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// -*- mode: C++; c-file-style: "cc-mode" -*-
// DESCRIPTION: Verilator: Lifelicate variable assignment elimination
2019-11-08 03:33:59 +00:00
// Code available from:
2021-01-01 15:29:54 +00:00
// Copyright 2003-2021 by Wilson Snyder. This program is free software; you
// can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU
// Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
// Version 2.0.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only OR Artistic-2.0
// Build control-flow graph with assignments and var usages
// All modules:
// ASSIGN(x,...), ASSIGN(x,...) => delete first one
// We also track across if statements:
// ASSIGN(X,...) IF( ..., ASSIGN(X,...), ASSIGN(X,...)) => deletes first
// We don't do the opposite yet though (remove assigns in if followed by outside if)
#include "config_build.h"
#include "verilatedos.h"
#include "V3Global.h"
#include "V3Life.h"
#include "V3Stats.h"
#include "V3Ast.h"
#include "V3Const.h"
#include <map>
#include <vector>
// Structure for global state
class LifeState final {
// See below
AstUser1InUse m_inuser1;
VDouble0 m_statAssnDel; // Statistic tracking
VDouble0 m_statAssnCon; // Statistic tracking
std::vector<AstNode*> m_unlinkps;
LifeState() = default;
~LifeState() {
V3Stats::addStatSum("Optimizations, Lifetime assign deletions", m_statAssnDel);
V3Stats::addStatSum("Optimizations, Lifetime constant prop", m_statAssnCon);
for (AstNode* ip : m_unlinkps) {
void pushUnlinkDeletep(AstNode* nodep) { m_unlinkps.push_back(nodep); }
// Structure for each variable encountered
class LifeVarEntry final {
// Last assignment to this varscope, nullptr if no longer relevant
AstNodeAssign* m_assignp = nullptr;
AstConst* m_constp = nullptr; // Known constant value
// First access was a set (and thus block above may have a set that can be deleted
bool m_setBeforeUse;
// Was ever assigned (and thus above block may not preserve constant propagation)
bool m_everSet = false;
class CONSUMED {};
LifeVarEntry(SIMPLEASSIGN, AstNodeAssign* assp)
: m_setBeforeUse{true} {
explicit LifeVarEntry(COMPLEXASSIGN)
: m_setBeforeUse{false} {
explicit LifeVarEntry(CONSUMED)
: m_setBeforeUse{false} {
~LifeVarEntry() = default;
inline void simpleAssign(AstNodeAssign* assp) { // New simple A=.... assignment
m_assignp = assp;
m_constp = nullptr;
m_everSet = true;
if (VN_IS(assp->rhsp(), Const)) m_constp = VN_CAST(assp->rhsp(), Const);
inline void complexAssign() { // A[x]=... or some complicated assignment
m_assignp = nullptr;
m_constp = nullptr;
m_everSet = true;
inline void consumed() { // Rvalue read of A
m_assignp = nullptr;
AstNodeAssign* assignp() const { return m_assignp; }
AstConst* constNodep() const { return m_constp; }
bool setBeforeUse() const { return m_setBeforeUse; }
bool everSet() const { return m_everSet; }
// Structure for all variables under a given meta-basic block
class LifeBlock final {
// Cleared each AstIf:
// AstVarScope::user1() -> int. Used in combining to detect duplicates
// For each basic block, we'll make a new map of what variables that if/else is changing
using LifeMap = std::unordered_map<AstVarScope*, LifeVarEntry>;
LifeMap m_map; // Current active lifetime map for current scope
LifeBlock* m_aboveLifep; // Upper life, or nullptr
LifeState* m_statep; // Current global state
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
LifeBlock(LifeBlock* aboveLifep, LifeState* statep) {
m_aboveLifep = aboveLifep; // Null if top
m_statep = statep;
~LifeBlock() = default;
void checkRemoveAssign(const LifeMap::iterator& it) {
AstVar* varp = it->first->varp();
LifeVarEntry* entp = &(it->second);
if (!varp->isSigPublic()) {
// Rather than track what sigs AstUCFunc/AstUCStmt may change,
// we just don't optimize any public sigs
// Check the var entry, and remove if appropriate
if (AstNode* oldassp = entp->assignp()) {
UINFO(7, " PREV: " << oldassp << endl);
// Redundant assignment, in same level block
// Don't delete it now as it will confuse iteration since it maybe WAY
// above our current iteration point.
if (debug() > 4) oldassp->dumpTree(cout, " REMOVE/SAMEBLK ");
VL_DO_DANGLING(m_statep->pushUnlinkDeletep(oldassp), oldassp);
void simpleAssign(AstVarScope* nodep, AstNodeAssign* assp) {
// Do we have a old assignment we can nuke?
UINFO(4, " ASSIGNof: " << nodep << endl);
UINFO(7, " new: " << assp << endl);
const auto it = m_map.find(nodep);
if (it != m_map.end()) {
} else {
m_map.emplace(nodep, LifeVarEntry(LifeVarEntry::SIMPLEASSIGN(), assp));
// lifeDump();
void complexAssign(AstVarScope* nodep) {
UINFO(4, " clearof: " << nodep << endl);
const auto it = m_map.find(nodep);
if (it != m_map.end()) {
} else {
m_map.emplace(nodep, LifeVarEntry(LifeVarEntry::COMPLEXASSIGN()));
void varUsageReplace(AstVarScope* nodep, AstVarRef* varrefp) {
// Variable rvalue. If it references a constant, we can simply replace it
const auto it = m_map.find(nodep);
if (it != m_map.end()) {
if (AstConst* constp = it->second.constNodep()) {
if (!varrefp->varp()->isSigPublic()) {
// Aha, variable is constant; substitute in.
// We'll later constant propagate
UINFO(4, " replaceconst: " << varrefp << endl);
VL_DO_DANGLING(varrefp->deleteTree(), varrefp);
return; // **DONE, no longer a var reference**
UINFO(4, " usage: " << nodep << endl);
} else {
m_map.emplace(nodep, LifeVarEntry(LifeVarEntry::CONSUMED()));
void complexAssignFind(AstVarScope* nodep) {
const auto it = m_map.find(nodep);
if (it != m_map.end()) {
UINFO(4, " casfind: " << it->first << endl);
} else {
m_map.emplace(nodep, LifeVarEntry(LifeVarEntry::COMPLEXASSIGN()));
void consumedFind(AstVarScope* nodep) {
const auto it = m_map.find(nodep);
if (it != m_map.end()) {
} else {
m_map.emplace(nodep, LifeVarEntry(LifeVarEntry::CONSUMED()));
void lifeToAbove() {
// Any varrefs under a if/else branch affect statements outside and after the if/else
if (!m_aboveLifep) v3fatalSrc("Pushing life when already at the top level");
for (LifeMap::iterator it = m_map.begin(); it != m_map.end(); ++it) {
AstVarScope* nodep = it->first;
if (it->second.everSet()) {
// Record there may be an assignment, so we don't constant propagate across the if.
} else {
// Record consumption, so we don't eliminate earlier assignments
void dualBranch(LifeBlock* life1p, LifeBlock* life2p) {
// Find any common sets on both branches of IF and propagate upwards
// life1p->lifeDump();
// life2p->lifeDump();
AstNode::user1ClearTree(); // user1p() used on entire tree
for (LifeMap::iterator it = life1p->m_map.begin(); it != life1p->m_map.end(); ++it) {
// When the if branch sets a var before it's used, mark that variable
if (it->second.setBeforeUse()) it->first->user1(1);
for (LifeMap::iterator it = life2p->m_map.begin(); it != life2p->m_map.end(); ++it) {
// When the else branch sets a var before it's used
AstVarScope* nodep = it->first;
if (it->second.setBeforeUse() && nodep->user1()) {
// Both branches set the var, we can remove the assignment before the IF.
UINFO(4, "DUALBRANCH " << nodep << endl);
const auto itab = m_map.find(nodep);
if (itab != m_map.end()) checkRemoveAssign(itab);
// this->lifeDump();
void lifeDump() {
UINFO(5, " LifeMap:" << endl);
for (LifeMap::iterator it = m_map.begin(); it != m_map.end(); ++it) {
UINFO(5, " Ent: " << (it->second.setBeforeUse() ? "[F] " : " ") << it->first
<< endl);
if (it->second.assignp()) { //
UINFO(5, " Ass: " << it->second.assignp() << endl);
// Life state, as a visitor of each AstNode
class LifeVisitor final : public AstNVisitor {
LifeState* m_statep; // Current state
bool m_sideEffect = false; // Side effects discovered in assign RHS
bool m_noopt = false; // Disable optimization of variables in this block
bool m_tracingCall = false; // Iterating into a CCall to a CFunc
// For each basic block, we'll make a new map of what variables that if/else is changing
using LifeMap = std::unordered_map<AstVarScope*, LifeVarEntry>;
// cppcheck-suppress memleak // cppcheck bug - it is deleted
LifeBlock* m_lifep; // Current active lifetime map for current scope
VL_DEBUG_FUNC; // Declare debug()
2009-01-21 21:56:50 +00:00
virtual void visit(AstVarRef* nodep) override {
// Consumption/generation of a variable,
// it's used so can't elim assignment before this use.
UASSERT_OBJ(nodep->varScopep(), nodep, "nullptr");
AstVarScope* vscp = nodep->varScopep();
UASSERT_OBJ(vscp, nodep, "Scope not assigned");
if (nodep->access().isWriteOrRW()) {
2019-07-06 00:09:56 +00:00
m_sideEffect = true; // $sscanf etc may have RHS vars that are lvalues
} else {
VL_DO_DANGLING(m_lifep->varUsageReplace(vscp, nodep), nodep);
virtual void visit(AstNodeAssign* nodep) override {
// Collect any used variables first, as lhs may also be on rhs
// Similar code in V3Dead
vluint64_t lastEdit = AstNode::editCountGbl(); // When it was last edited
m_sideEffect = false;
if (lastEdit != AstNode::editCountGbl()) {
// We changed something, try to constant propagate, but don't delete the
// assignment as we still need nodep to remain.
V3Const::constifyEdit(nodep->rhsp()); // rhsp may change
// Has to be direct assignment without any EXTRACTing.
if (VN_IS(nodep->lhsp(), VarRef) && !m_sideEffect && !m_noopt) {
AstVarScope* vscp = VN_CAST(nodep->lhsp(), VarRef)->varScopep();
UASSERT_OBJ(vscp, nodep, "Scope lost on variable");
m_lifep->simpleAssign(vscp, nodep);
} else {
virtual void visit(AstAssignDly* nodep) override {
// Don't treat as normal assign; V3Life doesn't understand time sense
//---- Track control flow changes
virtual void visit(AstNodeIf* nodep) override {
UINFO(4, " IF " << nodep << endl);
// Condition is part of PREVIOUS block
LifeBlock* prevLifep = m_lifep;
LifeBlock* ifLifep = new LifeBlock(prevLifep, m_statep);
LifeBlock* elseLifep = new LifeBlock(prevLifep, m_statep);
m_lifep = ifLifep;
m_lifep = elseLifep;
2019-10-25 01:48:45 +00:00
m_lifep = prevLifep;
UINFO(4, " join " << endl);
// Find sets on both flows
m_lifep->dualBranch(ifLifep, elseLifep);
// For the next assignments, clear any variables that were read or written in the block
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete ifLifep, ifLifep);
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete elseLifep, elseLifep);
virtual void visit(AstWhile* nodep) override {
// While's are a problem, as we don't allow loops in the graph. We
// may go around the cond/body multiple times. Thus a
// lifelication just in the body is ok, but we can't delete an
// assignment in the body that's used in the cond. (And otherwise
// would because it only appears used after-the-fact. So, we model
// it as a IF statement, and just don't allow elimination of
// variables across the body.
LifeBlock* prevLifep = m_lifep;
LifeBlock* condLifep = new LifeBlock(prevLifep, m_statep);
LifeBlock* bodyLifep = new LifeBlock(prevLifep, m_statep);
m_lifep = condLifep;
m_lifep = bodyLifep;
2019-10-25 02:19:46 +00:00
m_lifep = prevLifep;
UINFO(4, " joinfor" << endl);
// For the next assignments, clear any variables that were read or written in the block
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete condLifep, condLifep);
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete bodyLifep, bodyLifep);
virtual void visit(AstJumpBlock* nodep) override {
// As with While's we can't predict if a JumpGo will kill us or not
// It's worse though as an IF(..., JUMPGO) may change the control flow.
// Just don't optimize blocks with labels; they're rare - so far.
LifeBlock* prevLifep = m_lifep;
LifeBlock* bodyLifep = new LifeBlock(prevLifep, m_statep);
bool prev_noopt = m_noopt;
m_lifep = bodyLifep;
m_noopt = true;
m_lifep = prevLifep;
m_noopt = prev_noopt;
UINFO(4, " joinjump" << endl);
// For the next assignments, clear any variables that were read or written in the block
VL_DO_DANGLING(delete bodyLifep, bodyLifep);
2010-02-14 15:01:21 +00:00
virtual void visit(AstNodeCCall* nodep) override {
// UINFO(4, " CCALL " << nodep << endl);
// Enter the function and trace it
// else is non-inline or public function we optimize separately
if (!nodep->funcp()->entryPoint()) {
m_tracingCall = true;
virtual void visit(AstCFunc* nodep) override {
// UINFO(4, " CFUNC " << nodep << endl);
if (!m_tracingCall && !nodep->entryPoint()) return;
m_tracingCall = false;
if (nodep->dpiImport() && !nodep->pure()) {
m_sideEffect = true; // If appears on assign RHS, don't ever delete the assignment
virtual void visit(AstUCFunc* nodep) override {
m_sideEffect = true; // If appears on assign RHS, don't ever delete the assignment
virtual void visit(AstCMath* nodep) override {
m_sideEffect = true; // If appears on assign RHS, don't ever delete the assignment
virtual void visit(AstVar*) override {} // Don't want varrefs under it
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
LifeVisitor(AstNode* nodep, LifeState* statep) {
UINFO(4, " LifeVisitor on " << nodep << endl);
m_statep = statep;
m_lifep = new LifeBlock(nullptr, m_statep);
if (m_lifep) VL_DO_CLEAR(delete m_lifep, m_lifep = nullptr);
virtual ~LifeVisitor() override {
if (m_lifep) VL_DO_CLEAR(delete m_lifep, m_lifep = nullptr);
2015-10-04 02:33:06 +00:00
2020-01-09 00:33:47 +00:00
class LifeTopVisitor final : public AstNVisitor {
// Visit all top nodes searching for functions that are entry points we want to start
// finding code within.
LifeState* m_statep; // Current state
virtual void visit(AstCFunc* nodep) override {
if (nodep->entryPoint()) {
// Usage model 1: Simulate all C code, doing lifetime analysis
LifeVisitor visitor(nodep, m_statep);
virtual void visit(AstNodeProcedure* nodep) override {
// Usage model 2: Cleanup basic blocks
LifeVisitor visitor(nodep, m_statep);
virtual void visit(AstVar*) override {} // Accelerate
virtual void visit(AstNodeStmt*) override {} // Accelerate
virtual void visit(AstNodeMath*) override {} // Accelerate
virtual void visit(AstNode* nodep) override { iterateChildren(nodep); }
LifeTopVisitor(AstNetlist* nodep, LifeState* statep)
: m_statep{statep} {
virtual ~LifeTopVisitor() override = default;
// Life class functions
void V3Life::lifeAll(AstNetlist* nodep) {
UINFO(2, __FUNCTION__ << ": " << endl);
LifeState state;
LifeTopVisitor visitor(nodep, &state);
} // Destruct before checking
V3Global::dumpCheckGlobalTree("life", 0, v3Global.opt.dumpTreeLevel(__FILE__) >= 3);