Fix shifts by > 32 bit values (#2785).

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2021-02-14 11:15:12 -05:00
parent 20b3f0efa0
commit 43cf5693d1
5 changed files with 197 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ The contributors that suggested a given feature are shown in []. Thanks!
**** Fix class extends with VM_PARALLEL_BUILDS (#2775). [Iru Cai]
**** Fix shifts by > 32 bit values (#2785). [qrq992]
**** Fix examples not flushing vcd (#2787). [Richard E George]

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@ -2145,6 +2145,12 @@ static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTL_WWW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, WDataOutP
return VL_SHIFTL_WWI(obits, lbits, 32, owp, lwp, rwp[0]);
static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTL_WWQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, WDataOutP owp, WDataInP lwp,
QData rd) VL_MT_SAFE {
WData rwp[VL_WQ_WORDS_E];
VL_SET_WQ(rwp, rd);
return VL_SHIFTL_WWW(obits, lbits, rbits, owp, lwp, rwp);
static inline IData VL_SHIFTL_IIW(int obits, int, int rbits, IData lhs, WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
for (int i = 1; i < VL_WORDS_I(rbits); ++i) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rwp[i])) { // Huge shift 1>>32 or more
@ -2153,6 +2159,11 @@ static inline IData VL_SHIFTL_IIW(int obits, int, int rbits, IData lhs, WDataInP
return VL_CLEAN_II(obits, obits, lhs << rwp[0]);
static inline IData VL_SHIFTL_IIQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, IData lhs,
QData rhs) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rhs >= VL_IDATASIZE)) return 0;
return VL_CLEAN_II(obits, obits, lhs << rhs);
static inline QData VL_SHIFTL_QQW(int obits, int, int rbits, QData lhs, WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
for (int i = 1; i < VL_WORDS_I(rbits); ++i) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rwp[i])) { // Huge shift 1>>32 or more
@ -2162,6 +2173,11 @@ static inline QData VL_SHIFTL_QQW(int obits, int, int rbits, QData lhs, WDataInP
// Above checks rwp[1]==0 so not needed in below shift
return VL_CLEAN_QQ(obits, obits, lhs << (static_cast<QData>(rwp[0])));
static inline QData VL_SHIFTL_QQQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, QData lhs,
QData rhs) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rhs >= VL_QUADSIZE)) return 0;
return VL_CLEAN_QQ(obits, obits, lhs << rhs);
// EMIT_RULE: VL_SHIFTR: oclean=lclean; rclean==clean;
// Important: Unlike most other funcs, the shift might well be a computed
@ -2223,6 +2239,14 @@ static inline QData VL_SHIFTR_QQW(int obits, int, int rbits, QData lhs, WDataInP
// Above checks rwp[1]==0 so not needed in below shift
return VL_CLEAN_QQ(obits, obits, lhs >> (static_cast<QData>(rwp[0])));
static inline IData VL_SHIFTR_IIQ(int obits, int, int rbits, IData lhs, QData rhs) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rhs >= VL_IDATASIZE)) return 0;
return VL_CLEAN_QQ(obits, obits, lhs >> rhs);
static inline QData VL_SHIFTR_QQQ(int obits, int, int rbits, QData lhs, QData rhs) VL_MT_SAFE {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rhs >= VL_QUADSIZE)) return 0;
return VL_CLEAN_QQ(obits, obits, lhs >> rhs);
// EMIT_RULE: VL_SHIFTRS: oclean=false; lclean=clean, rclean==clean;
static inline IData VL_SHIFTRS_III(int obits, int lbits, int, IData lhs, IData rhs) VL_PURE {
@ -2277,7 +2301,7 @@ static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTRS_WWW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, WDataOut
WDataInP lwp, WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
EData overshift = 0; // Huge shift 1>>32 or more
for (int i = 1; i < VL_WORDS_I(rbits); ++i) overshift |= rwp[i];
if (VL_UNLIKELY(overshift)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(overshift || rwp[0] >= obits)) {
int lmsw = VL_WORDS_I(obits) - 1;
EData sign = VL_SIGNONES_E(lbits, lwp[lmsw]);
for (int j = 0; j <= lmsw; ++j) owp[j] = sign;
@ -2296,7 +2320,7 @@ static inline IData VL_SHIFTRS_IIW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, IData lhs,
WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
EData overshift = 0; // Huge shift 1>>32 or more
for (int i = 1; i < VL_WORDS_I(rbits); ++i) overshift |= rwp[i];
if (VL_UNLIKELY(overshift)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(overshift || rwp[0] >= obits)) {
IData sign = -(lhs >> (lbits - 1)); // ffff_ffff if negative
return VL_CLEAN_II(obits, obits, sign);
@ -2306,13 +2330,14 @@ static inline QData VL_SHIFTRS_QQW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, QData lhs,
WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
EData overshift = 0; // Huge shift 1>>32 or more
for (int i = 1; i < VL_WORDS_I(rbits); ++i) overshift |= rwp[i];
if (VL_UNLIKELY(overshift)) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(overshift || rwp[0] >= obits)) {
QData sign = -(lhs >> (lbits - 1)); // ffff_ffff if negative
return VL_CLEAN_QQ(obits, obits, sign);
return VL_SHIFTRS_QQI(obits, lbits, 32, lhs, rwp[0]);
static inline IData VL_SHIFTRS_IIQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, IData lhs, QData rhs) VL_PURE {
static inline IData VL_SHIFTRS_IIQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits, IData lhs,
QData rhs) VL_MT_SAFE {
WData rwp[VL_WQ_WORDS_E];
VL_SET_WQ(rwp, rhs);
return VL_SHIFTRS_IIW(obits, lbits, rbits, lhs, rwp);

View File

@ -1922,7 +1922,7 @@ public:
virtual string emitVerilog() = 0; /// Format string for verilog writing; see V3EmitV
// For documentation on emitC format see EmitCStmts::emitOpName
virtual string emitC() = 0;
virtual string emitSimpleOperator() { return ""; }
virtual string emitSimpleOperator() { return ""; } // "" means not ok to use
virtual bool emitCheckMaxWords() { return false; } // Check VL_MULS_MAX_WORDS
virtual bool cleanOut() const = 0; // True if output has extra upper bits zero
// Someday we will generically support data types on every math node

View File

@ -7305,7 +7305,9 @@ public:
virtual string emitVerilog() override { return "%k(%l %f<< %r)"; }
virtual string emitC() override { return "VL_SHIFTL_%nq%lq%rq(%nw,%lw,%rw, %P, %li, %ri)"; }
virtual string emitSimpleOperator() override { return "<<"; }
virtual string emitSimpleOperator() override {
return (rhsp()->isWide() || rhsp()->isQuad()) ? "" : "<<";
virtual bool cleanOut() const override { return false; }
virtual bool cleanLhs() const override { return false; }
virtual bool cleanRhs() const override { return true; }
@ -7327,7 +7329,9 @@ public:
virtual string emitVerilog() override { return "%k(%l %f>> %r)"; }
virtual string emitC() override { return "VL_SHIFTR_%nq%lq%rq(%nw,%lw,%rw, %P, %li, %ri)"; }
virtual string emitSimpleOperator() override { return ">>"; }
virtual string emitSimpleOperator() override {
return (rhsp()->isWide() || rhsp()->isQuad()) ? "" : ">>";
virtual bool cleanOut() const override { return false; }
virtual bool cleanLhs() const override { return true; }
virtual bool cleanRhs() const override { return true; }

View File

@ -24,30 +24,86 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
localparam [3:0] PBIG29 = 4'b1 << 33'h100000000;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
reg [31:0] right;
reg [31:0] left;
reg [31:0] iright;
reg signed [31:0] irights;
reg [31:0] ileft;
reg [P64-1:0] qright;
reg signed [P64-1:0] qrights;
reg [P64-1:0] qleft;
reg [31:0] amt;
reg [95:0] wright;
reg signed [95:0] wrights;
reg [95:0] wleft;
reg [31:0] q_iright;
reg signed [31:0] q_irights;
reg [31:0] q_ileft;
reg [P64-1:0] q_qright;
reg signed [P64-1:0] q_qrights;
reg [P64-1:0] q_qleft;
reg [95:0] q_wright;
reg signed [95:0] q_wrights;
reg [95:0] q_wleft;
reg [31:0] w_iright;
reg signed [31:0] w_irights;
reg [31:0] w_ileft;
reg [P64-1:0] w_qright;
reg signed [P64-1:0] w_qrights;
reg [P64-1:0] w_qleft;
reg [95:0] w_wright;
reg signed [95:0] w_wrights;
reg [95:0] w_wleft;
reg [31:0] iamt;
reg [63:0] qamt;
reg [95:0] wamt;
assign ign = {31'h0, clk} >>> 4'bx; // bug760
assign ign2 = {amt[1:0] >> {22{amt[5:2]}}, amt[1:0] << (0 <<< amt[5:2])}; // bug1174
assign ign3 = {amt[1:0] >> {22{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] >> {11{amt[5:2]}},
$signed(amt[1:0]) >>> {22{amt[5:2]}},
$signed(amt[1:0]) >>> {11{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] << {22{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] << {11{amt[5:2]}}};
assign ign2 = {iamt[1:0] >> {22{iamt[5:2]}}, iamt[1:0] << (0 <<< iamt[5:2])}; // bug1174
assign ign3 = {iamt[1:0] >> {22{iamt[5:2]}},
iamt[1:0] >> {11{iamt[5:2]}},
$signed(iamt[1:0]) >>> {22{iamt[5:2]}},
$signed(iamt[1:0]) >>> {11{iamt[5:2]}},
iamt[1:0] << {22{iamt[5:2]}},
iamt[1:0] << {11{iamt[5:2]}}};
wire [95:0] wamt = {amt,amt,amt};
output wire [95:0] ign4 = wamt >> {11{amt[5:2]}};
output wire signed [95:0] ign4s = $signed(wamt) >>> {11{amt[5:2]}};
wire [95:0] wamtt = {iamt,iamt,iamt};
output wire [95:0] ign4;
assign ign4 = wamtt >> {11{iamt[5:2]}};
output wire signed [95:0] ign4s;
assign ign4s = $signed(wamtt) >>> {11{iamt[5:2]}};
always @* begin
right = 32'h819b018a >> amt;
left = 32'h819b018a << amt;
qright = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 >> amt;
qleft = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 >> amt;
iright = 32'h819b018a >> iamt;
irights = 32'sh819b018a >>> signed'(iamt);
ileft = 32'h819b018a << iamt;
qright = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 >> iamt;
qrights = 64'shf784bf8f_12734089 >>> signed'(iamt);
qleft = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 << iamt;
wright = 96'hf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 >> iamt;
wrights = 96'shf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 >>> signed'(iamt);
wleft = 96'hf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 << iamt;
q_iright = 32'h819b018a >> qamt;
q_irights = 32'sh819b018a >>> signed'(qamt);
q_ileft = 32'h819b018a << qamt;
q_qright = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 >> qamt;
q_qrights = 64'shf784bf8f_12734089 >>> signed'(qamt);
q_qleft = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 << qamt;
q_wright = 96'hf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 >> qamt;
q_wrights = 96'shf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 >>> signed'(qamt);
q_wleft = 96'hf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 << qamt;
w_iright = 32'h819b018a >> wamt;
w_irights = 32'sh819b018a >>> signed'(wamt);
w_ileft = 32'h819b018a << wamt;
w_qright = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 >> wamt;
w_qrights = 64'shf784bf8f_12734089 >>> signed'(wamt);
w_qleft = 64'hf784bf8f_12734089 << wamt;
w_wright = 96'hf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 >> wamt;
w_wrights = 96'shf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 >>> signed'(wamt);
w_wleft = 96'hf784bf8f_12734089_190abe48 << wamt;
integer cyc; initial cyc=1;
@ -55,10 +111,12 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
if (cyc!=0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
$write("%d %x %x %x %x\n", cyc, left, right, qleft, qright);
$write("%d %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", cyc, ileft, iright, qleft, qright, wleft, wright);
if (cyc==1) begin
amt <= 32'd0;
iamt <= 0;
qamt <= 0;
wamt <= 0;
if (P64 != 64) $stop;
if (5'b10110>>2 != 5'b00101) $stop;
if (5'b10110>>>2 != 5'b00101) $stop; // Note it cares about sign-ness
@ -72,57 +130,110 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
if ((64'sh458c2de282e30f8b >> 68'sh4) !== 64'sh0458c2de282e30f8) $stop;
if (cyc==2) begin
amt <= 32'd28;
if (left != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (right != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (qright != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
iamt <= 28;
qamt <= 28;
wamt <= 28;
if (ileft != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (iright != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (irights != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (qright != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (qrights != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (wleft != 96'hf784bf8f12734089190abe48) $stop;
if (wright != 96'hf784bf8f12734089190abe48) $stop;
if (wrights != 96'hf784bf8f12734089190abe48) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
amt <= 32'd31;
if (left != 32'ha0000000) $stop;
if (right != 32'h8) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0000000f784bf8f1) $stop;
iamt <= 31;
qamt <= 31;
wamt <= 31;
if (ileft != 32'ha0000000) $stop;
if (iright != 32'h8) $stop;
if (irights != 32'hfffffff8) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'hf127340890000000) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0000000f784bf8f1) $stop;
if (qrights != 64'hffffffff784bf8f1) $stop;
if (wleft != 96'hf12734089190abe480000000) $stop;
if (wright != 96'h0000000f784bf8f127340891) $stop;
if (wrights != 96'hffffffff784bf8f127340891) $stop;
if (cyc==4) begin
amt <= 32'd32;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h1) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h00000001ef097f1e) $stop;
iamt <= 32;
qamt <= 32;
wamt <= 32;
if (ileft != 32'h0) $stop;
if (iright != 32'h1) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h8939a04480000000) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h00000001ef097f1e) $stop;
if (cyc==5) begin
amt <= 32'd33;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h00000000f784bf8f) $stop;
iamt <= 33;
qamt <= 33;
wamt <= 33;
if (ileft != 32'h0) $stop;
if (iright != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h1273408900000000) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h00000000f784bf8f) $stop;
if (cyc==6) begin
amt <= 32'd64;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h000000007bc25fc7) $stop;
iamt <= 64;
qamt <= 64;
wamt <= 64;
if (ileft != 32'h0) $stop;
if (iright != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h24e6811200000000) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h000000007bc25fc7) $stop;
if (cyc==7) begin
amt <= 32'd128;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
iamt <= 128;
qamt <= 128;
wamt <= 128;
if (ileft != 32'h0) $stop;
if (iright != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0) $stop;
if (cyc==8) begin
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0) $stop;
iamt <= 100;
qamt <= {32'h10, 32'h0};
wamt <= {32'h10, 64'h0};
if (ileft != '0) $stop;
if (iright != '0) $stop;
if (irights != '1) $stop;
if (qleft != '0) $stop;
if (qright != '0) $stop;
if (qrights != '1) $stop;
if (wleft != '0) $stop;
if (wright != '0) $stop;
if (wrights != '1) $stop;
if (cyc==9) begin
if (cyc==19) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
// General rule to test all q's
if (cyc != 0) begin
if (ileft != q_ileft) $stop;
if (iright != q_iright) $stop;
if (irights != q_irights) $stop;
if (qleft != q_qleft) $stop;
if (qright != q_qright) $stop;
if (qrights != q_qrights) $stop;
if (wleft != q_wleft) $stop;
if (wright != q_wright) $stop;
if (wrights != q_wrights) $stop;
if (ileft != w_ileft) $stop;
if (iright != w_iright) $stop;
if (irights != w_irights) $stop;
if (qleft != w_qleft) $stop;
if (qright != w_qright) $stop;
if (qrights != w_qrights) $stop;
if (wleft != w_wleft) $stop;
if (wright != w_wright) $stop;
if (wrights != w_wrights) $stop;