Mario1159 4785dd29de
Some checks failed
Verilate / verilate (push) Failing after 51s
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2023-06-06 14:22:41 +00:00

39 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable File

`include "timescale.sv"
interface data_memory_if #(
parameter int ADDR_SIZE = 32,
parameter int DATA_SIZE = 32
) (
input logic clk,
input logic rst
logic [ADDR_SIZE-1:0] addr;
logic write_enable;
logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] write_data;
logic [DATA_SIZE-1:0] read_data;
logic hit;
logic ready;
modport datapath(input read_data, output addr, write_enable, write_data);
modport ram(input clk, rst, addr, write_enable, write_data, output read_data);
modport cache(input clk, rst, addr, write_enable, write_data, output read_data, hit);
modport test(input read_data, write_enable, write_data);
* Test assertion that should be used against test-core.s firmware.
* This function checks if the results in data memory are the expected.
* Must be called each clock cycle.
function static void check_fw_test_core_assertions();
if (write_enable) begin
if (addr == 'd100 && write_data == 'd25) begin
end else
assert (addr == 'd96)
else $error("Unexpected write address in test-core program");