# IEEE UTFSM Student Branch Website This website uses [Lume](https://lume.land) as a static site generator. ## Dependencies - [Deno](https://deno.com/runtime) - [Lume](https://lume.land) - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) (Optional: for container deployment and dev enviroment) ## Development enviroment For development you can use [Docker Dev Environments](https://docs.docker.com/desktop/dev-environments/) following the next link. > [Open in Docker Dev Environments](https://open.docker.com/dashboard/dev-envs?url=https://git.1159.cl/Mario1159/1159cl) After opening the enviroment with an IDE, you can run the web server in the container with the integrated Deno runtime in the `/src` folder. ``` deno task serve ``` Then you can access the site in `localhost:`. ## Deploy Deploy the container using the the [latest image](Mario1159/1159cl) generated by the CI/CD action workflow. ``` docker pull git.1159.cl/mario1159/1159cl docker run -it git.1159.cl/mario1159/1159cl ```