for "-opt"
class ActionCbOnOff; // Callback for "-opt" and "-no-opt"
template <class T> class ActionCbVal; // Callback for "-opt val"
class ActionCbPartialMatch; // Callback "-O3" for "-O"
class ActionCbPartialMatchVal; // Callback "-debugi-V3Options 3" for "-debugi-"
// Functor to register options to V3OptionsParser
struct AppendHelper;
std::map<const string, std::unique_ptr<ActionIfs>> m_options; // All actions for option
bool m_isFinalized{false}; // Becomes after finalize() is called
VSpellCheck m_spellCheck; // Suggests closest option when not found
ActionIfs* find(const char* optp) {
auto it = m_options.find(optp);
if (it != m_options.end()) return it->second.get();
for (auto&& act : m_options) {
if (act.second->isOnOffAllowed()) { // Find starts with "-no"
const char* const nop = std::strncmp(optp, "-no", 3) ? nullptr : (optp + 3);
if (nop && (act.first == nop || act.first == (string{"-"} + nop))) {
return act.second.get();
} else if (act.second->isPartialMatchAllowed()) {
if (!std::strncmp(optp, act.first.c_str(), act.first.length())) {
return act.second.get();
return nullptr;
template <class ACT, class ARG> ActionIfs& add(const std::string& opt, ARG arg) {
UASSERT(!m_isFinalized, "Cannot add after finalize() is called");
std::unique_ptr<ACT> act{new ACT{std::move(arg)}};
UASSERT(opt.size() >= 2, opt << " is too short");
UASSERT(opt[0] == '-' || opt[0] == '+', opt << " does not start with either '-' or '+'");
UASSERT(!(opt[0] == '-' && opt[1] == '-'), "Option must have single '-', but " << opt);
const auto insertedResult = m_options.emplace(opt, std::move(act));
UASSERT(insertedResult.second, opt << " is already registered");
return *insertedResult.first->second;
static bool hasPrefixNo(const char* strp) { // Returns true if strp starts with "-no"
UASSERT(strp[0] == '-', strp << " does not start with '-'");
if (strp[1] == '-') ++strp;
return std::strncmp(strp, "-no", 3) == 0;
// Returns how many args are consumed. 0 means not match
int parse(int idx, int argc, char* argv[]) {
UASSERT(m_isFinalized, "finalize() must be called before parse()");
const char* optp = argv[idx];
if (optp[0] == '-' && optp[1] == '-') ++optp;
ActionIfs* actp = find(optp);
if (!actp) return 0;
if (!actp->isValueNeeded()) {
actp->exec(optp, nullptr);
return 1;
} else if (idx + 1 < argc) {
actp->exec(optp, argv[idx + 1]);
return 2;
return 0;
// Find the most similar option
string getSuggestion(const char* str) const { return m_spellCheck.bestCandidateMsg(str); }
void addSuggestionCandidate(const string& s) { m_spellCheck.pushCandidate(s); }
void finalize() {
UASSERT(!m_isFinalized, "finalize() must not be called twice");
for (auto&& opt : m_options) {
if (opt.second->isUndocumented()) continue;
if (opt.second->isOnOffAllowed()) m_spellCheck.pushCandidate("-no" + opt.first);
m_isFinalized = true;
#define V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(className, type, body, enType) \
template <> class V3OptionsParser::className<type> final : public ActionBase<enType> { \
type* m_valp; /* Pointer to a option variable*/ \
public: \
explicit className(type* valp) \
: m_valp(valp) {} \
virtual void exec(const char* optp, const char* argp) override { body; } \
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, bool, *m_valp = true, en::NONE);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, VOptionBool, m_valp->setTrueOrFalse(true), en::NONE);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, int, *m_valp = std::atoi(argp), en::VALUE);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionSet, string, *m_valp = argp, en::VALUE);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionOnOff, bool, *m_valp = !hasPrefixNo(optp), en::ONOFF);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CLASS(ActionOnOff, VOptionBool, m_valp->setTrueOrFalse(!hasPrefixNo(optp)),
#define V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(className, funcType, body, ...) \
class V3OptionsParser::className final : public ActionBase<__VA_ARGS__> { \
std::function<funcType> m_cb; /* Callback function */ \
public: \
using CbType = std::function<funcType>; \
explicit className(CbType cb) \
: m_cb(std::move(cb)) {} \
virtual void exec(const char* optp, const char* argp) override { body; } \
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbCall, void(void), m_cb(), en::NONE);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbOnOff, void(bool), m_cb(!hasPrefixNo(optp)), en::ONOFF);
template <>
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbVal<int>, void(int), m_cb(std::atoi(argp)), en::VALUE);
template <>
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbVal<const char*>, void(const char*), m_cb(argp), en::VALUE);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbPartialMatch, void(const char*), m_cb(optp), en::NONE, true);
V3OPTIONS_DEF_ACT_CB_CLASS(ActionCbPartialMatchVal, void(const char*, const char*),
m_cb(optp, argp), en::VALUE, true);
// A helper class to register options
struct V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper final {
V3OptionsParser& m_parser; // The actual option registory
// Tag to specify which operator() to call
struct Set {}; // For ActionSet
struct OnOff {}; // For ActionOnOff
struct CbCall {}; // For ActionCbCall
struct CbOnOff {}; // For ActionOnOff
struct CbVal {}; // For ActionCbVal
struct CbPartialMatch {}; // For ActionCbPartialMatch
struct CbPartialMatchVal {}; // For ActionCbPartialMatchVal
#define V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(actKind, argType, actType) \
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, actKind, argType arg) const { \
return m_parser.add<actType>(optp, arg); \
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(Set, bool*, ActionSet<bool>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(Set, VOptionBool*, ActionSet<VOptionBool>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(Set, int*, ActionSet<int>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(Set, string*, ActionSet<string>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(OnOff, bool*, ActionOnOff<bool>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(OnOff, VOptionBool*, ActionOnOff<VOptionBool>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(CbCall, ActionCbCall::CbType, ActionCbCall)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(CbOnOff, ActionCbOnOff::CbType, ActionCbOnOff)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(CbVal, ActionCbVal<int>::CbType, ActionCbVal<int>)
V3OPTIONS_DEF_OP(CbVal, ActionCbVal<const char*>::CbType, ActionCbVal<const char*>)
// Syntax sugar to register a member function of V3Options directry
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbVal,
std::pair<V3Options*, void (V3Options::*)(int)> arg) const {
auto cb = [arg](int v) { (arg.first->*arg.second)(v); };
return m_parser.add<ActionCbVal<int>>(optp, cb);
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbVal,
std::pair<V3Options*, void (V3Options::*)(const string&)> arg) const {
auto cb = [arg](const string& v) { (arg.first->*arg.second)(v); };
return m_parser.add<ActionCbVal<const char*>>(optp, cb);
// Callback of partial match expects prefix to be removed, so wrap the given callback
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbPartialMatch,
ActionCbPartialMatch::CbType cb) const {
const size_t prefixLen = std::strlen(optp);
auto wrap = [prefixLen, cb](const char* optp) { cb(optp + prefixLen); };
return m_parser.add<ActionCbPartialMatch>(optp, std::move(wrap));
ActionIfs& operator()(const char* optp, CbPartialMatchVal,
ActionCbPartialMatchVal::CbType cb) const {
const size_t prefixLen = std::strlen(optp);
auto wrap
= [prefixLen, cb](const char* optp, const char* argp) { cb(optp + prefixLen, argp); };
return m_parser.add<ActionCbPartialMatchVal>(optp, std::move(wrap));
// V3LangCode class functions
@ -1112,20 +891,18 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
addArg(argv[i]); // -f's really should be inserted in the middle, but this is for debug
V3OptionsParser parser;
const auto Set = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::Set{};
const auto OnOff = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::OnOff{};
const auto CbCall = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::CbCall{};
const auto CbOnOff = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::CbOnOff{};
const auto CbVal = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::CbVal{};
const auto CbPartialMatch = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::CbPartialMatch{};
const auto CbPartialMatchVal = V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper::CbPartialMatchVal{};
V3OptionsParser::AppendHelper DECL_OPTION{parser};
V3OptionParser parser;
V3OptionParser::AppendHelper DECL_OPTION{parser};
auto callStrSetter = [this](void (V3Options::*cbStr)(const string&)) {
return [this, cbStr](const string& v) { (this->*cbStr)(v); };
// Usage
// DECL_OPTION("-option", action, pointer_or_lambda);
// action: one of Set, OnOff, CbCall, CbOnOff, CbVal, CbPartialMatch, and CbPartialMatchVal
// Set : Set value to a variable, pointer_or_lambda must be a pointer to the
// variable.
// variable.
// true is set to bool-ish variable when '-opt' is passed to verilator.
// val is set to int and string variable when '-opt val' is passed.
// OnOff : Set value to a bool-ish variable, pointer_or_lambda must be a pointer
@ -1138,7 +915,7 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
// CbVal : Call lambda or function that takes int or const char*.
// "-opt val" is passed to verilator, val is passed to the lambda.
// If a function to be called is a member of V3Options that only takes
// bool/const string&, {this, &V3Options::memberFunc} can be passed
// const string&, callStrSetter(&V3Options::memberFunc) can be passed
// instead of lambda as a syntax sugar.
// CbPartialMatch : Call lambda or function that takes remaining string.
// e.g. DECL_OPTION("-opt-", CbPartialMatch, [](const char*optp) { cout <<
@ -1201,14 +978,14 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
DECL_OPTION("-bin", Set, &m_bin);
DECL_OPTION("-build", Set, &m_build);
DECL_OPTION("-CFLAGS", CbVal, {this, &V3Options::addCFlags});
DECL_OPTION("-CFLAGS", CbVal, callStrSetter(&V3Options::addCFlags));
DECL_OPTION("-cc", CbCall, [this]() {
m_outFormatOk = true;
m_systemC = false;
DECL_OPTION("-cdc", OnOff, &m_cdc);
DECL_OPTION("-clk", CbVal, {this, &V3Options::addClocker});
DECL_OPTION("-no-clk", CbVal, {this, &V3Options::addNoClocker});
DECL_OPTION("-clk", CbVal, callStrSetter(&V3Options::addClocker));
DECL_OPTION("-no-clk", CbVal, callStrSetter(&V3Options::addNoClocker));
DECL_OPTION("-comp-limit-blocks", Set, &m_compLimitBlocks).undocumented();
DECL_OPTION("-comp-limit-members", Set,
@ -1244,7 +1021,7 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
DECL_OPTION("-D", CbPartialMatch, [this](const char* valp) { addDefine(valp, false); });
DECL_OPTION("-debug", CbCall, [this]() { setDebugMode(3); });
DECL_OPTION("-debugi", CbVal, {this, &V3Options::setDebugMode});
DECL_OPTION("-debugi", CbVal, [this](int v) { setDebugMode(v); });
DECL_OPTION("-debugi-", CbPartialMatchVal, [this](const char* optp, const char* valp) {
setDebugSrcLevel(optp, std::atoi(valp));
@ -1320,7 +1097,7 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
DECL_OPTION("-inline-mult", Set, &m_inlineMult);
DECL_OPTION("-LDFLAGS", CbVal, {this, &V3Options::addLdLibs});
DECL_OPTION("-LDFLAGS", CbVal, callStrSetter(&V3Options::addLdLibs));
auto setLang = [this, fl](const char* valp) {
V3LangCode optval = V3LangCode(valp);
if ( {
@ -1340,7 +1117,7 @@ void V3Options::parseOptsList(FileLine* fl, const string& optdir, int argc, char
DECL_OPTION("-no-l2name", CbCall, [this]() { m_l2Name = ""; }).undocumented(); // Historical
DECL_OPTION("-l2name", CbCall, [this]() { m_l2Name = "v"; }).undocumented(); // Historical
DECL_OPTION("-MAKEFLAGS", CbVal, {this, &V3Options::addMakeFlags});
DECL_OPTION("-MAKEFLAGS", CbVal, callStrSetter(&V3Options::addMakeFlags));
DECL_OPTION("-MMD", OnOff, &m_makeDepend);
DECL_OPTION("-MP", OnOff, &m_makePhony);
DECL_OPTION("-Mdir", CbVal, [this](const char* valp) {
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