Fix undeclared VL_SHIFTR_WWQ, #2114.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2020-02-23 19:33:37 -05:00
parent 18f8cd0529
commit 28e19cef90
3 changed files with 98 additions and 80 deletions

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@ -5,8 +5,12 @@ The contributors that suggested a given feature are shown in []. Thanks!
* Verilator 4.029 devel
*** Add assertOn check for assert. [Tobias Wölfel]
*** Add +verilator+noassert flag to disable assert checking. [Tobias Wölfel]
*** Add +verilator+noassert flag to disable assertion checking. [Tobias Wölfel]
*** Add check for assertOn for asserts, #2162. [Tobias Wölfel]
**** Fix undeclared VL_SHIFTR_WWQ, #2114. [Alex Solomatnikov]
* Verilator 4.028 2020-02-08

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@ -2013,6 +2013,12 @@ static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTR_WWW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits,
return VL_SHIFTR_WWI(obits, lbits, 32, owp, lwp, rwp[0]);
static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTR_WWQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits,
WDataOutP owp, WDataInP lwp, QData rd) VL_MT_SAFE {
WData rwp[VL_WQ_WORDS_E]; VL_SET_WQ(rwp, rd);
return VL_SHIFTR_WWW(obits, lbits, rbits, owp, lwp, rwp);
static inline IData VL_SHIFTR_IIW(int obits, int, int rbits, IData lhs, WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
for (int i = 1; i < VL_WORDS_I(rbits); ++i) {
if (VL_UNLIKELY(rwp[i])) { // Huge shift 1>>32 or more
@ -2098,6 +2104,11 @@ static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTRS_WWW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits,
return VL_SHIFTRS_WWI(obits, lbits, 32, owp, lwp, rwp[0]);
static inline WDataOutP VL_SHIFTRS_WWQ(int obits, int lbits, int rbits,
WDataOutP owp, WDataInP lwp, QData rd) VL_MT_SAFE {
WData rwp[VL_WQ_WORDS_E]; VL_SET_WQ(rwp, rd);
return VL_SHIFTRS_WWW(obits, lbits, rbits, owp, lwp, rwp);
static inline IData VL_SHIFTRS_IIW(int obits, int lbits, int rbits,
IData lhs, WDataInP rwp) VL_MT_SAFE {
EData overshift = 0; // Huge shift 1>>32 or more

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
module t (/*AUTOARG*/
// Outputs
ign, ign2, ign3,
ign, ign2, ign3, ign4, ign4s,
// Inputs
@ -23,21 +23,24 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
localparam [3:0] PBIG29 = 4'b1 << 33'h100000000;
// verilator lint_on WIDTH
reg [31:0] right;
reg [31:0] left;
reg [P64-1:0] qright;
reg [P64-1:0] qleft;
reg [31:0] amt;
reg [31:0] right;
reg [31:0] left;
reg [P64-1:0] qright;
reg [P64-1:0] qleft;
reg [31:0] amt;
assign ign = {31'h0, clk} >>> 4'bx; // bug760
assign ign2 = {amt[1:0] >> {22{amt[5:2]}}, amt[1:0] << (0 <<< amt[5:2])}; // bug1174
assign ign3 = {amt[1:0] >> {22{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] >> {11{amt[5:2]}},
$signed(amt[1:0]) >>> {22{amt[5:2]}},
$signed(amt[1:0]) >>> {11{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] << {22{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] >> {11{amt[5:2]}},
$signed(amt[1:0]) >>> {22{amt[5:2]}},
$signed(amt[1:0]) >>> {11{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] << {22{amt[5:2]}},
amt[1:0] << {11{amt[5:2]}}};
wire [95:0] wamt = {amt,amt,amt};
output wire [95:0] ign4 = wamt >> {11{amt[5:2]}};
output wire signed [95:0] ign4s = $signed(wamt) >>> {11{amt[5:2]}};
always @* begin
right = 32'h819b018a >> amt;
@ -49,76 +52,76 @@ module t (/*AUTOARG*/
integer cyc; initial cyc=1;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (cyc!=0) begin
cyc <= cyc + 1;
cyc <= cyc + 1;
$write("%d %x %x %x %x\n", cyc, left, right, qleft, qright);
$write("%d %x %x %x %x\n", cyc, left, right, qleft, qright);
if (cyc==1) begin
amt <= 32'd0;
if (P64 != 64) $stop;
if (5'b10110>>2 != 5'b00101) $stop;
if (5'b10110>>>2 != 5'b00101) $stop; // Note it cares about sign-ness
if (5'b10110<<2 != 5'b11000) $stop;
if (5'b10110<<<2 != 5'b11000) $stop;
if (5'sb10110>>2 != 5'sb00101) $stop;
if (5'sb10110>>>2 != 5'sb11101) $stop;
if (5'sb10110<<2 != 5'sb11000) $stop;
if (5'sb10110<<<2 != 5'sb11000) $stop;
// Allow >64 bit shifts if the shift amount is a constant
if ((64'sh458c2de282e30f8b >> 68'sh4) !== 64'sh0458c2de282e30f8) $stop;
if (cyc==2) begin
amt <= 32'd28;
if (left != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (right != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (qright != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
amt <= 32'd31;
if (left != 32'ha0000000) $stop;
if (right != 32'h8) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0000000f784bf8f1) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0000000f784bf8f1) $stop;
if (cyc==4) begin
amt <= 32'd32;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h1) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h00000001ef097f1e) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h00000001ef097f1e) $stop;
if (cyc==5) begin
amt <= 32'd33;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h00000000f784bf8f) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h00000000f784bf8f) $stop;
if (cyc==6) begin
amt <= 32'd64;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h000000007bc25fc7) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h000000007bc25fc7) $stop;
if (cyc==7) begin
amt <= 32'd128;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0) $stop;
if (cyc==8) begin
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0) $stop;
if (cyc==9) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");
if (cyc==1) begin
amt <= 32'd0;
if (P64 != 64) $stop;
if (5'b10110>>2 != 5'b00101) $stop;
if (5'b10110>>>2 != 5'b00101) $stop; // Note it cares about sign-ness
if (5'b10110<<2 != 5'b11000) $stop;
if (5'b10110<<<2 != 5'b11000) $stop;
if (5'sb10110>>2 != 5'sb00101) $stop;
if (5'sb10110>>>2 != 5'sb11101) $stop;
if (5'sb10110<<2 != 5'sb11000) $stop;
if (5'sb10110<<<2 != 5'sb11000) $stop;
// Allow >64 bit shifts if the shift amount is a constant
if ((64'sh458c2de282e30f8b >> 68'sh4) !== 64'sh0458c2de282e30f8) $stop;
if (cyc==2) begin
amt <= 32'd28;
if (left != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (right != 32'h819b018a) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (qright != 64'hf784bf8f_12734089) $stop;
if (cyc==3) begin
amt <= 32'd31;
if (left != 32'ha0000000) $stop;
if (right != 32'h8) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0000000f784bf8f1) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0000000f784bf8f1) $stop;
if (cyc==4) begin
amt <= 32'd32;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h1) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h00000001ef097f1e) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h00000001ef097f1e) $stop;
if (cyc==5) begin
amt <= 32'd33;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h00000000f784bf8f) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h00000000f784bf8f) $stop;
if (cyc==6) begin
amt <= 32'd64;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h000000007bc25fc7) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h000000007bc25fc7) $stop;
if (cyc==7) begin
amt <= 32'd128;
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0) $stop;
if (cyc==8) begin
if (left != 32'h0) $stop;
if (right != 32'h0) $stop;
if (qleft != 64'h0) $stop;
if (qright != 64'h0) $stop;
if (cyc==9) begin
$write("*-* All Finished *-*\n");