Linter corrections

This commit is contained in:
Mario Romero 2023-02-01 13:20:37 -03:00
parent e826f9ff88
commit 98f15a4961
4 changed files with 37 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -10,21 +10,15 @@ module ALU #(
output logic [ 3:0] status
logic n, z, c, v;
logic opsign_comp, v_value;
always_comb begin
// Check if the signs of the operands are equal considering substraction sign simplification over the B operand
opsign_comp = (a[N-1] == (b[N-1] ^ opcode[0]));
// There is an overflow if the signs are equal and the result differ from the operation sign
// The overflow flag only gets assign when the operation is either a sum or a substraction
v_value = opsign_comp && (result != a[N-1]);
case (opcode)
'b000: begin // Addition
{c, result} = a + b;
v = v_value;
v = (result[N-1] & !a[N-1] & !b[N-1]) | (!result[N-1] & a[N-1] & b[N-1]);
'b001: begin // Substraction
{c, result} = a - b;
v = v_value;
v = (result[N-1] & !a[N-1] & !b[N-1]) | (!result[N-1] & a[N-1] & b[N-1]);
'b011: begin // Or
result = a | b;
@ -37,14 +31,14 @@ module ALU #(
v = 'b0;
'b101: begin // Set less than
result = a < b;
result = {31'd0, a < b};
c = 'b0;
v = 'b0;
default: begin
result = 'dx;
c = 'dx;
v = 'dx;
c = 1'bx;
v = 1'bx;
n = result[N-1];

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@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ module PriorityEncoder #(
output logic valid
always_comb begin
data_out = 'dx;
data_out = 3'dx;
for (int i = 0; i < 2 ** N; i++) begin
if (data_in[i]) data_out = i;
if (data_in[i]) data_out = i[N-1:0];
if (data_in == 0) valid = 0;
else valid = 1;

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@ -1,15 +1,25 @@
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Test_ALU();
logic[31:0] a, b;
logic[2:0] opcode;
logic[31:0] result;
logic[3:0] status;
ALU alu(a, b, opcode, result, status);
initial begin
a = 'd3;
b = 'd11;
opcode = 'd0;
module Test_ALU ();
logic [31:0] a, b;
logic [ 2:0] opcode;
logic [31:0] result;
logic [ 3:0] status;
ALU alu (
initial begin
a = 'd3;
b = 'd11;
opcode = 'd0;
assert(result != 'd14) $display("3 + 11 != 14");
assert(status != 'b0000) $display("status(3 + 11) != 0000");
$display("Test successful");

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@ -3,11 +3,16 @@
module Test_PriorityEncoder();
logic[7:0] data_in;
logic[2:0] data_out;
PriorityEncoder#(.N(3)) encoder(data_in, data_out);
logic valid;
PriorityEncoder#(.N(3)) encoder(
initial begin
data_in = 'b00000001;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) begin
assert (data_out == i + 1) else $error("[One-hot] Failed at " + i);
assert (data_out == i[2:0] + 1 || valid == 1) else $error("[One-hot] Failed at %d", i);
data_in = data_in << 'd1;
@ -17,5 +22,6 @@ module Test_PriorityEncoder();
data_in = 'b10101010;
assert (data_out == 'd7) else $error("[Manual entry] Failed at " + 7);