Change to LF endings

This commit is contained in:
Mario Romero 2023-09-13 07:52:33 -03:00
parent 1347cdb102
commit 86955df199
2 changed files with 44 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
# OSIC Stacks - osicstack-base-arch
# Base image for OSIC Stacks
FROM greyltc/archlinux-aur:paru
# Update packages
RUN pacman -Syuq --noconfirm
# Install packages
RUN aur-install sudo git python python-pip python-pipx xz gnu-free-fonts vim ngspice gedit
# Clean cache
RUN pacman -Scc
# Add main user
RUN useradd -m designer
RUN echo "designer ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/designer
# Install volare
USER designer
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/home/designer/.local/bin"
RUN pipx install volare
WORKDIR /home/designer
# PDK Environment variables
ENV PDK_ROOT /home/designer/.volare
ENV USER designer
# Add scripts
RUN mkdir -p .scripts
COPY --chown=designer:designer --chmod=755 scripts/klayout /home/designer/.scripts
ENV PATH="/home/designer/.scripts:${PATH}"
# Initialize the enviroment keeping container alive
# OSIC Stacks - osicstack-base-arch
# Base image for OSIC Stacks
FROM greyltc/archlinux-aur:paru
# Update packages
RUN pacman -Syuq --noconfirm
# Install packages
RUN aur-install sudo git python python-pip python-pipx xz gnu-free-fonts vim ngspice gedit jupyter-notebook
# Clean cache
RUN pacman -Scc
# Add main user
RUN useradd -m designer
RUN echo "designer ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/designer
# Install volare
USER designer
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/home/designer/.local/bin"
RUN pipx install volare
WORKDIR /home/designer
# PDK Environment variables
ENV PDK_ROOT /home/designer/.volare
ENV USER designer
# Add scripts
RUN mkdir -p .scripts
COPY --chown=designer:designer --chmod=755 scripts/klayout /home/designer/.scripts
ENV PATH="/home/designer/.scripts:${PATH}"
# Initialize the enviroment keeping container alive
CMD ["sleep", "infinity"]

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
if [[ $PDK = gf180mcu* ]]; then
if [[ ! -d $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/cells ]]; then
mv $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/* $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/cells | mkdir $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/cells
if [[ ! -f $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/gf180mcu.lym ]]; then
mv $KLAYOUT_HOME/tech/gf180mcu.lym $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros
/bin/klayout $@
if [[ $PDK = gf180mcu* ]]; then
if [[ ! -d $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/cells ]]; then
mv $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/* $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/cells | mkdir $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/cells
if [[ ! -f $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros/gf180mcu.lym ]]; then
mv $KLAYOUT_HOME/tech/gf180mcu.lym $KLAYOUT_HOME/pymacros
/bin/klayout $@