Internals: Resolve misc bison comments with Verilog-Perl. No functional change.

This commit is contained in:
Wilson Snyder 2012-10-08 21:20:13 -04:00
parent ec992c7f5e
commit 158e112752

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@ -208,6 +208,9 @@ class AstSenTree;
%token<strp> yaID__LEX "IDENTIFIER-in-lex"
%token<strp> yaID__aTYPE "TYPE-IDENTIFIER"
// Can't predecode aFUNCTION, can declare after use
// Can't predecode aINTERFACE, can declare after use
// Can't predecode aTASK, can declare after use
// IEEE: integral_number
%token<nump> yaINTNUM "INTEGER NUMBER"
@ -697,7 +700,7 @@ package_or_generate_item_declaration<nodep>: // ==IEEE: package_or_generate_item
//UNSUP extern_constraint_declaration { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP class_declaration { $$ = $1; }
// // class_constructor_declaration is part of function_declaration
| local_parameter_declaration { $$ = $1; }
| local_parameter_declaration ';' { $$ = $1; }
| parameter_declaration ';' { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP covergroup_declaration { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP overload_declaration { $$ = $1; }
@ -826,10 +829,14 @@ port<nodep>: // ==IEEE: port
// // IEEE: interface_port_header port_identifier { unpacked_dimension }
// // Expanded interface_port_header
// // We use instantCb here because the non-port form looks just like a module instantiation
//UNSUP portDirNetE id/*interface*/ idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>3, $3, $4); PARSEP->instantCb($<fl>2, $2, $3, $4); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE yINTERFACE idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>3, $3, $4); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE id/*interface*/ '.' idAny/*modport*/ idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>5, $5, $6); PARSEP->instantCb($<fl>2, $2, $5, $6); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE yINTERFACE '.' idAny/*modport*/ idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>5, $5, $6); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE id/*interface*/ idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE
//UNSUP { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>3, $3, $4); PARSEP->instantCb($<fl>2, $2, $3, $4); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE yINTERFACE idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE
//UNSUP { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>3, $3, $4); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE id/*interface*/ '.' idAny/*modport*/ idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE
//UNSUP { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>5, $5, $6); PARSEP->instantCb($<fl>2, $2, $5, $6); PINNUMINC(); }
//UNSUP portDirNetE yINTERFACE '.' idAny/*modport*/ idAny/*port*/ rangeListE sigAttrListE
//UNSUP { VARDTYPE($2); VARDONEA($<fl>5, $5, $6); PINNUMINC(); }
// // IEEE: ansi_port_declaration, with [port_direction] removed
// // IEEE: [ net_port_header | interface_port_header ] port_identifier { unpacked_dimension } [ '=' constant_expression ]
@ -856,11 +863,16 @@ port<nodep>: // ==IEEE: port
// // Note implicit rules looks just line declaring additional followon port
// // No VARDECL("port") for implicit, as we don't want to declare variables for them
//UNSUP portDirNetE data_type '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE { UNSUP }
//UNSUP portDirNetE yVAR data_type '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE { UNSUP }
//UNSUP portDirNetE yVAR implicit_type '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE { UNSUP }
//UNSUP portDirNetE signingE rangeList '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE { UNSUP }
//UNSUP portDirNetE /*implicit*/ '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE { UNSUP }
//UNSUP portDirNetE data_type '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE
//UNSUP portDirNetE yVAR data_type '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE
//UNSUP portDirNetE yVAR implicit_type '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE
//UNSUP portDirNetE signingE rangeList '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE
//UNSUP portDirNetE /*implicit*/ '.' portSig '(' portAssignExprE ')' sigAttrListE
portDirNetE data_type portSig variable_dimensionListE sigAttrListE
{ $$=$3; VARDTYPE($2); $$->addNextNull(VARDONEP($$,$4,$5)); }
@ -982,7 +994,7 @@ genvar_identifierDecl<varp>: // IEEE: genvar_identifier (for declaration)
local_parameter_declaration<nodep>: // IEEE: local_parameter_declaration
// // See notes in parameter_declaration
local_parameter_declarationFront list_of_param_assignments ';' { $$ = $2; }
local_parameter_declarationFront list_of_param_assignments { $$ = $2; }
parameter_declaration<nodep>: // IEEE: parameter_declaration
@ -1485,7 +1497,8 @@ module_or_generate_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: module_or_generate_item
// // IEEE: gate_instantiation + udp_instantiation + module_instantiation
// // not here, see etcInst in module_common_item
// // We joined udp & module definitions, so this goes here
| table { $$ = $1; }
| combinational_body { $$ = $1; }
// // This module_common_item shared with interface_or_generate_item:module_common_item
| module_common_item { $$ = $1; }
@ -1535,6 +1548,11 @@ module_or_generate_item_declaration<nodep>: // ==IEEE: module_or_generate_item_d
// Generates
// Way down in generate_item is speced a difference between module,
// interface and checker generates. modules and interfaces are almost
// identical (minus DEFPARAMs) so we overlap them. Checkers are too
// different, so we copy all rules for checkers.
generate_region<nodep>: // ==IEEE: generate_region
yGENERATE genItemList yENDGENERATE { $$ = new AstGenerate($1, $2); }
@ -1559,13 +1577,13 @@ genItemBegin<nodep>: // IEEE: part of generate_block
genItemOrBegin<nodep>: // Not in IEEE, but our begin isn't under generate_item
generate_item { $$ = $1; }
| genItemBegin { $$ = $1; }
~c~generate_item { $$ = $1; }
| ~c~genItemBegin { $$ = $1; }
genItemOrBegin { $$ = $1; }
| genItemList genItemOrBegin { $$ = $1->addNextNull($2); }
~c~genItemOrBegin { $$ = $1; }
| ~c~genItemList ~c~genItemOrBegin { $$ = $1->addNextNull($2); }
generate_item<nodep>: // IEEE: module_or_interface_or_generate_item
@ -1579,13 +1597,13 @@ generate_item<nodep>: // IEEE: module_or_interface_or_generate_item
conditional_generate_construct<nodep>: // ==IEEE: conditional_generate_construct
yCASE '(' expr ')' case_generate_itemListE yENDCASE { $$ = new AstGenCase($1,$3,$5); }
yCASE '(' expr ')' ~c~case_generate_itemListE yENDCASE { $$ = new AstGenCase($1,$3,$5); }
| yIF '(' expr ')' generate_block_or_null %prec prLOWER_THAN_ELSE { $$ = new AstGenIf($1,$3,$5,NULL); }
| yIF '(' expr ')' generate_block_or_null yELSE generate_block_or_null { $$ = new AstGenIf($1,$3,$5,$7); }
loop_generate_construct<nodep>: // ==IEEE: loop_generate_construct
yFOR '(' genvar_initialization ';' expr ';' genvar_iteration ')' generate_block_or_null
yFOR '(' genvar_initialization ';' expr ';' genvar_iteration ')' ~c~generate_block_or_null
{ // Convert BEGIN(...) to BEGIN(GENFOR(...)), as we need the BEGIN to hide the local genvar
AstBegin* lowerBegp = $9->castBegin();
if ($9 && !lowerBegp) $9->v3fatalSrc("Child of GENFOR should have been begin");
@ -1641,8 +1659,8 @@ case_generate_itemListE<nodep>: // IEEE: [{ case_generate_itemList }]
case_generate_itemList<nodep>: // IEEE: { case_generate_itemList }
case_generate_item { $$=$1; }
| case_generate_itemList case_generate_item { $$=$1; $1->addNext($2); }
~c~case_generate_item { $$=$1; }
| ~c~case_generate_itemList ~c~case_generate_item { $$=$1; $1->addNext($2); }
case_generate_item<nodep>: // ==IEEE: case_generate_item
@ -1949,7 +1967,7 @@ stmtBlock<nodep>: // IEEE: statement + seq_block + par_block
seq_block<nodep>: // ==IEEE: seq_block
// // IEEE doesn't allow declarations in unnamed blocks, but several simulators do.
// // So need begin's even if unnamed to scope variables down
// // So need AstBegin's even if unnamed to scope variables down
seq_blockFront blockDeclStmtList yEND endLabelE { $$=$1; $1->addStmtsp($2); SYMP->popScope($1); GRAMMARP->endLabel($<fl>4,$1,$4); }
| seq_blockFront /**/ yEND endLabelE { $$=$1; SYMP->popScope($1); GRAMMARP->endLabel($<fl>3,$1,$3); }
@ -1973,7 +1991,7 @@ block_item_declarationList<nodep>: // IEEE: [ block_item_declaration ]
block_item_declaration<nodep>: // ==IEEE: block_item_declaration
data_declaration { $$ = $1; }
| local_parameter_declaration { $$ = $1; }
| local_parameter_declaration ';' { $$ = $1; }
| parameter_declaration ';' { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP overload_declaration { $$ = $1; }
//UNSUP let_declaration { $$ = $1; }
@ -2299,6 +2317,14 @@ taskRef<parserefp>: // IEEE: part of tf_call
funcRef<parserefp>: // IEEE: part of tf_call
// // package_scope/hierarchical_... is part of expr, so just need ID
// // making-a id-is-a
// // ----------------- ------------------
// // tf_call tf_identifier expr (list_of_arguments)
// // method_call(post .) function_identifier expr (list_of_arguments)
// // property_instance property_identifier property_actual_arg
// // sequence_instance sequence_identifier sequence_actual_arg
// // let_expression let_identifier let_actual_arg
idDotted '(' list_of_argumentsE ')' { $$ = new AstParseRef($1->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::PX_FTASK, "", $1, new AstFuncRef($2, "", $3)); $$->start(true); }
| package_scopeIdFollows idDotted '(' list_of_argumentsE ')' { AstFuncRef* f=new AstFuncRef($3,"",$4); f->packagep($1); $$ = new AstParseRef($2->fileline(), AstParseRefExp::PX_FTASK, "", $2, f); $$->start(true); }
//UNSUP: idDotted is really just id to allow dotted method calls
@ -3050,7 +3076,7 @@ strengthSpecE: // IEEE: drive_strength + pullup_strength + pulldown_strength +
// Tables
table<nodep>: // IEEE: combinational_body + sequential_body
combinational_body<nodep>: // IEEE: combinational_body + sequential_body
yTABLE tableEntryList yENDTABLE { $$ = new AstUdpTable($1,$2); }
@ -3224,6 +3250,8 @@ labeledStmt<nodep>:
concurrent_assertion_item<nodep>: // IEEE: concurrent_assertion_item
concurrent_assertion_statement { $$ = $1; }
| id/*block_identifier*/ ':' concurrent_assertion_statement { $$ = new AstBegin($2,*$1,$3); }
// // IEEE: checker_instantiation
// // identical to module_instantiation; see etcInst
concurrent_assertion_statement<nodep>: // ==IEEE: concurrent_assertion_statement