\documentclass[border=5pt]{standalone} \usepackage{circuitikz} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (-2, 0) to[C=$C_u$]++ (0, -2) node[ground]{}; \draw (0, 0) to[C=$C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_1$]++ (0, -2) coordinate(end_1); \draw (2, 0) to[C=$2C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_2$]++ (0, -2); \draw (4, 0) to[C=$4C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_3$]++ (0, -2); \draw (6, 0) to[C=$8C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_4$]++ (0, -2); \draw (8, 0) to[C=$16C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_5$]++ (0, -2); \draw (10, 0) to[C=$32C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_6$]++ (0, -2); \draw (12, 0) to[C=$C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_7$]++ (0, -2); \draw (14, 0) to[C=$2C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_8$]++ (0, -2); \draw (16, 0) to[C=$4C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_9$]++ (0, -2); \draw (18, 0) to[C=$8C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_{10}$]++ (0, -2); \draw (20, 0) to[C=$16C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_{11}$]++ (0, -2); \draw (22, 0) to[C=$32C_u$]++ (0, -2) to[switch, l=$D_{12}$]++ (0, -2) coordinate(end_2); \draw (-2, 0) to (10, 0) to[C=$\frac{64}{63}C_u$]++ (2, 0) to (22, 0) to[short,-*]++ (1, 0) node[right]{$V_o$}; \draw (end_1) to (end_2) to[short, -*]++ (1, 0) node[right]{$V_{ref}$}; \end{circuitikz} \end{document}