param( [switch] $pull = $false, [switch] $interactive = $false, [switch] $silent = $false, [switch] $attach = $false, [switch] $download = $false ) $global:STACK_OPTIONS = [ordered]@{ 1 = 'analog-xk' 2 = 'analog-xm' 3 = 'analog-heavy' 4 = 'digital-ator' 5 = 'digital-icarus' 6 = 'digital-heavy' 7 = 'heavy' 8 = "chipathon-tools" } $global:SELECTED_STACK='chipathon-tools' $global:CONTAINER_NAME=$global:SELECTED_STACK $global:EXECMODE='desktop' $global:PDK="gf180mcuC" $global:DIRECTORY=Get-Location | Foreach-Object { $_.Path } $global:PARAMS = "" New-Alias Call Invoke-Expression function validate-environment() { Write-Host "Checking requirements and WSL updates" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Write-Host "" Call "wsl --install Ubuntu --no-launch" Call "wsl --update" Write-Host "" } function select-stack() { Write-Host "Please select an stack index:" $STACK_OPTIONS.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "[$($_.Key)] - $($_.Value)" -ForegroundColor Cyan } $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Container stack to initialize [1-$($STACK_OPTIONS.Count)]" if ($response) { $global:SELECTED_STACK = $STACK_OPTIONS[$response-1] } $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Container instance name [default=$global:CONTAINER_NAME]" if ($response) { $global:CONTAINER_NAME = $response } } function select-execmode() { Write-Host "Please select an execution mode index" Write-Host '[1] - desktop' -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host '[2] - web' -ForegroundColor Cyan $response = Read-Host "Execution mode [1-2] [default=$global:EXECMODE]" if ($response -eq '1') { $global:EXECMODE = 'desktop' } elseif ($response -eq '2') { $global:EXECMODE = 'web' } else { Write-Host "Using default mode ($global:EXECMODE)" } } function bind-to-directory() { $response = Read-Host "Do you want to bind the container home directory into a windows directory? [N/y]" if ($response -eq 'y') { $global:DIRECTORY = Read-Host "Write the windows directory destination , for example `"C:\Users\Username\Desktop\ExampleFolder`"`n" } } function set-aditional-parameters() { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to set additional arguments for the container instantiation? [N/y]" if ($response -eq 'y') { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Write the additional arguments, for example -v :." $global:PARAMS += " $response" } } function force-pull() { $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to pull latest image? [N/y] [default=N]" if ($response -eq 'y') { $global:PARAMS += " --pull always" } } function select-pdk() { Write-Host "Please select a pdk" Write-Host '[1] - gf180mcuC' -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host '[2] - sky130A' -ForegroundColor Cyan $response = Read-Host "Execution mode [1-2] [default=$global:PDK]" if ($response -eq '1') { $global:PDK = 'gf180mcuC' } elseif ($response -eq '2') { $global:PDK = 'sky130A' } else { Write-Host "Using default pdk ($global:PDK)" } } function attach-shell () { Call "docker exec -it $global:CONTAINER_NAME bash" } function path-conversion() { $directory, $other = $args $drive, $path = $directory.split(":") echo "/mnt/$($drive.tolower())$($path.replace("\","/"))" } function get-value-from-wsl () { $variable, $other = $args return "$(wsl -d Ubuntu bash -c "echo `$$variable")" } function set-common-parameters () { $global:IMAGE = "$SELECTED_STACK-$EXECMODE" if ($attach) { $global:PARAMS += "-it --rm" $global:COMMAND = "bash" } else { $global:PARAMS += "-d" $global:COMMAND = "" } if ($pull) { $global:PARAMS += " --pull always" } $global:PARAMS += " --name $global:CONTAINER_NAME" $global:PARAMS += " --security-opt seccomp=unconfined" # $global:PARAMS += " -p '8888:8888'" # $global:PARAMS += " -p '8082:8082'" $global:PARAMS += " -e PDK=$global:PDK" $global:PARAMS += " -e DISPLAY=$(get-value-from-wsl "DISPLAY")" $global:PARAMS += " -e WAYLAND_DISPLAY=$(get-value-from-wsl "WAYLAND_DISPLAY")" $global:PARAMS += " -e XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=$(get-value-from-wsl "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")" } function run-docker-wsl() { $global:DIRECTORY = path-conversion $global:DIRECTORY $global:PARAMS += " -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix" $global:PARAMS += " -v /mnt/wslg:/mnt/wsl" $global:PARAMS += " -v ${global:DIRECTORY}:/home/designer/shared " Call "wsl -d Ubuntu bash --noprofile --norc -ic `"docker run $global:PARAMS $global:IMAGE $global:COMMAND`"" if ($?) { Write-Host "Container created successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Enter the container with `"docker exec -it $global:CONTAINER_NAME bash`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray attach-shell } else { Write-Host "Container creation failed, see logs above" -ForegroundColor Red } } function run-docker-win() { $global:PARAMS += " -v '\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\mnt\wslg:/tmp'" $global:PARAMS += " -v ${global:DIRECTORY}:/home/designer/shared" #$global:PARAMS += " -v '\\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\mnt\wslg\runtime-dir'%XDG_RUNTIME_DIR%" Call "docker run $global:PARAMS $global:IMAGE $global:COMMAND" if ($?) { Write-Host "Container created successfully!" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Enter the container with `"docker exec -it $global:CONTAINER_NAME bash`"" -ForegroundColor DarkGray attach-shell } else { Write-Host "Container creation failed, see logs above" -ForegroundColor Red } } function download-run-bat () { if (!$download) { return } try { $response = Call "Invoke-WebRequest -URI" } catch { $StatusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ Write-Host "Error downloading file :( ($($StatusCode))" -ForegroundColor Red return } Write-Host "run.bat updated successfully" -ForegroundColor Green } function run(){ if ($silent) { Write-Host "[Silent Mode]" -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-Alias Call New-Alias Call Write-Host } Write-Host "OSIC-Stacks Container Creation" -ForegroundColor Green download-run-bat validate-environment if ($interactive) { select-stack select-execmode bind-to-directory set-aditional-parameters force-pull } set-common-parameters #run-docker-win run-docker-wsl } run