Mario Romero 24a5622103
Some checks are pending
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is pending
Add 5 stage pipeline test and move timescale to include
2023-02-27 23:22:34 -03:00

31 lines
659 B

`include "timescale.sv"
package rv32i_defs;
// Sizes in bits
localparam int OperandSize = 32;
localparam int InstructionSize = 32;
localparam int NumRegisters = 32;
localparam int RegisterSize = $clog2(NumRegisters);
typedef enum logic [2:0] {
SUM = 'b000,
SUB = 'b001,
OR = 'b011,
AND = 'b010,
SLT = 'b101
} alu_opcode_t;
typedef enum logic [6:0] {
STALL = 'b0000000,
REG_OPERATION = 'b0110011,
IMM_OPERATION = 'b0010011,
LOAD = 'b0000011,
STORE = 'b0100011,
BRANCH = 'b1100011,
JAL = 'b1101111,
JALR = 'b1100111,
LUI = 'b0110111,
AUIPC = 'b0010111
} opcode_fmt_t;